Genevieve S

I am a fully trained Stotts Pilates Instructor and studio owner of The Body Pilates in Chatswood, Sydney, Australia. I started my career as a professional ballet dancer and after a break of 20 years trained to be a Pilates instructor while living in Singapore. I love the mindfulness of Pilates and how I can apply the principles to all other movement modalities. I particularly love to see how clients become more embodied the more Pilates they do.



Member Since: April 12, 2014
Videos Viewed: 377 (0 past week, 0 past month)
Comments Posted: 9

About me

I'm: a Woman
Where I Live: Sydney, Australia
Language(s) I Speak: English
Other Exercise I Enjoy: Yoga, Barre Workouts, Ballet, Stretching

My Pilates Practice

Years of Pilates Experience: 13
Practice Frequency: Daily

My Teacher Training

STOTT PILATESĀ® - Comprehensive (2014)

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140,895 PA Points
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Recently Viewed

Balance, Coordination, Creative, No Box

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Rotator Cuff Phrasing
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Looking at Stenosis
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Polestar PilatesĀ®
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