Quick Full-Body Reformer<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 5333

Quick Full-Body Reformer
Meredith Rogers
Class 5333

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1 person likes this.
Always love your classes and energy Meredith! Love the color cues too!
Jennifer H thank you so much!
Dawne T
1 person likes this.
My first class on this app, and it did not disappoint. I feel so much more open and calm - and quite aware this needs to be a regular practice. Thank you.
Pepa G. Molina
Thank you, Meredith. I love your classes! When I don't have enough time, but I still want to practice Pilates, this is the best way to start the day! I'm so grateful Meredith!
Dawne T welcome the Pilates Anytime
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