Correcting Thoracic Kyphosis<br>Sherri Betz<br>Tutorial 4963

Correcting Thoracic Kyphosis
Sherri Betz
Tutorial 4963

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Jen U
I love your videos because they hone in on specific issues.  Questions - You keep your hand on your client's leg during the leg lifts/lowers and circles.  I am assuming its a light touch.  Is this because the springs are heavy and assistance is needed or are you just guiding the movement.  Is the goal for her to be able to do it unassisted?  Next, the wrist position during swam was not neutral.  Do you feel that isn't necessary or are you working toward neutral.  I notice that its hard not to use the head neck to try to get more movement from the swan positions.  Great cueing!  Thanks for your video
Malini S
1 person likes this.
Very helpful! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Malini S
1 person likes this.
Very helpful! Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
Sherri Betz
Jen U Great observations...yes, working toward better wrist control (remember neutral wrist is not flat)  She has very weak legs and was new to the I keep my hands for assistance and then encourage her to be independent with control of the springs.
11-14 of 14

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