Day 2: I am Centered<br>Kira Lamb<br>Class 4719

Day 2: I am Centered
Kira Lamb
Class 4719

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Hi Kira, you give, hands down, the BEST cues ever! I barely felt the time cause I was so concentrated on following your cues. Feel so good after your class - like my whole body is completely aligned.
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I feel most balanced and at peace when I move my body mindfully and take time to breathe.
Deborah B
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Kira, your cues are AMAZING.  As someone hypermobile, not only do they help me prevent injuries but I swear my pelvis and SI pops itself back into alignment. It makes me feel so empowered that I am actually able to do that on my own (aside from the amazing release of pain) :).
Deborah B OMG, that's so good to hear! I'm hyper-mobile too and it's a constant challenge to "connect" and stay connected. But once you  find it, it's so empowering, right? Thanks for sharing. 
Carla  Carla  Well, that just made my day! Thank you. 
Velma Davis-Wheeler
Thank you Kira for the  excellent class, Day 2  I am centered. I learned how to do the Boomerang with precision and grace.
I feel most balance and at peace after my morning prayers and meditation 
Rachel S
When I am snuggling with my son
I feel a blend of familiarity and progress
I am somewhere between the beginner and intermediate phases of Pilates. Kira's second class helped me to focus on the muscle groups that allow you to get into those rolling-back poses safely. Really important for those like me who may have spinal injury. I for one also appreciated the way this class reiterated poses from the last class; the repetition helped me to solidify my understanding of common sequences and not have to focus so much on cues or watching the video.
Melissa C
I feel most balanced and at peace when I connect with nature and can get the same feeling when I connect my body to breath through pilates. xo
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