Class #194

Return to Life Mat

55 min - Class


Amy's reading from Return To Life this week talks about the spine and its intra-articular cartilage. Joseph Pilates knew that a healthy spine was long, supple, resilient, and in balance. Poor posture leads to imbalances over time so Joe suggests that we "roll the spine like a wheel" to restore the spine to its natural, at-birth position. Amy takes Mr. Pilates' advice and offers you an energizing class allowing plenty of opportunities to roll out any tension or stiffness in your spine. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Okay. So let's, we're going to start. I'm going to give a little reading. It's not very long. Uh, so maybe not get as comfortable as some weeks you've, yeah, mate. That's a good one. In fact. Yeah. Go ahead and start stretching while I'm reading. That might be nice if you breathe quietly or loudly, it's fine too.

So in the past few weeks as I've gone through the reading, um, you know, you're getting more in I think more in touch with how he thought of the work, how serious he took the work, of course, because he created it. Um, any questions coming up from anyone other than a couple of weeks ago? I think someone asked what is control G and that this is what Joseph PyLadies called his work. He didn't call it [inaudible] back then. It was called [inaudible]. It was study of muscle movement, art of muscle control and that kind of thing. But anyone else have a question or Y Y control? LG. You'd have to ask him. Um, no, I think it, I kinda recreated almost at like today's kinesiology in a way, studying of movement. But he went more into, I think, the a control aspect of movement with mind and body.

So he kind of approached it that way more so than just the physical movement. Okay. Here we go. Before preceding, we must speak of the spinal column with which are associated practically all of the major activities of our body. The spine is composed of 26 vertebrae. Each vertebra is separated by other intervertebral cartilage. This cartilage acts as a cushion to absorb the shock of Seddon jars, reduce this friction to a minimum and gives the spine its characteristic flexibility. Thus permitting it to function even more freely. The science of controlled edgy disproves that prevalent and all too trite saying, you're only as old as you feel.

He absolutely did not think that way. The art of controlling G proves that only, uh, the only real guide to your true age allies, not in your years or how you think you feel, but as you actually are in family indicating by the degree of natural and normal flexibility enjoyed by your spine throughout your life. If your spine is inflexibly stiff at age 30, you're old. If you're completely flexible at age 60 you're young that that many of the mentor teachers out in the Peloton community often refer to that thought process that they remember him saying that in the studio. You know, and it was mentioned too many times that, let's say you were, Ken came to me for the first time and I was Joe, and let's say you had a knee. This is stories I've heard from other teachers.

He didn't pay attention to your knee at all. He said, well, I will not be able to talk like him, but he had a very strong German accent. Apparently you wanted to see you roll down to the mat or get on the reformer and roll down. So he knew right away if you're approached to rolling was, you know, wow, we had, he had some work to do. That's a stiff, that's an old spine that didn't roll. But if you, you know, he might be excited about that thinking, wow, that body is, it's got some control and flexibility to it and then went on from there and the knees and the hips and the ankles and things usually started healing without even him touching that specific area because it, we approached it first from the spine and the way the spine moved and, or didn't move. Okay. Because of poor posture prac, and this blows my mind is, you know, again, 1945 or earlier was this writing because of poor posture. Practically 95% of our population suffers from varying degrees of spinal curvature, not to mention more serious ailments. And a newly born infant, the back is completely flat because the spine is straight. Of course, we all know that this is exactly as intended by nature. Not only then, but throughout life. He really wanted us to have a long, elongated spine.

However, this ideal condition rarely obtains in adult life. When the spine curves the body, the entire body is thrown out of natural alignment. Off balance note daily, the thousands of persons with round stooped shoulders and protruding abdomens the back would be flat if the spine were kept as straight as a plumb line and its flexibility would be comparable to that of the finest watch Springs steel. Yeah. Fortunately the spine lends itself quite readily to correction.

Therefore in the reclining exercises, be sure whatever indicated to keep your back full length, always pressed firmly against the mat or your floor when rising from the floor or lowering. Lowering yourself to the floor. Always do so with a rolling or unrolling motion. Exactly a as like a wheel equipped with imaginary vertebra rolling backward or forward vertebra by vertebra. Try to roll and unroll these rolling and unrolling movements tend to gradually but surely restore the spine to its normal at birth position with this correspondingly, increased flexibility at the same time you were completely emptying and refilling your lungs to their full capacity. This admittedly requires persistence and earnest effort, but it's worth it.

