Powerhouse Strength<br>Katie Yip<br>Class 4553

Powerhouse Strength
Katie Yip
Class 4553

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Nyamdorj N Thank you for taking class! I own two folding mats that are excellent - one from Pilates Designs and one from the Contrology Line from Balanced Body.
Ewa D Thank you for taking class! I have certainly learned a lot from KRN :)
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This was excellent! So rigorous! I am totally awake and ready for my day. I definitely could hear Kathy Ross Nash in the cueing  but the workout felt really unique and I look forward to others with Katie Yip.
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Thank you. Very much enjoyed the class. Still thinking of tree stumps. 
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Nathan P Tree stumps are the new Powerhouse!
Brigid P
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I am loving this series! The side lying hip lift was my nemesis! Is there anything else I can do to strengthen outer hip engagement? Wonderful classes.
Brigid P Thank you for taking the classes! For the side lying hip lift, continue working the 'clam shell' exercise as prescribed in the workout from week 1 and be mindful that the bottom leg is pressing down as much as the top leg. 
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Another great class! So challenging. Love the different moves and pace! 
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Really enjoying this playlist. Tough but can feel myself getting stronger
Sara M
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WOW. Loved this. Thank you! :)
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