Calm & Centered Daily Dose 2<br>Sally Anderson<br>Class 5163

Calm & Centered Daily Dose 2
Sally Anderson
Class 5163

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Thank you 🙏 
Lina S
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Nice to include movement (starfish "rolling") with the calming breath. Thank you.
Sally Anderson
Lina S So glad you like the combination, thank you 😊 
Sally Anderson
Sharon C I'm so glad you enjoyed it, thank you 😊 
Julie Lloyd
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I love your classes Sally. Thank you! 
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Such a beautiful practice!! Thank you Sally and Andrew. Exactly what I needed!
Sally Anderson
Olya K Yay - thanks for doing it Olya 😊 Happy that it made you feel good and see you soon I hope.
Angela T
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wonderful calming and mindful class. Thank you!
@pilatesposttransplant - thank you for a lovely mini class of stretching and breathing. I'm hypermobile so it was lovely to learn about that Starfish roll and stretch. One thing I would say though is that the bit where you have your demonstrator lifting arms and head simultaneously doesn't really feel like a beginner move to me? Maybe my idea of beginner class work is even lower than this? Perhaps? I don't know - but for someone recovering from abdominal surgery that is also a move I would be careful with I think. Does that make sense to you? I'm only at the beginning of my instructor journey so I'm very interested in your thoughts on this. 
Sally Anderson
PilatesPostTransplant Thank you for your message and for taking this mini-class. It's perfect that you identify that exercise as not for every beginner and definitely not applicable for recovery from abdominal surgery. In a studio or client centre environment I would expect this would be identified through a screening process and not prescribed in a post surgery circumstance. As an open beginner class it can also be modified easily using an assist, for example a Theraband, so that the sequencing can be progressed. I'm really pleased you recognise what is appropriate and not appropriate for different needs. At the beginning of your instructor journey or anywhere along the way, this is excellent thinking! 👏 
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