Intro to the Franklin Method<br>Eric Franklin<br>Class 5535

Intro to the Franklin Method
Eric Franklin
Class 5535

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1 person likes this.
Absolutely great! I felt the difference and will implement it more in my daily life and in my work as a Pilates teacher. Would love to do more Franklin classes here on Pilates anytime! 
Thank you so much for this class. It's so great that you're now teaching at PA, too. I'm really looking forward to the next modules of level 3. Greetings from Gemany, Carmen
Jennifer E
So fascinating! Loved this and excited to learn more! 
Susanne S
Thank you, loved it. I practice tapping daily, and love this integrated psychological work and awareness practice. 
Cheryl Z
Thank you , I bought the book on this but doing is better 🙂
Lina S
@Cheryl Z. Can you tell us the title of the book? I might be interested to read it too! Thank you in advance.
Lina S
1 person likes this.
Fascinating! I already use imagery, but knowing the rationale behind it makes me want to deepen the topic. I hope we'll see more classes like this one in PA.
This was brilliant ! Enjoyed and truly felt a difference. Thank you Eric !
Absolutely love it! It is such an easy and wonderful way to improve movement experience and ones overall feeling. Thank you!
Nancy F
1-10 of 12

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