Class #129

Mat with a Twist

45 min - Class


Meredith adds a twist to this workout literally by emphasizing rotation and abdominal oblique work. She includes many rotational exercises throughout class. Among them are the Twist/Bend and a lovely version of Spine Stretch. This class moves relatively quickly while challenging the basic objective of exercises.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Mar 25, 2010
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Okay, we are going to start sitting today sitting down. Okay. So yeah, let's just drop our knees out to the side for a second and position yourself. So you're sitting upright directly on top of your sitting bones and you can just place your hands on your knees or on your shins. And take a moment, a couple of deep breaths. So breathing in and feel the spinal lengthen top of the head reaches towards the ceiling and breathing out and just starting to commit to your breath, your body, your practice, your mind, feeling the rib cage. Expand the spine. Lengthen an exhale, feel the front of the ribs, drop down the front of the body, the naval drop back to the spine in a sense of a core set, pulling around the waist. Two more breasts for net with no movement. Feeling their rooms. Move the spine, lengthen and get you even taller, which eith with each breath. Last breath. And then one more. Inhale. And as you exhale, feel the sitting bones move outwards or forwards towards the heels.

Your hands can just slide, they can stay with you. You're just going to Tuck the tailbone, keep the shoulders relatively close to right over the hips, and then inhale restack the spine from the bottom of the spine to the top of their head. We inhale, exhale, moving the tailbone forward, the front hip bones backwards. As we draw deeply into the abdominals and round the spine. Inhale, we lengthen back up to just try and to open up through the low back. Try to make the rounding specific to the low back. Not a lot of hunching in the shoulders. Jennifer, try not to just lean back.

Try to just see if you can mobilize the spine so it's just so more of a pelvis movement than anything. And then left one more like that. Exhaling to Tuck the tailbone. Can you take your abs in so deep that maybe even get a little bit of a stretch to the lower back? Is that possible? I don't know. Inhale, lift up. Bring the knees together, guide yourself a little bit taller. Oh, as you exhale. Same feeling of moving the pelvis first we get the tailbone out of the way or slide it forward toward the heels and we're rolling down to about the middle of the back.

So just about the bottom of the rib cages are going to be an inhale to hold there and XL to feel the ribs move forward. First the shoulders go over the hips and are still around and then we stack up [inaudible] in healing again. Exhale, rolling backs. Moving the pelvis, going to eat through the abdominals, allowing the shoulders to just be heavy in. Yeah, an exhale to come back up. So as we continue to go through these relatively small movements, yeah, remind yourself what Palladio's is all about. The balance. Are you working both sides of your body evenly?

Okay, the breath. Allow the breath as you exhale to proceed, the movement to help you go deeper into the muscle surrounding your center. One more. Just like that. Exhale, we go down, inhale to pause. Exhale to just try to Tuck the pelvis. So it's going to be barely. We'll see anything. You might not even feel a lot of movement, but you should feel the heaviness or more work in your abs tech again or release it to more tech. Again needs together. Jen, everyone check again when n e l n. X, that we're coming all the way up, bringing the hands together at the top.

Sit even taller. Turn towards me as you inhale. Exhale, curl backwards. Just off the center of the spine slightly. Keep the knees centered. Go down to where you feel. Pretty strong, committed. It doesn't have to be where I'm going to come across the center in here. Start exhaling. Still curve forward from just underneath the ribs first.

Stay around until your shoulders are over your hips and then lift up and come center and he'll turn into the bat. Exhale. Feel the pelvis move out from underneath you. Again, the hand stage just in front of the chest. We were looking for deep abs. Inhale, come across center. Keep the knees connected. The pelvis still Xcel to roll up that side and come back to center. We're just going to go a couple more times. Inhale, exhale to roll back. Hold. Inhale, open up the arms. Exhale, bring them back together. Inhale, come across center XL, roll up.

I'm an all the way sitting tall, coming back to center, returning to the back of the room. One more like that. Xcel as you feel the pelvis mouth, feel the low back. Commit or press into the mat. Inhale, open up there. Exhale, close the arms. Inhale, come across center. Exhale, Rola all the way to tall in the center.

