Reformer with a Belt<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 888

Reformer with a Belt
Amy Havens
Class 888

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Good idea! Thank you for your support, encouragement and positive feedbacks for our site!!
Great class thanks! I used my yoga strap and it worked great - thanks! I will start using it more for opposition. This was a great class to start my Saturday.
Amy your class by far was the easiest to keep up with and understand. Thank you! I have chronic pain, over weight very short lady new to reformer but loving it!!
Hi Shannon and Jennifer.....thanks for taking class with me. Yes, the yoga strap is perfect, glad it worked for you! keep it up girl! Thank you for your feedback on this class and I'm so glad it worked for you! Reformer work is so healthy and supportive!
Great class. I really enjoy your style for teaching. You explained well!!!!
Thank you so much Fawn! Glad you enjoyed class....and my teaching! Means a lot when people take the time to comment, so--thank you!! :)
Thanks Amy,it was as if this class was designed for what my body needs right now! Loved it. THANK YOU!
Thank you so much Viv! ;)
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Thank you, Amy! I took reformer classes in Cincinnati for 6 years. Due to a combination of finances, a knee problem and plantar fasciitis, I haven't done any pilates or cardio for about a year and half. After seeing a Facebook ad for Pilates anytime, I decided to warm up my Allegro reformer with your class......and it was wonderful! It was the perfect reintroduction to my favorite workout! I loved the fact that nearly all the exercises were completely different and new to me, yet very easy to understand and perform....not easy exercises, but well cued and effective! I have missed my reformer classes so much but now I can have them in my own home and have great instruction as well. Thanks again! ~ Sue
Thank you Sue! I really appreciate you taking the time to share your situation with us. I'm so happy to hear that you got back on your Reformer and that you took a class of mine to get reintroduced.....and that the material felt at home in your body. Pilates is a practice and Pilates Anytime is an incredible tool to be utilized. Have fun with the site and never hesitate to ask us questions. Welcome!!
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