BASI Flow with Friends<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 5337

BASI Flow with Friends
Meredith Rogers
Class 5337

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Gemma T
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Thank you so much Meredith for (another) wonderful class! 
Thank you all so much for your supportive feedback.  It brought a great big smile to my face.  It was so great to have friends in the studio again.
Mim S
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a perfect, mindful, beautiful class and so full of gratitude to practice with people in the same room! Thanks a lot
Cate Rose
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What a gorgeous class , meditative with flowing movements and no props. I feel amazing! Thank you 🙏
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Grateful for you Meredith!! What a feel good class, thanks so much 💛
Mim S so happy to have company again!
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The best way to start my Saturday! Another fabulous class from Meredith. Thank you!!
Zofia R thank YOU!
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another great class with Meredith - what is your strategy for choreographing? warm up bridge spine twist roll up ab series spine stretch forward side leg series back extension? Do you always most of the time follow this and add bits? thanks I feel good 
Elizabeth D great observational skills as to my habitual choices.  In general, I try to keep in mind the whole body.  Always starting with a warm up, then some general hip extension and abdominal work. Sitting stretches are always a must and then lateral work and back extension.  As long as I am sure to include all these pieces then I am confident that I have designed a comprehensive, full body workout.
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