Concentration and Control<br>Karen Sanzo<br>Class 5360

Concentration and Control
Karen Sanzo
Class 5360

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1 person likes this.
Karen, you are a gem.  I'm so thankful you are on Pilates Anytime!  
Loving this series! Thank you! 
Lina S
Excellent cueing and explanations. Revisiting the basics helps mastering them.
👏👏👏👏Another amazing class from Karen Thank you so much! The difference really is in the cues Your cues are so good! So important! Makes all the difference to how accessible these movements can be for anyone. I’m lapping it up! Totally enjoyed this session🙏
👏👏👏👏Another amazing class from Karen Thank you so much! The difference really is in the cues Your cues are so good! So important! Makes all the difference to how accessible these movements can be for anyone. I’m lapping it up! Totally enjoyed this session🙏
SUPER! You are the best!
Jen U
Excellent cueing and connection.  Always good to go back to basics.  I like your approach to building the exercise up.  I do this often in my classes because it helps all levels to feel successful!  Thank you!
Sue S
I enjoyed it, thank you!
I always enjoy your classes so much. Your cueing is exceptional. Thanks a lot Karen :))
Excellent class
1-10 of 12

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