Bottom's Up<br>Misty Lynne Cauthen<br>Class 5294

Bottom's Up
Misty Lynne Cauthen
Class 5294

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Jennifer E
Great class to start my day! Thank you!
Jennifer E Thank you for watching!
Lina S
1 person likes this.
Beautifully explained. I've enjoyed the prone exercises. Great visual cues too (hook image in particular). Thank you!
Dr. Marsha M
Great day opener for whole body.
Much inspiration from your teaching style  for my active aging clients ... Thank you !!
Thank you for this class Misty, coming back to such important basics which are not basic at all. Love your teaching.
Thank you for this class Misty, coming back to such important basics which are not basic at all. Love your teaching.
Thank you for this class Misty, coming back to such important basics which are not basic at all. Love your teaching.
Colette C
Great class! Your cues are very clear and concise ! I can’t wait to teach some of this! Thank you
Colette C
Great class! Your cues are very clear and concise ! I can’t wait to teach some of this! Thank you
1-10 of 15

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