Stabilizing the Pelvis<br>Kathryn Ross-Nash<br>Class 1537

Stabilizing the Pelvis
Kathryn Ross-Nash
Class 1537

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I'm always amazed at how much teaching & knowledge Ms. Ross-Nash can pack into such a short time frame. I've watched her 10 minute Cadillac push-through series & 15-minute Beginner Reformer; now I feel like Jack Nicholson's Charlie Partanna talking to his godfather: "Padrino, you never saw anything like this here."

Not sure which was more amazing, the reference of the earlier classic exercises in the later variations (!) or the fact that she could teach - I mean really teach (alignment! placement! box always square!) - and do that unbelievable workout at the same time.

Inspirational and amazing. Thank you so much
What a fabulous comment Margaret! I agree!
1 person likes this.
This was amazing! Thsnk you so much!
1 person likes this.
Awesome! I enjoyed every single exercise and variation!
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I loved this! Being from a more contemporary background I can absolutely get behind this! I happened to LOVE the pace and challenge! Thanks for the great class!
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Im not even sure what to say. You have crazy energy. Great flow and exercises but was a little fast which made it hard to keep up. Will do again.
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I cant wait to practice this very challenging workout! but i have to confess, my head was singing..."she's a maniac, maniac"... ;)
PS. LOVE your energy
Neetu White
You are an amazing powerhouse Kathryn Ross-Nash ! Thanks for sharing an inspiring reformer
1 person likes this.
You are simply the greatest!😱
Thank you all!!!!! I am so honored by your comments!
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