Exclamation point. In fact there's no, I thought there were too. So in that kind of what were on that last week filling the lungs, emptying the lungs. Lots of rolling. So we're going to start a little bit like we did last week. So guys, let's come up to standing and I'll, I'll go up on my mat. You can face me again today to start and did anyone like that from last week? That volume intake, volume output. You remember what that was?

You've done it. I think with me before he got dizzy I got dizzy. And so if we reflect on last week's reading, sometimes the dizzy feeling is toxicity or fatigue in the body, you know, something working its way out. And I was kinda tired last week, so I'm okay with that. Alright, so what, we'll start with guys a little more formed in the arms today. So organize your shoulders, your lats feel right away. Start to feeling the abdominal muscles come back into the spine and using that idea of a plum line. So from the top of your head down to your heels, you are long and open. We're opening up the shoulders. We're not allowing the stoop here or the Patroon belly as he talked about.

So let's just take one long inhale. Arms will come up to the shoulder level. One long exhale. We'll do four. So we're trying to match the exhale and inhale with volume. Same air in, same volume out. One more time. One inhale to exhale. Each exhale is the same volume.

Three exhales. I'm loud. [inaudible] to go to four for a sales. One, two, three, and four. Tried to regulate each exhale. One more. What do you feel? Yeah, I oxygenation. I don't think we're used to breathing that fully in life.

So let's use that again today a little bit. Some breath work. Let's step back. We're going to do some standing roll down and roll up pool face into each other. Okay, and right away. So image your spine right now, plum line. All right. So that we're not allowing those curves to be as prominent. This curve or this curve or the net curve, almost more like you're really a long strand of beads and let's take a breath.

Same power in your exhale. Let's round that spine. Now feel the curve and I'm going to have this go just about shin level with the hands. See if you can keep the head rounding forward. Guys, take a breath here. Exhale as we round back up. So the lower back, like a wheel rolling backwards, your rural LIS up. Inhale. And again, here's the power contract from your abs. Round over. Let the shoulders respond.

Let the spine open up again just in front of your shins. Inhale and exhale [inaudible] and then do just one more small roll down. Then we'll add two or three, then nice and tall in that plumb line. And then find the curve [inaudible] and we know this mine will curve a little better with the exhale. The contraction of the abdominal is to manipulate the movement. Here we go again to round up. Yeah, we're going to go a little bit lower. I'm going to step in here.

So as you round down [inaudible] continue going no, so that your fingertips come close to your mat. Let that head go. I want everyone now shift your weight more to the balls of the feet. Lift the heels and let's come down into that little squat position. Okay. And stay rounded in your body like the wheel shape.

Okay? Yeah. Monitor your knees if you need to. If you don't like going that low or need to not go that low, you might just choose to stay up here or as low as you can go. All right, now let's put our tailbone or our mind on our tailbone and everybody pulled that tail deeper and underneath. Exhale under an exhale. Pull it under and exhale. Wow. Four more.

[inaudible] this is a good preparation for rolling like a ball. Last one, N curl. Now let's put the hands forward. Extend the knees. Take an inhale here. Roll all the way up to standing stomach. Let this be the abdominal warm up. Okay. Continuing to warm us up cause when we get to the mat, I'm just going to take us into the hundred. All right, one more time. Inhale. Yeah, yeah. Exhale and round.

[inaudible] gaining flexibility. Same thing. Lift the heels, crouched down. Now I did a little bit of kind of, I don't know, I don't want to say bouncing. I am kind of lifting a bit and then exhale, try and curve more in the the tail in the sacred. Let's do four times [inaudible] keeping that head in the round idea. Head, neck, shoulders, mid back, upper back, lower back, all the way down to the heels to more. Exhale curve. And one more.

Alright, same thing. Extend the legs. Taking the inhale and exhale is round all the way up to standing. Pole. The abdominals up. Alrighty. So one more time. Inhale again. Here we go. [inaudible] corral. Ouch. Step your hands a little further. I'm going to see, can we jump our feet to our hands?

