Youthful Spine<br>Tom McCook<br>Class 5387

Youthful Spine
Tom McCook
Class 5387

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Sue S
Thank you for another amazing class, I loved it and my back thanks you. I will be returning to this one for sure.
Amy S
1 person likes this.
What I enjoy about Tom’s classes is his seamless mix of modalities from Egoscue to Franklin Method to Eldoa , from Yoga to Pilates ; he has something for every body!❤️
Sue S & Amy S, Thank you both!! Enjoy and be well!❤️👊🙏
Maria P
The most comprehensive yet simple module for spine health on PA-should be thought to everyone. Thank you Tom!
Lynn C
Thank you so much Tom for this wonderful class. It is especially helpful and educational for people like me who have challenges like Spondyloarthritis. This morning I was extremely stiff and already my body feels a sense of openness and release. Very grateful for this program 🙏🏻
Lynn C
Thank you so much Tom for this wonderful class. It is especially helpful and educational for people like me who have challenges like Spondyloarthritis. This morning I was extremely stiff and already my body feels a sense of openness and release. Very grateful for this program 🙏🏻
Lynn C , Your feedback is a wonderful example that mindful movement is medicine! Thank you for sharing your experience and all the best to you!!🤗🙏
Thank you for an another amazing class. I suffer from spinal stenosis and spondylothesis and I feel amazing after doing this class ❤️
Thank you for an another amazing class. I suffer from spinal stenosis and spondylothesis and I feel amazing after doing this class ❤️
Thank you for an another amazing class. I suffer from spinal stenosis and spondylothesis and I feel amazing after doing this class ❤️
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