Gratitude In Motion Reformer<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5550

Gratitude In Motion Reformer
Amy Havens
Class 5550

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Claudia K
Loved this class
Wonderful…I love your spirit
Jenny J
This is amazing. Love it especially after a long day teaching every teacher needs this stretch ❤️
Another Amy magical moment. The voice, the pace, the ribcage, shoulders and hip openings, everything felt delicious. Thanks a lot Amy :)))
Amazing! How did you know that I needed that? 😂 Thank you.
Michele C
Exactly what I needed today! I often workout thinking about my clients needs.....this one was just for me.  Thank you Amy !
Libby K
Sublime!  Thank you Magical Amy.
Beautiful Class, Amy. I feel grounded and centered. Bless you:)
Carla R
So very magical, just what my mind and heart needed, most grateful
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