Fire Up your Powerhouse<br>Niedra Gabriel<br>Class 968

Fire Up your Powerhouse
Niedra Gabriel
Class 968

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Hello Niedra
What's the difference between leaning or not leaning to the chair when you doing the standing roll down behind ? Monica Italia
1 person likes this.
Lovely form as always. Love the Gratz chair!
Delicious class--beautiful! Thank you:)
Lovely, feel-good class!
Niedra Gabriel
Hello lovely ladies, I am just now reading all your posts - many thanks for your comments.
Monica - I know you cannot lean into the chair with some types and then simply standing and pressing down is fine.
The further forward your weight, the more pressure and demands on your Powerhouse - hence, the leaning forward. Try doing roll down against the wall and place heels, knees and hips up against the wall before rolling down and you will probably fall down instead of rolling due to tight legs and stiff back and weak stomach! The lean in is emulating this position with support so you can work on increasing your range as well as strengthening your power house. Hope this makes sense?
What I was able to watch was wonderful. Many of the videos stop and start and then I get a message the video is currently unavailable. I've used all the suggestions but am still experiencing problems.
Valerie ~ I have just sent you an email and will work with you directly to fix the video playback issue.
Thank You Niedra :)
Beautiful as always, wonderful flow and spot on cueing.
Nedra~ I love your classes! Your knowledge of classical Pilates with a combination of such positive energy makes me keep returning to watch your classes. Where can I purchase an original Wunda chair?
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