Strengthening Upper Body<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5178

Strengthening Upper Body
Amy Havens
Class 5178

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Thank you Amy this class as always was Devine đź’—
Such a great class! I almost didn’t do it today because I didn’t want an upper body focus, but it is actually a well balanced class. I love the side leg work, mermaid variation, and spread eagle
Angela M Tamborello
Great class! I felt really stretched out afterwards!
Thank you Amy! Felt great tonight!
Renee S
Feeling lighter and longer for sure after this one, Amy. I really notice the benefit from the unilateral work, and loved progressing to the spread eagle. Many thanks, also for your open and authentic style, as always! More tower pleeease...
Amy, absolutely - what would we do without Pilates? And - what would we do without you guiding us through these wonderful patterns!!
Oh wow, this felt soooooo delicious. I was very busy packing and moving these last few weeks and was seriously missing my practice. So lovely to resume with you, Amy. Thanks A LOT :))
Simply wonderful!! 
Mark Hamilton
Great Class Amy. Like the side lying series with PTB and connection to shoulder. So different than on the mat. Best wishes and safe travels!
That was a wonderful class and your cues are spot on! As a teacher, can you tell me when we are teaching arm circles, and shave the head to the front why the springs are lower than the shoulders… I definitely felt the work and love it just wondering if there’s a reason why- as with standing I have been putting springs shoulder height. Thank you Amy!!!
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