I usually have us do this from a different position, but can you guys do a little yeah, like bunnies. And then to sit back. Roll on. Back down. There was a paragraph in the book about uh, cats. He loved apparently watching cats, how they move and the whole spinal movement some other day. I'll read that. Amazing. All right, so let's go for flow. We're going to go into the hundred here. Arms certain, nice and tall and long.

Take your inhale. Exhale as CREs up. Extend your legs on your diagonal. Now today I'm going to give a little extra flare to it. As we pump in. We're going to lower our legs a little bit lower. [inaudible] so on the pump XCL they're going to come up. So five pumps, legs down, four, five up to three, four, five legs down for five. Exhale. Meanwhile, the upper body is still rounded.

Yeah, eight. Sure. Nine an N for variety. Stretch your legs long. Let's go into our rule up. Okay. Spine, like a wheel, not a board. Okay.

Depending on how you're feeling right now and your intuition, if you need to bend your knees, no big deal. Bend your knees. I might even need to bend my knees the first time. So let's take an inhale. Arms, head, chest, exhale. Actually, I'm okay. I'm going to keep around and I'm going to keep the vision of a wheel. Now I'm pulling back. Put the wheel in reverse. Put your wheel in reverse.

Yes. Good. And so if a wheel had vertebra on it, like he mentioned, each vertebra would roll one at a time across curved [inaudible], whatever the wheel is. Exhale. And coming back. Now I'm just a liker of extended lines, so just you know, you can soften the feet, but keep the line long. Let's go again. Flow the continuous wheel. Now just keep going guys. I'm going to walk around a little bit today, just a little to keep checking in on a few things. We'll take three more of these. Inhale what you think about your shoulders.

Can they be part of the movement a little more, lower them down, energy, long inhale and they'll resist me a little bit pulled back. There you go. That's right. Pull back. Good Lisa. Nice tad. Yeah, good focus. So I'll take one more.

I think we're on our last one from the top and we will all roll back together. [inaudible] okay. In the order of the exercises, the next one is single leg circle, so I do want us to take a little bicycle of the right leg, reach it to the ceiling and it's a slight turnout of that thigh. Now before we circle, still working your spine. All right. Still flattening the spine. If you know you've all seen a newborn baby, they are flat on the F on the blanket, you know their back is just down. So let's be that. Be flat there. Okay, pull the back of the hip in.

Now we're going to circle for five crossed to the white wall. 10 and exhale around [inaudible]. The Lake will circle itself. It knows what to do. It's this midsection that sometimes needs the reminder. Okay, reverse. We're going to go open, exhale or [inaudible].

The spine is long and flat on the mat last circle. And then just pull it into your chest. We'll take it down now. Bicycle, the left. Just take a quick check in. Still AB work. Five circles. Cross. Exhale around lift, cross [inaudible] and five reverse for five. Nice, relaxed foot, strong hip, strong spine, long spine and four and five. And bend the knee into the chest. I'm going to let us use that.

We bring the other knee in. Give it a tug. Okay, now the roll over. I am going to have us try it this morning. If you, here's a way to modify it because this is perfect. Um, and actually my teacher Pat Guyton, I need to give her credit all the time. But this is, I love this. You might like this version actually. So you know when we do roll over and we're straight legged and we take herself over sometimes as tight here, uh, and just being here to start rolling over, it's hard when we shorten the leverage, it might make it easier for the spine to move. It might make the abs have to work harder. That's what it did for me. I'm flexible in my hips so I can cheat really easily and just fold myself and kinda here and be honest. My stomach sometimes is not doing as much as it could.

When I learned this from her, it was like immediately going, okay, if I have to then curl, I can't do that. She doesn't want us to do that. That's not it at all. I hope you can see that it's more of the, and we're going to change at the top and same idea to roll down. We won't drop the legs to us this way. Okay. Do you want to try it that way? This morning. Yeah, I thought you would. What's that? You know, and again, what's harder for me might be easier for you, vice versa.

It's good to notice variations or modifications and all that good stuff. So here we go. Ankles crossed either one on topless. Inhale as a group up and over. Ah, that spine into a role. Now change the feet as you inhale. Remember we've got an exhale. Breathe in the role. Ah, and keep that foot crossed at the bottom.

