Connection and Control<br>Ed Botha<br>Class 2048

Connection and Control
Ed Botha
Class 2048

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Hi Mia.
Generally when doing extension I use an inhale.
The arm choreography would all happen on exhales. So inhale to lift spine, and then exhale to lift arms. I hope that makes sense?
I have just done this class for the first time. The slow and deliberate pace is great; it focuses attention on small details. I'm on holidays and its wonderful to get in touch again. I'm trying to avoid that first class struggle after 7 weeks away.
I took my first PA class with you, Ed, nearly three years ago. It is really nice to revisit your methodology with this class. I really liked the arm lifts during back extension. The strength of the powerhouse needed for that small movement is profound. Thanks!
muy buen prof!
Fab class, loved it! It proves the point that Pilates at any level is hard work! Felt it & loved it! Thanks!
Loved it!! Great class! Thank you!!
Thank you! This brought me back to what is important as a student and a teacher and it felt great! Amazing class.
Love your classes, Ed ! Especially the slow and deliberate pace of this one. You're amazing !
this class was incredible! i was dripping with sweat at the super deep workout. i loved the pace, the cues and the way all the work flowed. thank you, ed
1 person likes this.
Finally someone to make sense of spine stretch forward and the Saw!
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