Total Body Fitness Ball Mat<br>Meredith Rogers<br>Class 1751

Total Body Fitness Ball Mat
Meredith Rogers
Class 1751

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What a wonderful birthday present for your friend. Nice to know that everyone has balance issues once in a while. Thanks so much for doing a ball class. With all of the Pilates equipment out there, it is satisfying to go back to just the mat/the mat & the ball/ the mat & the circle. Thanks again.
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Hi Meredith! I use my Roku to do Pilates Anytime, so I'm making a special effort to let you know how appreciative I am of this class!!!!! About 2 1/2 yrs ago, my left leg was amputated above the knee (hit by a car while on my bicycle). Amazingly, I am able to do more of the exercises in this class than any other I've done. And I love how challenging it is!!! I'd love to hear any suggestions you might offer to modify those exercises that are done on your knee. No problem on right knee, but can NOT do it on the knee of steel.
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Such a great class, thank you! I was struggling with the exercises on belly on ball, pressing heels back and up. Would you mind explaining the correct muscle recruitment & objectives for those moves. I was wobbling all over the place, and wasn't getting it in my body. Such a challenging class, will have to work my way up to front support on the ball... couldn't stabilize on one leg. Love it, love all of your classes!
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As usual, terrific cuing and very creative use of the ball. I just loved some of the variations that I had never encountered before.
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Very creative take on the classical work! I teach a mat with props class so new ideas are always appreciated. Thank you for a great class!
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Just did this class for the fifth time. I love it and the way my balance gets better each time. Thanks Meredith, you are an inspiration!
WOW! WOW! WOW! Again, I have been away from the computer for way too long. Thank you all for your amazing and beautiful feedback and for taking class with me. I appreciate hearing from you so much!
Hi Susan,

I am so happy that you were able to do so much of this class!
Simply modify the kneeling work by lying on your side on the mat. It will change the exercise significantly but you will still get great lateral work. :)
In the prone work on the ball, make sure you are balancing on your pelvis, not your belly and that your weight is firmly balanced on your elbows. Those movements are meant to target the hamstrings and the glutes. Hope that helps. :)
3 people like this.
Thanks Meredith! I just finished taking this class for the 5th or 6th time. I don't know if I'll ever do another one. Your cues are phenomenal!!! You've also got a wonderful voice.
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