Breathe out as you roll. Uber. Good? Yes. So the pelvis is going over the chest. Change the feet. Inhale there, exhale. And it's a wheel. You could probably bend a little more tad in your knees. Yep. Leave that ankle on top. Inhale. Yeah, it is. It's the pelvis that comes up and rolls over. Good soldier.

Cross the ankles the other way. Inhale and roll down. [inaudible] better control. I think Mr. Paul lattes would be happy about that. Try it again. Let's keep moving. Yeah, I agree with you tad. Well that wasn't it right there, but thank you. Cheated. Inhale, cross. Exhale. You right. So go into the control of the upper back, the upper shoulders, the upper body. We're going to do one more. Um, one more time. Okay. No cheating control. Ah, often we know we've had to slow down to find it. Cross other leg. Inhale, nail. Exhale. Okay.

So if you ever need to or want to do a different version of rollover, now you have another idea. Another option. Okay, let's come into tabletop. Guys, put the hands on the side of the knees. Curl yourself up. I'm going to just whip through the five, the series of five. Okay. We know them. So extend your left leg. Hands on your right shin. Before we get going, are you knowing, are you as high as you could go? Oh your neck muscles as loose as they could be.

Are your last digging down as much as they could be? Cause we, if we're going to do the whole five, we've got to keep it going. Here we go. And change. Oh, flexibility in your hips. They're not tight. They like to move. Four, three, two. And let's just take for double leg. We're still up there. Inhale, legs out, arms back. [inaudible] your back is still flat, right? It is like a baby is flat on that mat.

Last one. Who knows the next one? Scissor. I heard it. And at the calf. Let's go ahead today and take the other leg down to the mat. Just lightly touch that heel, but I want us to curl higher in the chest. You get those abs going and double pool. One, two.

[inaudible]. [inaudible] man, man, man, man, man. Keep going. Brisk. You guys brisk. Cool. Pool, brisk. Poor, poor. No ma'am.

Last one, right? Last one left. Hands behind the head. Hold. Straight leg, lower lift. Let's go three times. If you want to go to the mat with your heels only if your back stays down like a baby. Exhale and up we go. If you are not interested in going that low, you could go an inch or two. [inaudible] that's it you guys. Good commitment. Chest stays higher as the legs go down. Exhale, we come up. We're going to go right into Chris cross.

Let's go to the right knee. Double breath, stretch your hip, stretch your hip, hip, hip. H O Bleaks O Bleaks round down and keep going and crawl higher, curl higher and for control. Last breath there. That's it. Series of five. I know. Come on up. Nice though. Cause last week we sped them up and I notice some Teeter totters in our pelvises when we went faster. Didn't see as much of that today. Okay. The the wheel.

Let's nickname it the wheel today and I'm going to have us do a different way of, uh, looking at it that everybody put your hands behind your knees. Now this could be challenging for some of us who are tend to be kickers. Cause when we normally do the ball, we know our hands are here containing that potential of kicking. So with the hands back here, it's, I want us to think that our stomach muscles are pulling the heels in toward us. You know what I mean? That way here we go, six Rowlings of the wheel and whoops, a kit. Oh my God.

Teacher in trouble. SOS. I love changing things because I just noticed something about my body. It wasn't as in my abs as it could have been. All right. One more and let's just rest for a second. How'd that feel for anybody else? Easier. Darn it. See, it's harder for me. I just, I love that. That it's harder for me when it's easier for you.

Easier when you, okay. Uh, let's go back. It kind of has wait to you see what we have for OpenLink rocker today. Rolling like a ball light. I like it. Yeah. All right. Okay guys, let's go into some, uh, more hamstring and glute work now.

So some, a probably the shoulder bridge. I am going to have us do some leg work. So let's stand Eleuthera feet sits bones with the part, a little bit of space. Good ticketing. Inhale. We know it comes from the belly. Exhale, there's that rolling again. So I'm going to have this, just stay there. Now I can see you, but you can't see yourselves like I can. So there, you know. Yeah. Now what I want, if I had a ruler, I would lay it across the top of your body from your shoulder up to your knee and it would lay flat.

There's that gorgeous plank line that I often talk about. You know our take off ramp is another cue that we've worked on before you guys. That is really nice. Really, really nice. Now let's take a breath and roll that down. So pull the back of the chest. Now you get to change the line from flat curve, but again, at the very bottom we're flat again. Let's go again.

