Restorative 20-Minute Flow<br>Leah Stewart<br>Class 5529

Restorative 20-Minute Flow
Leah Stewart
Class 5529

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Loved this! My cup is full
Firstly I am so glad to see you back at Pilates any time and I hope this movement and this class has also brought you some calm and peace. I took this class first thing in the morning after a hard reformer class yesterday and with a tight knee and I feel more open and relaxed after so thank you!
Fern K
Thank you, Leah! This class is so gentle and accepting of whatever comes, it left me feeling really happy and relaxed. I especially liked checking in at the end and knowing that movement can bring many different results.
Diane L
I enjoyed this workout very much, Leah. It was just what I needed. I expect to do it and again just to get myself moving. I’m so glad to see you back at Pilates Anytime! You have been missed!
Mim A
I’m living with Long Covid and this class is perfect. 
So I did this after a mat class this morning. I was feeling tight in the lower back and right hip. Afterwards, the pain and tightness was gone! I put this in my favorites, I know I will use it often. Thank you Leah!
Oh Leah, this class was just what my mind and body needed.  THANK YOU!  This class will be added to my faves and look forward to repeating many times.
Anna L
Thank you for this wonderfully creative class, Leah! It felt so great in my body today!
Corinne B
Wow, that was just what I needed!
Thank you so much. Exactly what I need after a lumbago. 
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