Let the arms separate. Exhale, round back. Go to a place in your body where you feel strong, you feel connected. Don't let it be a low back thing and we're going to twist again. So you're going to take their arm closest to me back turning, looking back at that hand as you reach it and exhale to bring the arm back towards center. Inhale, look at the hand as you turn in. Reach and exhale come back. So the rotation really is happening in the trunk.

The arm doesn't have a lot to do with it, but it's guiding us in the direction. [inaudible] we want to go. Inhale, reach, exhale, come back to we have one more. I think so. And he'll big reach. Exhale, come back last winter. This sun exhale, so come back. Inhale to pause. Exhale to roll up. Sit up tall. I'm going to move myself a little forward on my mat. If you guys are happy where you're at, be where you're at and we're coming all the way down as you roll down through your spine, bring your feet along the mat with you so you're dragging your spine down.

Once the head and chest come down, lift the knees up and bring them to a tabletop position. Arms wide to the size of it, and a small low v position. That's your choice. Go into the spine, twist supine in my direction on the end. Exhale. Feel that rib cage, the furthest rib cage pulled back. Then find the obliques or find the obliques. As you do that.

Inhale to the fro ocean and exhale connects into the abdominals. Let the legs be light in space, so let them be await for the abdominals and Xcel back. Every time the knees move across the body, we pull our belly back in the opposite direction. I'm going to go a little quicker now for two more to each side. It's in here. It doesn't really have to pause in the middle. Just exhale and heal somewhere in there. As you come through, center and exhale to come back and last time breathing to breathe out.

Breathing in to breathe out. Coming back towards center. Reached down. Put your feet down on the ground. Bring your arms down along your sides for the pelvic curl. Inhale, exhale flat in the spine. So working from the pelvis first again, Tuck the tail on the pubic bone, gets closer to the bottom of the ribs, and then we start to articulate the spine. Lifting the hips, reaching the tailbone out in the direction of the heels, and these are lined up parallel to one another. Inhale at the top. Exhale, start from the chest round down. Feel all 12 ribs come down individually, all five bones between the ribs in the lower spine or the ribs in the pelvis. Release all the way down through the table and can you work your abs all the way to that very tipping point. Exhale, roll back, energizing the backs of the legs, energizing through the arms in healing at the top and exhale to roll down. Okay. For an evenness on both sides of the spine, both sides of the waste work and evenly, uh, two more times. Exhale, rolling up energy in the inner thigh muscles energy just underneath the shoulder blades and the lat. Inhale to lift up onto your toes.

Exhale to roll down, giving yourself just a couple more inches of space to get your spine a little more mobile all the way down. Heels come down. Inhale, exhale to roll up again, connecting the ribs down, stretching the arms out. Jennifer, just a little narrower with the feet and knees and exhale, come all the way back. Yeah. Once you get there, we're going to reach back and held the hands behind the head. Exhale to lift the head and chest. So as you come into the chest lift, let that curving from just underneath the ribs be our theme so the head stays heavy in the hands. It's a sternum that up the back flattens. As you come all the way up off the tips of the Scapula. Inhale, hold. Exhale.

Work your way down. So feel the spine lengthen and stretch to the mat. Come straight back up. Exhale. Inhaling to pause and exhale to go down. We're going to involve the legs a little bit, so we're going to inhale. Exhale, actually lift up. Lift up onto your toes and drag your toes right up close to try to lift your body a little higher. Now this time, as you inhale, stretch your legs out along the Mat. Keep your back flat lower.

You read in chest. Legs won't go very far, but we're going to exhale and pull the toes back as we curl up off the shoulders. Inhale, stretch the toes away from you. Lower the head and chest. Exhale, pull the think you're pulling the thighbone. It's not much about the feet at all and you're pulling from right up under the chest. Inhale, reach down two more times. Exhale, we come and here we go. We stay and exhale, we go down one last time. Excelling to lift, stay. Their feet are quite close to you. Reach back, hold the backs of your thighs for a moment. Curl up even higher, maybe an inch, maybe you won't even see a, it'll intensify the abdominal work.

