Day 3: I am Open<br>Kira Lamb<br>Class 4720

Day 3: I am Open
Kira Lamb
Class 4720

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My past experience living in NYC taught me to trust my sense of imminent danger. More difficult is to recognize friends.
Lina S
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Past experiences have taught me that I can trust myself to listen to my inner voice and follow my own path. Thank you!
Erica Young
Past experiences have taught me that I can trust myself to...take chances! Another class full of wonderful transitions. xo
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Past experiences have taught me that I can....take chances; follow my heart; Just Do It!  Thank you, Kira.
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past experiences taught me that I have to be stronger and don't rely on the others. If I want to do something it has to be my decision and I have to follow my dream.
be resilient
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past experience has taught me I can work a little harder!!!!!
Lisa C
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Past experience has taught me that I can make good creative decisions 
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Past experiences have taught me that I can do a lot under any circumstances. I can rely on my decisions and on my gut feeling and I trust myself.
Donna H
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Past experiences have taught me my limitations and my potential are created only in my mind. The choice is always mine.
1-10 of 36

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