Day 5: Thoracic Spine<br>Sarah Bertucelli<br>Class 3349

Day 5: Thoracic Spine
Sarah Bertucelli
Class 3349

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Rachel J
1 person likes this.
forgot to mention the arm work - ahhh i loved it all! thanks again.  i can see me coming back to this class time and time again x
Carrie N
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Once again - felt it!  Thank you for the work through the spine.  Too much time at the desk not enough time paying attention to my spine.  Thank you!
Rachel What a gift to hear that you have enjoyed this class so much.  Thank you!! xo

Carrie so pleased to hear that this class helped you release after too much sitting.  Self care... yay! 

Robin S
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Thank you @sarah Betuccelli  I am really enjoying this challenge series .  It's very sublet and I am noticing changes in my body ~ an added bonus 
Robin S Thank you for playing.  So pleased you are enjoying the challenge.  Keep me posted!! hugs:) 
Renae K
1 person likes this.
Excellent Pilates class. thank you!!!
Thank you Renae K!
Allana KD
you're the best! great class!
For some reason this video keeps pausing. Not sure why. All the others are ok. 
21-30 of 30

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