Bring your hands back behind your head. Turn towards your right thigh and bring your right leg across center and towards the left arm and send that back. Exhale, turn the leg that's not lifting. Very light's barely touching the maximally rooting. Sure, and back and turn. Bringing the leg yes in, but also across the body energetically or another way to say that is just engaged. Those inner thighs both empathize. In fact, inhale to come back. Exhale to turn in Hilton gun back. Exhale to turn. I think we've got one more to make us even in here.

We come back. Exhale, we turn, come back, breathe in, breathe out, slide the legs away a little lower. The head and chest and you know, again, excellent to lift up. So moving through pretty basic movements, but they should be quite challenging. Sometimes if we take away all the big levers, we can actually get ourselves to work harder. Hands behind the head. Exhale, just pull the thighs up. Inhale, reach down and top the toes on the ground like it's hot. Exhale, pull the thighs up. Bring them past 90 if you want. Pretty close into the chest, but keep the tailbone down. Inhale to reach down, keeping the level levers short, but feeling the strength that that that allows us. Let's do three more here, pulling in and really stand and pull in and release down. Last one really Stan, lower the head and chest.

Slide the legs out from bend and stretch your arms up over your head. I know. Lift. Go ahead and arch your back a little bit. Feel the ribs, come up off the mat and then drop the chest or relax the chest downwards and feel that. As that happens, the rib starts to cement into the mat as well. Lift your arms, your head, your eyes. Looking forward. Start Your exhale now. Ruling yourself up. Stay round but strong at the top. We're coming back down. It's XL two roll downs. Healing the shoulders down, away from the ears. Moving through the spy in here. So fluidity, moving the body with the rhythm of the breath. Finishing the Xcel at the top.

Inhale, expanding through the back of the body. XL to come down. Oh, all the way down. Back to that touches. Lift back up. Roll back up and mom down. One more to come up. All the way. Take a stretch forward. Let the head relax. Pull yourself or guide yourself a little further forward and then rule up through your back. Stretching up through the spine. Separate the fee.

Um, straight out in front for the spine. Stretch forward. Uh, legs are straight. I think we can all do that. Inhale lifts taller. Squeeze your touch. Exhale, drop the head. Feel the ribs connect. Feel the abdominals. Draw back towards the spine. As you stretch out over the legs from that place in, he'll send the chest forward as you send the tailbone back long getting through the spine until you're in a long diagonal shape. Exhale, reach back down and articulate. Pulling, creating space between the top of the pelvis and the bottom of the ribs sitting tall. We go again. Exhale as you start from your head, keep your shoulders pulled back as you reach your spine. Forward. Space between the ears and the shoulders. Inhale into back extension. Good.

Keep the abdominals working to support the spine. Bring the arms right up towards the ears and then we exhale to go down and up on the same breath. God, let's do two more. Inhale, exhale, a heaviness in the shoulders, abdominals engaging in his lead with the arms, and then send the chest forward as the arms guide you hold there. Pull the ABS in and get a little longer exhale to go down and roll all the way back up. One last time. Inhale, exhale. The head drops first. The ribs pull in. You want to try to keep your low back as long as possible as you fold forward, and then bring it with you as you stretch forward and then keep supporting your spine as you reach up into that back extension. Let the arms drop, let them land wherever they land. [inaudible] guide yourself a little further forward or give yourself a little bit of a straighter back or arch your back a little bit from the tailbone and let go. Heal the arms. Just float through space. Bring the arms back down.

Let them land where they land. Maybe [inaudible] excuse me. They'll go a little further and then reach. Inhale, arms down. Exhale for a little more in highlight arms guiding the spine on that diagonal line. Inhale, reach down. Last time. Exhale. Give yourself a little bit more. Stretch the hamstrings.

Work the spine or work the muscles surrounding the spine. Hold here please. Breathe in. As you breathe out. Turn towards me keeping this spine long. The arms are right up near the years. Anyhow, we come back so we're not turning the head. The head just comes with the rotation of the spine. Inhale to come back. Exhale, drawing the abdominals and focusing on the work through the waistline more than anything, and he'll come back. Let's go one more time to the back.

