Full-Body Tower<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 691

Full-Body Tower
Amy Havens
Class 691

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1 person likes this.
Loved the side lying series! Thank you for always introducing something new :)
Wow watched it all the way through and now can’t wait to try it out...just have to get my tower unit mounted and I’m good to go!
@ 3 minutes & some seconds the class stops playing :(
Before I knew it, class was over. That was great! I love the shoulder girdle work. I actually want to try this work out several times in one week to really connect and help with my own shoulder stabilization. Thanks.
Paola Maruca
1 person likes this.
Another great class by Amy...loved the side series....Amy never disappoints...she always brings something new to what she does and we all love.....never get tired of her classes and as usual, there is no need to look at the monitor while she teaches...her cues are crystal clear and I love the fact that she always 'gives a little extra' ...for example when she mentions at the functionality of exercises or recruitment of specific muscles...I never ever get tired of learning and Amy is a great teacher....thanks Amy!!!!
Thank you Karen!!
Susan.....so glad you liked the shoulder girdle work! Let me know how you feel after doing some of this a few times in one week. I'm sure you'll have more mobility....which can then lead to more stability and empowerment!
Paola, you're the best....I just love your feedback! You're honest and kind and really say what you feel..... which really helps us teachers stay 'on task' and focussed! So... thank YOU too!
I love Amy's classes. Great technique, attention to detail and cueing. More please!
Claire.....THANK YOU!!
Love your version of mermaid on this Amy!
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