Exhale and curl. Here's the wheel and then it straighten and flattens out. Breathe, exhale and roll. The wheel is image helping anyone. I won't continue to repeat it unless it, you know, I need to, but just keep me. I'll probably say it a few more time. Yeah, I think it's a nice, I like the idea of the wheel having a vertebral on it or covered with vertebra that are moving. I like that one. Okay, we're going to stay here now before we get our right leg up. Don't lift it yet, but shift weight to the left foot. Okay, so you're starting to bear more weight on that side and you're really going to want to feel that gluten, the hamstring. Catch that catch. Now only then on you're going to exhale. Bring that right leg up to the ceiling and let's go ahead and just hold it there. Loose foot. Today we're going to do six movements of that right leg. Inhale, lower. Exhale, let that come from the belly.

And three more. Last one. Set that foot down. Now this morning, let's not go down yet. Just reposition. Reconnect. Okay. Tailbone and ribs. Shift weight to the right foot.

Get a good little catch going in that gluten hamstring float. Love. The word is a light leg. Six repetitions. We go down and we come up. Exhale, flex at the hip. Extend from the hip, flex at the hip. Keep, keep, keep that squeeze on that. Uh, supporting leg control. Remember control and two more control and last one, control. Bend in. Step down. Now if you fallen down, it's okay.

Remember Rome wasn't built in a day. We got to push the hips back up though. I'd like us to. Now let's take our arms up. This is the stretch I think we've been doing the last year or so and almost everybody enjoys this. So reach back. What's back there? The floor. Okay, so if you feel the floor, can you feel the air go up a little bit? I don't want anybody's arms on the ground. Okay. Now take a breath.

Let the upper spine be this a small wheel. Feel those rollers there and then mid back and then mid to lower back and lower back, back of waist, and finally the tail. And you're still flat all the way. No arches in the spine. Long, long, long. Great. Take your arms around. Bring your hands in and catch your knees. Let's roll ourselves up.

That gets to go to that spine twist rather than saw. Okay. And today, let's go ahead and just say long leg or a long sit if you'd like to, or diamond. Okay, we know that can be easier in the hips. Now let's take our arms forward and I want you to have your palms facing in. Just take a second to check in on your shoulders and your lats. And again, the flat spine. Good. Okay. Take a breath. Let's open toward the white wall up here and let the, the so the your front arm is going to stay reaching over the feet. The other arm is going to turn back. Now, instead of looking with the back hand today, don't look back there.

Just say looking out on your diagonal. I want you to focus on your back helping you turn the spine as the front arm continues to reach front. Okay? That's what's going to be happening, and then we'll go to the other side to check in. Just this low one. All too often we take our heads too far. Yeah, we don't want the head to go too far. Even though we do know our head is part of our spine. I want our mid spine, let's think it that way. The mid spine to have the most rotation. Okay. How are you doing? Feel your back. Pull you around.

All right, let's flow with that. Just that today. Find the stillness. Find the control in your movement. If that makes sense. Didn't quite, because if you're still, you can't be moving, I think you know what I mean? Find some control. [inaudible] a little slower. Ted, he's our leader. Exhale. [inaudible]. Inhale up.

Exhale. One more. Each side. [inaudible] and everyone round forward. Hold onto your legs and who can get their head toward the shins at the shins? Anyone there? And again, it's not a contest for favorites or anything, it's just can you get there? Last week we did a couple things where we had that idea of bending so much that our head got down between our shins. Okay, now let's come all the way up. Open Lake rocker. I love this. This is another Pat. It's not mine. I wish it was.

Darn. I wish it was, but it's not. And okay, so we know are open like rocker to have our legs open this way. This is the genius of why can't we think of open legs being that way, right? They're still open. So when we roll back, let's see if I can demonstrate it with, uh, you know, quality [inaudible] serious face. You get the idea kind of a Jack knife rollover. Okay. I want to give it a try. It's fun. I like it. I think it's fun. It changes the dimension. Whoa boy. A little bit. I would suggest. Let's go ahead. Everybody start with right, like hands on, right? Calf left leg, not too low. Okay. Cause that's the leg that could send us wacky and very much out of balance.

