BOSU® Mat Challenge<br>Erika Quest<br>Class 778

BOSU® Mat Challenge
Erika Quest
Class 778

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Faye P

Boso mat work
Have not seen yet, but since I am trying go get to a better place in iLife and knowing I am trying to find a better way than prescription meds ( although both my Dr.s and I do not if that is possible)! I do believe you can take a great amount of your life back if you ate really serious ! So this is the 1st step to a long and hopefully journey to a better life (even if I find I have meet somewhere in the middle)( that will be a big leap of faith!
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Oh yummy as usual, Erika! Thank you so much for such a great top to bottom work out! And, it was only 30 minutes! :v)
Erika Quest
Hi Shi!!!! So great to see you at Pilates on Tour Chicago and thanks for watching! xo
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Fantastic Class ! I have done it twice now and really love full body work with the extra core. Thanks
Erika Quest
Thanks Jules! One of my very first classes I filmed at PA! I love this one too and still use these exercises and sequences regularly in my studio. All the best!
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I love this class Erika; I just bought myself a Bosu and it's so fantastic to be able to workout with you, my whole body feels alive :)
Erika Quest
Oh that's so awesome, Rebecca! Congrats on your purchase. I just love the BOSU and use it a lot in my own personal Pilates practice as well as with clients. Enjoy!
Trish K
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love the routine and great instructions
Erika Quest
Thank you, Trish! One of my first PA videos and I love that it's still getting watched and giving some ideas! Much love, Erika
My tummy hurts when I lay over the dome, do you think it's over inflated?
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