Joyful Tower<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5324

Joyful Tower
Amy Havens
Class 5324

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Kristina C
This was just the joy that my spine and shoulders needed today! Thank you Amy!
Ruth B
Great class as usual. Your cueing as to what to feel really helps.
absolutely wonderful and beautifully cued and paced
Felt amazingly lengthened, thank you Amy!
Just what my poor body needed today.  Always a treat, Amy.  Thank you.
Alessia P
Thank you Amy, great class, love your cueing!
Amy, my body so appreciated this tower class after a long bike ride.  Hope to see more work with the Tower, soon!
Shoulder movements were fabulous also articulation of my spine feels amazing! Thank you Amy!
Shoulder movements were fabulous also articulation of my spine feels amazing! Thank you Amy!
Shoulder movements were fabulous also articulation of my spine feels amazing! Thank you Amy!
11-20 of 42

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