Rolling to Stand Mat<br>Ilaria Cavagna<br>Class 5265

Rolling to Stand Mat
Ilaria Cavagna
Class 5265

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2 people like this.
Really enjoyed the progressions to make the roll to stand more achievable...  so hard for many but this has given me ideas to work on (for myself and my clients!). Love that is also adds some really functional sit-to-stand leg strength/balance into a classical mat sequence. Thank you Illaria 
Julia H Thank you Julia for your feedback! Happy that the class is useful! 🙏🏼
Josephine O
1 person likes this.
Love love this. A lot challenging but keep at it until perfect.  Thanks for this beautiful class
Josephine O You are very welcome Josephine! happy you like it 😉 Let me know how it goes as you repeat the class!
2 people like this.
Wow those stands are tough.  Not sure at this stage (in life and with no knee cartilage) I'll ever be able to do them again but will always try and modify with the help of arms and hands.  Great class.
1 person likes this.
Enjoyed this, would have enjoyed it more at a slower pace though
Adam M
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That was hard! But a good reminder of what I need to work and improve.
1 person likes this.
thank you so much Ilaria. This was a wonderful class,sadly highlighting the very real differences in my knee strength and function! Looking forward to practicing all week and hopefully finding more symmetry. Thank  you again 
1 person likes this.
Ilaria, I loved this class! So challenging and different! You make it look so easy, and your flexibility is astounding!! Thank u!
Don S Thank you Don for taking the class and for your feedback! The first progressions are more accessible. And using the arms together with the core is a perfect choice! Keep me posted! 
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