Come back, come all the way back forward and roll up. Placing the hands behind you on the mat. Bend your knees, knees are going to be, or the feet are going to be separate. Knees are slightly separate. Nice straight arms for the long back. Stretch prep. So pressing into the arms, get nice and strong, solid in your shoulders, and then hover the hips from that place. We're moving in a pelvic curl like motion. We're going to Tuck the tailbone, start to pull the pelvis up towards the chest, and then once you get as high as you can, then send the knees out over the toes, stretching open through their shoulders, lifting the chest through the arms.

Inhale, exhale, bring the chest back through the ribs, pull back. You're still pushing up away from the ground. Your pelvis sees lifted as long as it possibly can. And then at the last moment, unwind, see your back straight. Here we go again. Push up away from the ground. Exhale to roll on going again. Stretching the knees out over the toes in healing to pause and exhaling to roll down. So what I mean by that is as you come down, keep lifting up from here.

Yeah, yeah. So that [inaudible] go again, please. Two more times rolling up so that this space between the ears and the shoulders stays as long as you come down. Don't let the shoulders get any closer to your ears while trying to lift up away from the ground. Huh? Huh? [inaudible] you'll feel this? Yes. Yay. Good. One more time. You guys Xcel to Rola and healing to pause. You go when you're ready.

If you're not with my killing and exhaling to undulate back downwards all the way back down to sitting. Oh, did anyone feel their hamstrings? I certainly hope so. Let's open leg rock. Do the prep first and we'll do the real deal. So shift backs, you're sitting just behind your hips. Pick up the fee from here. Don't even roll yet. Just try to Tuck the pelvis so and then release back up to a straight back.

So it's exactly the same moment. We started with that curvature in the lumbar spine without really changing a lot in the upper body. And he'll sit up. This time we're moving. Exhale to curve the spine, rock back, roll back up and extend the spine so they action of pulling the shoulders down. It's going to do a lot for us as far as getting into the position that flat back position and holding onto it. One more like that. Rounding back, rolling up any elongating through the spine. Slide your hands up to your ankles if you wish.

You can keep the knees bent if you want. So from here, let's just check out this position for a minute. Pull the femurs deeper into the hip sockets and then try to lift up out of the low back a little. Send the chest through the legs and then we're off rounding the low back rock back roll and find the balance. Or sometimes we're not going to be perfect or most of the time we're not going to be perfect, but it's all about trying to look deeper into our own body. Rolling back and rolling.

One more to go. Rolling back. Rolling up. Let go. We're just rolling over to my Mike. Lower the legs. Sit Up, flex arms out to your sides for the saw. We're turning towards me first. Big Rotation, no movement through the legs. Exhale, dive down. Inhale, lengthen out on the diagonal and come back to center and he'll turn to the back.

Exhale, dive down. Push that back arm against an imaginary wall to turn your body a little bit more in space. Lengthen out and come back up. And we tried and we reached big stretch. Keep that opposite grounded, connected. Inhale, lengthen up and come back. Turn Henri and length and bring it home to more to each side, letting the breath create dance like feeling in the body.

A little left breathing you fill up. Exhale, bring all the air out of the body. So as you're inhaling in tobacco extension, you can refill with new Aaron. Last one, or reaching down, lengthening up and bringing it home. Last one to the other side, reaching down, lengthening up and bringing it back. Bring the hands behind us. Bring the heels together. I'm gonna do the back support. Fingers facing forward or out to the sides. Arms. Straight feeling of trying. What I try and think about even in this start position is trying to pull up out of my hands. So that's the back muscle I was just talking about. To you, Jennifer. Exhale, pick up the hips, preschool, ease through the legs. Look slightly up, but also slightly forward and then sit down as your hips go down.

Keep trying to lift weight off your arms with your upper back muscles. Jennifer, that is gorgeous. Lift back up, pressing the feet, using the backs of both legs. Can you feel one leg working harder than the other? It's just a something to check out. XL List. Inhale, come back. One more to go. Exhale, we lift. Yeah, Danielle to sit down. Take a quick stretch forward and then come all the way up for the spine. Twist. Let's go.