If you had a magic circle size between your ankles, that's where we'd be. Okay. So same breath as usually we roll back as we inhale, just check it out. Change at the top. It's absolutely more challenging to balance. The abdominals are loaded differently when one leg is this way, when one leg is forward so close, get into some, you know, focus here. Chill, woo, change.

Remember not to, not to split. It's okay. We're allowed to feel a little spastic when we learn new skills. Wow. Remember a theme for the day were the wheel [inaudible] one more. I'm gonna want ya. There was a second variation to it. [inaudible] which we'll work on another time because I know not in any other way, but we need to get that in our body before we start doing something fancy or it has more of a switch back there, by the way. Great. You guys. Okay.

I want you to face me. Let's come up onto our knees. Okay. We did a lot of flection, lots of rounding, lots of flection and that's good, but we don't want to overdo it, you know? Um, so what the heck? We'll do some side bending, some rotation. So on the reformer, most of you are, a lot of you have been on there and there's some arm arm work on the reformer, um, from a kneeling position. But there's also in a lot of the other, onto the other apparatus we side bend a lot, you know, and there's a lot of side bending and mat. I've often given us a side bending like this. I remember we've done these before. We just kind of been try it this way today.

So your hands are completely interlaced behind your head, which will drop your shoulders. I'm going to come to soldier because let your elbows be a little more forward. Yep. Drop. Okay. Yes. Can I show you what we don't want? See my squishy shoulders back there rather you see the difference. Okay. Hopefully. Good. Now imagine the magic circle, perhaps that a in between the knees. Give it a little squeeze there and we're going to side bend to our your right, my left.

And the objective here is go to where you can without feeling that you can do that. We don't want to shift that. The hip, pelvis, pelvis over, hips over leg stays very stable. All right, so we're accessing obliques on one side, contracting them while the other side is stretching. Easy shoulders guys, and then come back up to vertical. We should exhale. Ah, or inhale both. We'll see there for another breath. Hey, good and coming up. So we'll just flow [inaudible] yeah, so keep going. I'm going to talk a little bit. I don't want us to forcefully do this next cue, but since your head into your hands and press your head lightly into your hands. All right, so that keep going so that the head and neck are not out here.

We want the head over the shoulders, which is over our spine. Good. T that was better. Exhale and were over. Inhale, we're up. Exhale. I'm going to have a stay here now. Okay. We often, I will go from side bend and add a rotation. Bring your ribs back. There you go. Now just watch me once right here. If I got a little punch on my, my tummy that would re make me respond.

Oh no, it's not a punch. I want us to think of so much as maybe Pillsbury dough boy and I came up and you know, love that little thing. That's the center. Alrighty. Good. Lisa. Now just stay there and let's come back actually to the facing this way. On an inhale we're going to get them up on the exhale. A lot of talking.

Go to the other side. Stay here first inhale cause we need it. Accentuate it to rotate. Broaden the shoulder blades. Inhale, come back to facing this wall. Exhale, we return to vertical plumb line. Yeah. And hi, hipster stationary. Inhale.

Return to facing the side and all the way up. Yes. And side bend. So what could happen? Keep going. As you rotate, think of saw. You know how I always say pull the opposite hip back and saw it's happening here to come all the way up. Let's keep going. Does that make sense? So as we rotate, you're going to twist to your right.

Pull the left hip back. Good. Stay there everybody. That's the idea. Stay there. Stay there. Stay there. Now if you are rotating enough, let's add a little more round flection. That would be SAR, right? Do a soft position with your arms. If your knee was your pinky toe and we'd say saw off your pinky toe. Yup.

Doesn't have to be pinkie toe. It could be a thigh. It could be a knee. That's the saw. We're doing it from our knees. Now let's come back to hands behind the head, side bend and all the way up. Just one more on the other side. Hi.

Think of saw. Okay. Go ahead and do the saw arms. Why not opposite? He hit back opposite of back. We would want our lats to be an involved. We want around us to be involved. We want the wheel. Okay, come back to your side bend. Does it make sense? Yeah, makes sense. It makes sense to me.

It's just harder if we do the saw down on them on our seat. All the time. Our brain goes check out here comes the saw so we can do it in other places. Okay. But we'll come back on your knees. Okay? Yep. Alrighty. Let's work on our hip a little bit. Good old glute medius. Hands back here again and we're going one more time to our side. Bend over.

