Reformer on the Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 191

Reformer on the Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 191

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You're such a fabulous instructor, Meredith! You're cueing is spot on and you always inspire my own practice and teaching. I just LOVE your classes!
Thank YOU Shelly!!! This is an oldie :)
Leah K
1 person likes this.
What a great way to breakdown and practice the rowing series! Thank you.
Thanks for digging deep for this one Leah and for sharing your feedback!!
1 person likes this.
This was a great experience for the one like me who does not have a reformer at home and never experienced one before...thank you a lot Meredith...
Thank you Cigdem for sharing your feedback. This was one of my very first classes!
It makes me want to make another reformer on the mat soon. xx
oooo, this was sweaty good, I loved this one. Thank you!
Lisette-Anne thanks for digging through the archives for this one. 
It makes me so delighted to see the older classes are still put to good use.
Meredith Rogers I slowly go through all your classes of which I have the equipment for. Just type in your name and see what comes up. I sometimes wander of to another teacher but somehow I always circle back to you. I just love and appreciate your method of teaching.
Lisette-Anne that makes me feel very happy and flattered. Thank you so much!!
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