Arms out to the sides today. Rotating the palms face up. Exhale, returning to me first. It's Xcel. Exhale and come again. The rotation happens around the waist. I imagine that you're holding onto a pole so that others appall from hand to hand so that no arm can move forward. Just turning around the waist, spine long and connected. A little bit of tightening in the glue legs strong and straight for more. Hello, faster and back. Get Taller and three and and get taller and taller. Still one more to go and bring it all the way back. Lower your arms, bend your knees, hold onto your left knee, push into your knee a little bit by pulling your shoulders down round away from your knee and sit back. As you're rolling down onto your back, you're going to start to pick up the right leg, so then the leg out so that the toes are in line and we're just going to change.

Here's the one, another one. The single leg stretched to and staying solid through the trunk is the legs change. Aiming the toes out towards an imaginary straight line. Yeah. With every exhale your breath allows you to go deeper into your abdominals.

We're going three more times. He was a one. Yeah, that too. Very. Keep the left leg. Lower the right leg. Use your arms as much as you need to, but try to curl yourself back up without moving the leg too much. Oh, it should have felt like a lot of work and stretch that leg down on the ground.

Bring up the right knee, push into the knee, and also push the knee into the handle. A little bit. Then draw the abdominals back, curving the spine without hunching the shoulders from there. Start to pick up the toes as you get to about your low back and you're sure that you're stable enough to float the leg up. Do hold hands behind the head and the crisscross. We rotate the trunk and then we change and then we change and then we change.

Good. Feel the rotation happens around the waist. Not from the eyes or from the elbows or from the neck. And for more. Both sides. A little faster. One, no less precision. Two, three, three, four, four. Hold. Reached back for the right knee. Square your body to center. Lower the left leg. Is that where we started? Yeah, I think so.

Come on. Rolling the body to the thigh. Oh, and stretching the leg. Bend the knees. Open up the knees. Just take a quick stretch forward. Adding the spine forward. You can use your hands to Paul and walk both arms over to the left.

Stretch heavy. Just pull your right hip and opposition and then come back through. Center over to the other side and then I stretch there and back to center. Roll yourself up. Bring your knees together. Hold onto both knees this time. Curl the spine back around the spine.

Slide the toes a little closer and then have the feet roll back with the utmost sense of control in your body until the knees come to parallel with the ground or the shins. The double leg stretch. We pull our abs through the mat, through the ground underneath us, and we circle the arms around as your arms move. Move them with purpose. Push a heavy solid away from you as you circle so that you can actively connect into your back. As the arms go overhead, the shoulders. Stay away from the ears. We're not falling back. I have more, a little quicker here as a woman and around two and [inaudible] three. Well, the belly down is a leg stretch on the arm. Stretch for one to go. Hug your knees into your chest. Come all the way down.

Place your feet down on the floor. Take a breath. Exhale coming up into a pelvic curl. Just one free one. Before we take one leg off. So we're rolling up through the spine, talking the pelvis to get their nice strong inner thighs here. Inhaling to hold and exhaling to melt the chest through. Feel a sense of stretching the hips towards the heel, stretching the fingers towards the heels, the shoulder bridge. It's coming up.

Exhale, we, I mean up to that good, strong, neutral spine or biased towards a little bit of a Tuck. Let's all draw the belly in a little bit and try to just press the pelvis up a little higher or Tuck the pelvis a little more. Pick up the right leg off the ground, stretch it to the sky. Take the lake away from you and flex it to pull back. And we got down to come back. Work in the back of both legs, keeping the pelvis high and stable and back and forth.

And let's just do eight here. Six here's seven. Here's eight. Hold the leg. Take the leg down, folded in, rolled down to the bottom of the rooms. Stretch the arms along the mat or down towards the heels as you move your spine. Roll back up. Pick up the opposite leg, stretch it towards the ceiling.

We take it down on the exhale and flex back and to flex back. Feeling the glutes working to hold us up. Feeling both hamstrings working. It's the back of the free swinging leg that's going to keep the pelvis stable and he was fine. Two left and six. One more. Bring it up, Ben. Put it in. Take a breath to hold and slowly slide.

