Awareness<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 5358

Karen Sanzo
Class 5358

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Thank you Karen I’m always learning. Love the way you explain the positions/movements It feels so good so relaxed.
1 person likes this.
Thank you Karen I’m always learning. Love the way you explain the positions/movements It feels so good so relaxed.
1 person likes this.
Thank you Karen I’m always learning. Love the way you explain the positions/movements It feels so good so relaxed.
Karen Sanzo
Ilja Thank you for you comment and kind words.  I absolutely love finding the ideal words for each person I work with.
lovely class - simple but deep and satisfying!
lovely class - simple but deep and satisfying!
Sue S
Karen Sanzo Thank you, this was just what I needed today. I pulled something around my lower ribs a few days ago (not pilates related) and didn't know whether to try a class or not. Even sleeping is painful! How pleased I am I found this wonderfully gentle class to get my body moving without aggravating whatever I have done to myself. It is a lovely gentle class for those days you just feel a bit delicate but want, and indeed desperately need, to move.
Rhiannon M
Thanks Karen. I moved rural and have put on a fair bit of weight. It's been abut 2 years since doing Pilates due to accessibility of where I live and this class really helped me reconnect with my body. 
I love anything Karen has to offer.  I always learn.  Thank you, Karen!
I have gotten away from my Pilates practice and this series of classes are the perfect way to reconnect with my body and restart my practice. Thank you!
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