Heart Pumping Mat<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 1167

Heart Pumping Mat
Amy Havens
Class 1167

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This is AWESOME! Just what I needed to "spice up" my mat class. Thank you, Amy!
Thank you so much Sue!! :)
This workout is fantastic! Felt great on my own body & can't wait to incorporate some of these variations into my mat classes. Thanks Amy!
Andrea...thank you so much for commenting and so glad you liked the class! Let me know how your students like some of the variations!! ;)
Great class with super ideas! Thanks Amy!
Thank you so much Lisa! :) What in particular did you enjoy---curious!
I love this class Amy! Usually I prefer longer workouts, but the intensity and pace of this one is so perfect for when I only have about thirty minutes to squeeze in a class. I especially liked the rowing exercises from the reformer and the side plank leg lifts, they really challenged my balance and core strength! And your cue about lengthening out through the head instead of sticking the ribs out to balance in the open leg rocker really helped me get to a new place in that exercise (I'm sure you've said it many times before, but it really clicked for me on this one for some reason). Thanks for another great class!
Haille! Thank you sweet girl for this awesome post, it means a lot! I miss having your bright face in class. I really appreciate all this feedback and will take to heart for future classes! :) Hope you're well.......see you in no time!
Thanks for a another great class Amy. I like adding the weights now and then to amp up the challenge, along with the accelerated pace. Perfect combo.
Deborah....thank you for your feedback, it is much appreciated! I too like adding weights from time to time....great way to get a little extra 'bang for the buck' or to add more options into a shorter class.
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