Level Up Reformer<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 5499

Level Up Reformer
Courtney Miller
Class 5499

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Love as always. I have to say I prefer classes that incorporate the progressions/challenges into the class itself. For example side bends needed about three more variations! Haha, because I’ve been taking from you for long I can handle that :) With that said I still love this series and appreciate the intention.
Gabriela N
Great one! as usual :) 
Ellie T
1 person likes this.
Love that is wasnt complecated movements! Simple and effective
Marie R
You lead the class at a very good pace!!! Feel the flow! Many thanks. 
Fabulous, as always! Love the flow of this. Efficient and really gets the work done. Thanks, Courtney! 
Dakota  C
fave teacher! loveeeee all your classes!!
Such a satisfying workout! I hope there is more than just one class left in this series! Maybe a few “challenge” classes?! Thanks!
Mor S
Wow! always so clever Courtney, the flow, the connections between the exercises, so much sense and logic and never compromising the classical repertoire. Applause. 
Alison H
Absolutely LOVED this class! The arm series was so fun, thankyou!
Really liked the variety of movements. Thanks
1-10 of 18

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