Buns n' Guns on the Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5549

Buns n' Guns on the Mat
Amy Havens
Class 5549

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Marissa Lina S Norita I appreciate you all taking the time to leave a comment here, thank you for taking class with me!!
Hi Amy, I just didn’t have the energy for a run this morning but still wanted to keep my strength up. This class was perfect and also gave me a nice endorphin hit too.
Thank you Amy! Always fun!
Nice 👍🇩🇰❤️
love your classes Amy, inventive, challenging , great flow and thoughtful. thank you 
Wonderful!!! You are such a burst of positive energy, Amy! I think this is what carries us through the most grueling exercises with ease and precision ❤️ thank you
Cheryl L
Great class Amy - definitely felt it! Thank you!
Thank you, Amy! What a gem!!!
Emma C
just what I need to challenge my body in a different way , thank you. I'll incorporate some of that into my mat class when i next teach. 
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