Melt. Control the spine as it comes into the ground. Okay. And then just take your right leg out straight. Bring your left knee in, hug it into your body. And then when you're ready, hold onto it with that right hand. Hold onto the outside of the left side with the right hand and twist to your right. Like this. Yeah. And come back from that. When you're ready and changed sides, bending the knee. I get into the body and then bring it around to the side.

And then when you're finished there, come back to center and up to your knees. Uh, find your pelvis with your hands. You should have the Oh have four bony landmarks with our hips, our pelvis, front hip bones, and the back hip bones. Adjust your pelvis so that those bones are directly across from one another. The front buds are directly in front of the back ones. Arms at your sides.

Keep the arms still in space. You'd almost very tightly connected. Stretch over to one side. You're just going over, you're leaning, breathe in and breathe out. As you come up. Don't think about going down, thinking about going out and up, out and about in up. Got a big stretch and then from the place where you feel the stretch, that's where we connect to bring us up in. Here we go over. Exhale, we come up. Then he'll, we go over again. XO, he come on, I'm going to take it all the way down onto the hand this time.

So as you wind me all over, let the hand come down, pick up the leg, bringing the leg straight out to the side, place the hand behind the head and then don't push the head forward, but rather push the head into the hand. Flex your foot, bring the leg forward and bring it back. Flex forward. Point back. The goal or one of the goals here is to keep the trunk nice and strong. Nice and stable. Yes. Five. I'm just going to go eight times. Nice. Last too.

One more. [inaudible] take it to the back. Hang on. Or think about pressing the pubic bone forward. We're going down with the leg to the ground. We're going to pick it up and go down in the front and pick it up and take it down to the back. So can you mobilize the hip but stabilize the trunk? You think one more is going to do it? What do you guys think? Yeah, bring the leg straight back out to the side. Reach away from the hand.

Bend the knee. Let the head go. Sit into the hip. That was just in the air and stretch. Take a minute. Breathe into the stretch. Roll yourself back up. So you're kind of rolling up on the diagonal a bit. There should be a stretch to be had there as well. And then situate yourself so you're back forward.

I'm going to go back into that airplane thing, but add onto it a little bit. So I had Zinn inhale. Let's go to the one side. Stay. Exhale, keep the arms as is, but turn the trunk. It's the upper body and he'll come back and XL re-engage to the sideways. Simple law. And here we go. Cross first. Exhale, turn the chest, the arms, come along with it. Inhale, bring it back.

And Excel Tacoma. One way. It's pressing both hips forward. How much rotation can you get in your upper body? Only come back Anna. Last one. Breathe in. Turn, breathe out. Think about the outside rib coming across the bottom hip. When you're turning into pressing forward, come back, maybe go well deeper into the stretch there and come up going down onto the left arm here. So we're just going to win me all. As the hand reaches down, the hip lifts up or the leg lifts up. Stretch the leg out to the side and behind the head.

Flex your foot and bring it forward and pull it back and bring it forward. So as it pulls forward, not just pulling from the leg, you're pulling from the apps, like there's a lever or a fishing reel attached from your belly button to your thigh bone that's pulling it and then push it away. Or a rubber band maybe that you can stretch as you go back. I think there's Judy. Go last one. Take it to the back. Put it down.

Pick it up higher than sit higher than hip level and touch and then up making a little rainbow. And Ah, there you go. Down. Ah, take, go back. Last one. Uh, you go down. Ah, J go back, pick it up one last time. Reach away from the hand on the ground. Yep. Let the other hand go as you've been Junee and sit into the hip on that side. Breathe to get a, uh, let's roll back up. Rolling up on the diagonal.

Well rotating back center and then we're going to just, um, sit down onto the right hip, cross the left ankle, over the right ankle for the twist. If you wish, this can be done on your forearm. It's a little less of an impact on the shoulder. If you are fine and have good shoulders stability. Here it is. So the hands away from the shoulder out of Jen. Move your hand that way a little bit. Here we go.

So we lift not from the legs but from the obliques. The legs are definitely part of that process I suppose. Exhale as you pick up the bottom hip, reach the on first towards the ankle and then continue rotating the spine so that arm comes underneath that other armpit. Inhale or we come back, find a long straight line with our body. Lots of bend and come down. Reach away from the arm in Hilton. Come up. Exhale the bottom hip left. Looking for a flat back Rachel, way under c.