We go [inaudible]. Now hand can come down and you can either go fingertips. Flat hand is preferred or knuckles. Just take your leg to the mat. Yeah, at your toes. Your feet. I'd just be there. Yeah, and just breathe. We all stopped breathing.

What I know about this position, the cues I've had to give myself and other people tail can come under. We need it to come under and we also need our ribs in and we need and are stirring them up yet. Oh my goodness. Everyone's posture went from stoop shoulder. Not everybody, but here versus, you know, that's the strength we want. Okay. Now guys, let's go ahead. Just think about a long leg. If I could, I'd have all of your feet and I'd be pulling you reach your foot more to the window over there and lifted. Of course, we're evening for a leg to be hip height without the tailbone going back there. So yeah, tail goes under ribs go in, sternum goes up there.

So there's the work in the hip. [inaudible] just a little bit longer. Second, do the send Samantha in tad, bring your leg more towards Samantha. Bring it forward. That's it. Okay. That's plenty guys lower that leg then that knee is all we're doing with that one by the way. And sit back onto your hunch or hip. Probably a better word and come back up the other side. All right. I know an exhale over here we go.

May as well have her tail ribs and sternum in place now, which we do so that we don't have to expend too much more energy by the time you're out there. Yeah. Long leg and then same thing. Tad, bring your leg forward slightly. Okay. Are you ready to lift it from the glute? Think long first. Lift that leg up. Now reach it that way. Your leg, I'll go over here and I know not your favorite. We want you to get some flexibility in that joint though. Okay? I'm not gonna do too much. Reach more toward the curtains. Reach it more.

Yup. Watch that neck and shoulder area. Take a one more breath in, cause it can exhale, bring it down and then sit back into that hip. That's your head round. Also. Nice work guys. Hm. Okay. Let's come down onto our stomachs. We can all have our head spacing into each other and we're going to do a slow swimming. One of my favorites for people, for everybody. Arms long. Legs long. Okay.

And yeah, go ahead. And if you can start this with your feet close together, your legs close together. Alright. And then if, Oh, I love this idea. If you have an aerial view of your own back, like I have of Samantha's, we don't want the wrinkles up here on the neck and the shoulders, you know? Yeah. Guide those shoulders down from there. That's it. Even if your arms go wider, that is absolutely much better than narrow arms. And squishy neck and shoulders in my opinion. Okay, that's better.

So last week the cue came out of the book lightly. Press your chin towards your chest. Do that here. Okay guys, float just your right arm and left leg up and head and chest. All righty. So we want the leg to lift hamstrings. Depressed to the ceiling. You armed, come up the chest to come up. Find those back extensors, right? Think mid back, pulls the arm up, pulls the leg up, or you as long as you could be. Exhale, bring that down.

Inhale, get ready for the other side. Exhale, left arm, chest. This is great. Back leg. So we ideally, we're looking, you can't see it like I can, but we want our limbs to be the same height. All right, looks better there and come down and he'll prepare for it. Exhale. Right arm. I think it is. Yeah. [inaudible] left leg. One more leg.

That's it. You guys. And lower one more slow one and left arm. Right leg. Interesting leg again. Okay. This, that. Yeah, she asked how your everybody good and calm down. Ready for the swim, arms and legs, chest, everything comes up and let's paddle in that rhythm. Sure. Four good lift and lift and lift and four, three, two and one. And re coming down. I said four twice. You probably wonder what counts I was on. Okay, let's crawl back to the rest pose or the shell pose or round your cat back. Good. Okay.

I am going to have us do one more actually prone and the double leg kick just to get the, the work in the shoulder opening. Okay, so come on back down. You guys stack the hands in the small of the back or higher if you can. We've been working on hands a higher the last several months. As long as your elbows are still on the mat and when you turn, let's all start with our right cheek on the mat, right facial cheek. I was talking with class last night. Really relaxed that neck, you know, really relaxed with it. Your neck. Okay. Put the attention in the abs. We're going to do six repetitions. Take a breath in. So let's kick the heel, squeeze them to the bum. One and two and three. Now relax the legs back.

Extend your arms, work your mid back. I want us all to lift the arms a little higher above the back. Okay. Lift, lift. Now turn. Don't collapse yet. Can you get your hands on your back? Then bring your chest down. Inhale. Let's kick on the exhale. Hands and lift from your mid back. Try to relax your legs open. Now turn your head, place your hands, then the chest and we go, one, two, three. And we inhale.

