Mat with a Ball<br>Brett Howard<br>Class 5493

Mat with a Ball
Brett Howard
Class 5493

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Fun class, Brett! Love any class using the overball. Look forward to more from you soon!
Brett  has one class with weights  on the site Mich.   #1035   20 min
Lina S
Very good class! Nice variations of traditional Pilates exercises. I have two questions: Does placing the ball between the ankles make the neck pull exercise somewhat easier? Is there a particular reason (stretching? greater stabilization required?) why the seated side bend is done with one leg bent and one leg extended? Thank you in advance for your answer.
Love his teaching style. Great challenging class
Excellent class, thank you!
Fantastico grazie
Fantastic! But not for beginners…..
Perfect thank you Brett, always love the clarity of your classes.   
Awesome class! I loved the way this challenged my stability.
Thanks so much for the lovely class - your gentle and precise cueing was brilliant.  Loved it!!
11-20 of 22

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