Spine Lengthening Tower<br>Amy Havens<br>Class 5541

Spine Lengthening Tower
Amy Havens
Class 5541

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Loved that class - my spine feels so long especially laterally- another inspiring and brilliant class - thank you so much Amy
Loved this tower sequence.  My body feels amazing as well.  Thank you.
Just done this for the second time, love it. Hoping you do another one soon.
Absolutely what I needed today, thank you Amy!

Jen B
Wonderful class and cues. Thank you for reminding me how good my body can feel. Xo
Fantastic , love the Side bend with roll down bar , also side body twist , my spine needed it 🙏🏻always great always 🙏🏻 Ta 🌸
Really loved the deep rotation in these exercises. Thank you so much!
Jennifer S
Wow - So good! Favorited! Thanks for a wonderful class!
super session - spine feels delicious after that thank you
11-20 of 27

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