Get the good rotation through the spine that you're looking for back and then your hands or your feet and so you want something sticky. Okay, let's go again. You want me to come stand on it? I have team rotating coming back and bending down and just scoot your feet a little closer to you. Hold on where it's comfortable to you. Lift the opposite arm. In fact, let's go separate the knees. Bring up the arm that you're just resting on. Go up first, abs in, and then stretch over and have a big stretch over there. And then bring the spine forward. That arms gonna lead. Go way out as far as you can, but also keeping the hips down.

Continue circling the [inaudible] telecoms back to the mat. Then bring up the other arm as you press up into the hips. Let the head relax, pull that bottom shoulder down so it's stable. And then three big circles. One to stretch the waist, one to stretch shoulder. Hmm.

My favorite exercise of the moment, one to stretch the hip. As the arm comes back over, head start your journey back down or by sitting down. By starting to round the spine. Once you can let that other arm go, the one that you're arresting on, bring it around with the free arm and then stretch up and over to the side again and then come all the way back up. Just spiral or slide the legs over to the other side. Crossing the front ankle over the bottom ankle. Do you want something now pulling the ribs away from the shoulder, but also back towards the spine.

Here we go. We're gonna lift up and then we're going to take that bottom hip and lifted up, spiraling through the spine. Reach to the ankle first and then continue reaching. Said that you're diving underneath your other armpit. Inhale as you head back to a straight body and excelling as you bend your knees to come down. Keep the abdominals active throughout. Inhale, exhale, reach through. Continue turning as the hips rise up.

Inhale, come back. No, I'm fighting and bent. Oh, last one. Next. Sorry. And Yeah, and then you brought the knees a little closer. We opened up that bottom leg sitting up as much as you can on both sitting bones. Bring up the arm that you were just using to balance and then lift up first and then start to stretch over from there. Do have back on the abs as the arm travels forward.

Follow it with the opposite arm. Place that hand down. Stabilize the shoulder, push up onto your knees, pressing or trying to Tuck the pelvis a little bit and definitely pressing into the front of that hip for a stretch. We're going three circles. Here's one. Reaching up in around, there's two. Oh, I've been around for three back overhead. As you sit your hips down, your spine rounds forward as the hips come all the way down, you start to lean forward following the free swinging. I'm bringing up the other hand and come back over to the side stretch and then lifting back up. Coming onto your hands and knees. Siding when like back [inaudible] pulling it on the ads. Slide the other leg back. We all know good shoulder stabilization in this class so I won't spend a lot of time with it.

Abs In bend your elbows lower as far as you can with your elbows going down your back and press one, just three, two. I have three. Lovely. Come to your knees. Sit back towards your feet and do it again. So coming back when you're ready. Undulate through this spine. Stabilize the shoulders over the hands. Slide the legs back.

Finding this is perfect. Go ahead and bend and press. But when you're bending, you're dropping this. I want you to stay lifted from here. You guys do three or four and then rested. And that's better. Do it again. Shoulders down. That's better. One way much.

And then bend the knees and sit back on the feet. And then when you're ready, come back onto your hands and knees when we do the cat stretch today. So what we're trying to do here is separate the two different distinct portions of our spine from upper to lower. Um, so finding a straight back ribs and abdominals pulled up. As you exhale, feel the tailbone move between the legs or the pelvis. Start to reach towards the front of the ribs and around the low back should feel not like a huge moment. And definitely Leah, substantial abdominal movement. Inhale, come back through neutral spine.

Keep the pelvis stable as you exhale and extend just the upper back, pulling the shoulders down, reaching up off the hands. Inhale, come back to neutral. Exhale around the lower spine. So slide the pelvis forward. Feel the shoulder blades move towards the hips and he'll come back to a flat back. And with that exhale, draw the shoulders down and back and extend up and forward through the upper spine. Looks Beautiful. Let's do two more. Excelling as you slide the hips, maybe even using the backs of your legs a little to give you a little bit more energy as far as rounding that space in your spine. Inhale to come back. Exhale, looking for more, extending through the upper spine, keeping the abs in the ribs tucked in a little good. Lovely ladies.