Sure. And place the hands. And exhale. One, two, three and left. We're going to do one more each side. Turn and exhale. One, two, three. Inhale and lift. Last one. Exhale. One, two, three. Inhale, let's lift. Okay, let it come down please. Your hands push on back.

Oh, Alrighty. Let's can do front support please. Well and same thing. You can go knuckles, you can not fingertips. That would be too hard on your wrists. So knuckles. Yep. And we, again, we've got four bases of support. Two feet, two hands. We want to distribute the weight evenly on all four points.

Just lower your hips a little bit. Bring your ribs in and sternum. I didn't take talk too much about the sternum today, but radiate that sternum across the map. Yes, you guys. Okay, now take a breath. I want you to take your tailbone and rolling under and round your back as you kind of come through that pyramid position. Okay? Take a breath there. Now as you come down, you can just lower your chest.

Come down onto your hands. Okay, Whoa. That's falling off. Inhale, exhale, and again you can curl your tail. Then start lifting the hips and at the very end coming into that extension. Inhale there. Come down carefully. Exhale. [inaudible].

Inhale, very nice. Exhale thing, a little more curled of the tail. Rounding the back, lifting into the extension. At the very end, we're going to take it two more times. Take a breath, exhale and coming down. Inhale, exhale, curl. Lift your spine to the ceiling. Keep it in the belly and reach the sits bones up. Once again, breathe. Exhale, and shift. One more curl and reach.

From here. I want us to walk our feet to our hands. Yes, and down into that little squad again. We haven't done this little last part for weeks, weeks, weeks. This is the calf work when we're upside down. All right, so go ahead one more time. Everybody take your legs and straighten them as much as you can or probably better said if your legs are straight, even if you have to have your hands, you know, out in front of you a little farther and maybe even, is that gonna work, Todd? Probably. Okay. That's okay. That's okay.

He's allowed. He's the only one in here. This. He gets to the here, but for the rest of us, let's, let's check in here. So let your head relax. Let it really, yeah. Hey, I'm guilty of that sometimes too. I look forward and that catches me up on my neck. Doggone it. I'm going to let that head relax. Okay. Unweight your heels. Pull your navel to your spine and keep the Q really easy. Lift your heels.

Can that heel lift come from your belly? Landed. Did yours. That was, we lower the heels. We still keep the stomach generated. It doesn't drop out. Let's take an inhale. Why not? Exhale, stay up there. Inhale. [inaudible] if that's feeling easy, anybody? I would say bring your hands back there towards your feet.

As long as the stomach is still pulled back and up. Inhale. Exhale. We go back up a little higher in the hails. Maybe that's what I needed to get myself a little more piked. One more time. Let's come down and I promise our last one. Exhale. As we pull those heels up, keep the head relaxed and dropped.

See the world upside down. I like to say that here because you know what is it? Looks pretty cool. Upside down. Changes your view a little bit. Okay, now keep your heels up. Let's bend the knees. Find that squat. Last chance to be the wheel. Just breathe into that shape. Head, neck, shoulders, back, back as pelvis, tailbone. If we could, we'd be inside a physio ball. The wheel inside the ball. All right, you guys hands down. Last thing we got to get outta here.

Straighten your legs, take a good breath and let's slowly roll up. I would love to have you by us to more on the balls of the feet. Relax your arms, relax the side of the neck now before you walk away or come out of the focus, just stay on there. All right. Yeah, just stand. Ideally, we're fairly plum line, not too shabby. Okay, you guys. Thank you very much. Great work today.


Don't need to show the reading. Stick to instruction only.
Ted Johnson
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Rina S
I am working my way through Amy's level 2 deliberately paced classes and am getting a lot out of them. It is too bad that not all the classes are available online. I feel like they are helping me advance at a pace that works for me. I also enjoyed the reading and found the image of the wheel very helpful.
Hi Rina, I'm so happy to hear that you've been following my classes and that you're seeing/feeling improvements, way to go! I chose to bring in the reading of Return To Life for fun....and a little glimpse into the life and time of Joe.....and what he must have been like. A genius as we all will agree, but it's fun to hear how he wrote about his approach.

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