Additional Arms<br>Monica Wilson<br>Class 462

Additional Arms
Monica Wilson
Class 462

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Loved using the weights as a prop. Great class!
Classic Pilates weightwork....great 10 min challenge! Thanks.
Did the STANDING ARM SERIES come from Joe Pilates himself? Is there any video footage or documentary proof that he used the hand weights as we know them to-day with his students?
Thank you.
Monica Wilson
That's a great question. I'm going to find an answer for you.
Wonderful class as always, Monica. A little bit extra for the arms. Vacation ready! Thank you!
Monica Wilson
Woohoo! Hope you had a great vacation!
Great class! It's a gem.
I really appreciated this great arm workout!!
It's not clear to novices what weights should be used and how to modify various movements. It's also not clear what should be engaged or focused on when she talks about "powerhouse"..because various instructors mean diff parts of the body, she should specify what she means.. I've heard various instructors say powerhouse is the entire body, others said the core muscles, others said chest and it would be helpful if this particular instructor would specify what exactly she wants her viewers to do and where in the body they should fee it..
Monica Wilson
Hello Pilates Tot:) Thank you for your feedback. Without getting too anatomically technical, the Powerhouse is about a 4-5 inch band of muscles around your waist similar to the area where a weight lifting belt would go. The PH muscles should initiate every movement you make. If you are doing an exercise focussing more on your legs, you will also incorporate the hips and bottom muscles. If you are doing exercises concentrating more on arms, as in this short video, you will extend the PH to incorporate the shoulder girdle muscles which are right below your chest and at the base of your shoulder blades. Therefore, sometimes the PH can refer to the area right below your chest all the way down to right below your bottom. An example of this is when you are called to balance with your heels lifted while performing arm exercises in this video. Hope that helps! And again, thank you for your feedback:)
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