Come back to neutral. One more time around working with your breath. Exhale around. Go when you're ready, feeling up the lungs, lengthening the spine, getting taller and longer. And then exhale, extending or changing the upper spine and then come back. And when a, make your way down onto your abdominals. So what we're going to do here is clip the hands over. You don't want them to be super close to right underneath. You want to be. That's fair. A fair amount out, uh, legs straight from here before we go anywhere.

Try to pull the belly up off the ground. Now that may or may not happen, but the action of the thought is going to help us stabilize our low back. Then draw, just kind of slide the elbows back a little so you're really stable and feeling your upper back muscles. And with that you're going to pick up one hand and reach it for like you're giving someone something and then let that like come down and restabilize upper back. Pick up the other arm. Reach out, out, out, out. Now and back. We're going to add a leg too. So as the first arm lifts, the opposite leg starts to reach.

Don't worry about the height of the leg thing about the height of the spine and come back and pick up the other way. Just let the leg reach out just to counter balance what's going on in the back and come back a couple more. Sliding the arm forward and the shoulder blade back. Oh, it looks so good. So good and back. One more time on the other side and come back and then go ahead and lower your body for just a minute. When you're ready, push yourself up and come back into rest position. Sitting down on the feet, reaching the arms either out in front of you or down at your sides or underneath your forehead.

I'm just giving you back a chance to settle. Hmm. When you're ready to bring your hands a little closer to your knees, Tuck your tail a Televista toes under. As you roll through your feet towards your heels, start to stretch up through the legs, dropping the heels, and then just hang forward there. So let's all bend our knees as much as we have as much. Bend your knees a lot. Plants your hands down flat on the Mat. Put some weight into them, and then stretch the legs by pulling up from the ABS.

Only straighten so much that the hands can stay connected. If that's easy for you, you can have your hands go closer to your feet. The closer to your feet you go, the harder it is in heel. Drawing up through the ABS and creating almost a summersault like feeling as the hips go up, the head reaches down and under. Look in between your niece and inhale bend. And one more time. That's a stretch.

And then just for a moment, bend both knees a little, relax the back, but do so by pulling in the abdominals and trying to pull them in so deeply that you can feel the femurs, the thighbone slide deeper into the hip joint. Stay there for a moment. Should be a pretty good stretch. Inhale there. Exhale. Keep the knee soft. Roll through your spine. Well, I mean the hips to press forward. Rolling up one, one at a time. And as you come all the way up to standing, reach your arms. First Star.

Big Inhale, look up at your hands. Don't arch your back to do it. Just let your eyes lift and bay reach around, maybe even slightly behind you with your arms. And just one more like that. Gathering energy, breathing in, feeling the spine grow in the direction of the inner tube, and then reaching around to the side. Okay.


yummy stretches as a well deserved reward for the oblique workout at the beginning
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Joni Nichols
This class offers the opportunity for reflection..... perfect for this weekend of thanksgiving. I hadn't done it for 2 months, returned to it today and discovered it was perfect for truly discovering tiny nuances in each of the movements thanks to Meredith's cueing. Perfect non caloric "nourishment" post turkey celebration!
Joni...Thank you so much!!! I believe you are truly my biggest fan. the spirit of Thanksgiving...I am grateful for you!
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I enjoy the expertise and the passion of all the instructors on the website, but you are right...I AM your biggest fan! This class was so satisfying on so many levels once again today....

Just a little slow for me
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All of my favorite exercises and in a shorter period of time! Great workout for me.... and I started my workout a bit late this morning so the timing was perfect! Thanks again!
Tanya S
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Killed me! Your cues are so divine. Respect.
Tanya S thanks so much!  It makes me so happy when these older classes are revisited.
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Love this class and so glad I found this gem today from all the way back in the beginning.  Absolutely excellent ab work. Where are these first classes filmed? At the studio with a curtain to block the window? 
Great class, I will be coming back to this one!
Marissa I love that you go back to the first classes!!
This is the PA studio in the beginning when it doubled as a gym and we didn't have access to the window yet....a lifetime ago it seems.
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