Class #1946

Strengthening Mat Variations

45 min - Class


You will feel so strong after this Mat workout with Tracey Mallett! She starts with a standing warm-up and then moves into intense ab work. Tracey encourages you to explore different ways to move your body, which will help you appreciate everything your body can do.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Hi guys, I'm Tracey O'Malley. Today we're gonna do a lovely mat pilates class, okay? So let's start with our feet. Hit with the part. We're gonna take a nice deep breath in.

And the exhale we're gonna draw the abdomen in and we're gonna roll down, slowly roll down. Just reaching to the floor. And then slowly rolling all the way up. Let's try that again. Inhale.

Exhale. And just close your eyes. It's time to just release all that stress and tension. Reaching down to the floor. And then slowly think around into that mid upper back.

Will you open up the thoracic spin as you come up. Inhale here, exhale draw those abs in. Curl down. And try to take you away a little more into the balls of your feet. And place your hands down to the floor if you can.

Relax the head. And just bend your knees. And extend. Bend your knees and extend. Knees.

And each time, try and get your head a little bit further towards your knees. Just try and open up. Stretch out those hamstrings. Imagine we've got those long festival hamstrings. Just give me two more.

One more. Now hold it there, hold. Roll yourselves all the way up. Nice and tall. We're gonna take your feet out into second position.

Little bit wider. So think of your mats. You're gonna be over the side of the mat. That's it, turned out. We're gonna just reach the hands out.

From here, all we're going to do is turn to your right side. We're gonna turn to the right and then come back to the center. Now imagine you're pressing down before you rotate. So you're gonna feel those laps, you can feel the (mumbles). Let's try it again.

Press down. And rotate. Your pelvis is staying facing forward. And again, so it's your torso that's rotating. Not your pelvis.

Now put your mind to your obliques, your waist as you rotate. Take your head with it, your gaze follows. Let's see if you can go a little bit further and back to center and again, rotate. A little bit further. We're gonna go a little bit faster for two counts.

We go out. For two. Back for two. Out for two. Back.

Think of rotating up and around and back. For two. Boom. Think of that little rhythm that's going. Little rhythm here.

Back to center. Last time. Lift and pull those abs in and then come back to center. Bend your elbows. Like a little Pac-Man here.

We're gonna rotate. Rotate. And back to center. We take it two, one, center. And again.

Two, one. Make sure your wrists are in line with your shoulders. Your external rotation is your shoulder joint. Now it's double pulse. We take it pulse, pulse.

Hold it. Pulse, pulse. Hold it. (breathes out heavily) Hold. Imagine you're pressing against an imaginary wall.

Your hands and your elbows are in an imaginary wall sliding down the imaginary wall in front of you. (breathes out heavily) Center. (breathes out heavily) Hold it here. Plie. Are your shoulders over your hips?

Are your ribcage pulling down and together? Are those abdominals pulled in? Is your weight into your heels? Let's ping your toes above the floor. Press the heels down, feel those hamstrings.

Sit bones drawn together. Let's lower a little bit further. Press your hands forward. Now, we're gonna go up. And then slide and press down.

Imagine your hands and your elbows are dragging their imaginary pane of glass in front of you. You're gonna feel your spine extend as the elbows come a little bit further down. see if we can take em down a little bit further here. Can you feel their extension in your mid upper back? Can you feel those legs working to support you?

Let's go a little bit deeper. And again. Let's take it three and back. And two. And back.

And one. And back. And last time. Extend. Plie back down again.

We're gonna go into a side bend. See we're gonna side bend to the right. And down. So we're going to our right side and then back again. And again, slide down.

Side bend. Now can you look in the same direction as you're going in? And again. So that's side bend, now feel those obliques. And then back to center.

Depress before you even move. Side bend. Center. Now we're gonna go a little bit faster. We go down.

Center. Down. Your focus is your obliques. You're doing standing oblique work. (breathes out heavily) You're in beautiful extension.

(breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) Four more. (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) Last time. (breathes out heavily) Hold it. Extend. Reaching forwards into flat back, pressing your weight back, abs pulled in.

Reach your arms out to side. Bring it back to center and then come back up again. Inhale here. Exhale forward. Inhale open your arms.

Exhale reach forwards. Inhale come back up. And take it forwards, elongate. Keep your weight forwards. Open.

Center. And back. You're hinging from your hip joint and you're elongating out in that beautiful extension. Forwards. And this time, we're gonna have to do a plie at the same time.

So we go plie. Open. Center. Lift. And you try that again.

And plie, elongate. Keep your weight forwards. Open to the side. Back to the center. Your palms are facing inwards.

Pull your scapula down. And dive yourself forwards. Out. Back to center and come back up. Can we do one more?

Reach. And then hold it here, hold. Hold it. Reach back center. Hold it.

And do little pulses. Eight. Seven. Six. Five.

Four. Are your ears by your biceps? Three, two, hold it. Arms back out to the side again. Back to the front.

And lift all the way up. Reach over into a side stretch. And then back into the other side. Nice. And come back, bring your legs together.

Now we're gonna roll down. So why don't you take a deep breath? You're gonna inhale, exhale, roll yourself down. Roll yourself down. Bend your knees.

And then we're gonna sit down to face inwards of each other so you can guys see your pretty faces. Alright. I'm gonna flip this way. Alright. So the inner thighs are connected together.

We're gonna reach the hands forwards to here. We open back. We come forwards and then we just lift all the way back up again. So we incline back, pull those abs in. Open.

Back to center. And then forwards. So draw those abs in, round. Open. Center.

Now lifting that extension. And round. And open. Back to center. Can we go a little bit deeper this time?

And round. And open. And center. Now round extension. And round a little bit deeper.

Open. Center. Round. And up. And again, round.

Little bit deeper, it's getting a little bit more challenging. Round. And up. And a little bit deeper. Hold it there.

Good. And back. Now one more time. This time we're gonna roll all the way back so open your hands out. Open it.

Roll the hands forwards and roll back down again. Beautiful. Bring the legs. Bend your knees so your feet are hit with a part. Heels in line with your sit bones.

Your palms are facing in. Put your shoulder blades down. And take your hand straight up. We're just gonna open and close. So you open.

And close. Now while we're doing that, I want you to really think of drawing your shoulder blades down. Pull those abs in. You and that neutral spine. And you think of pressing your hands together.

And as you press your hands together, deepen the abdominals. Really deepen and draw and fill that intraabdominal pressure as you really draw those abs in without moving your pelvis. Let's just do one more. (breathes out heavily) Now draw your shoulder blades down. Let's organize that shoulder girdle.

Looking good. Let's take the hands behind your head. Go as far as you can without hyper extending your mid upper back. Keep everything in control. We're gonna inhale.

Draw the head, neck, and shoulders off the floor. Keep that tailbone down. Look towards the abs. And then come back down again. So that sequence is your head, neck, and shoulders are coming off the floor.

And you're reaching. And then back. For a few of us who are stiff in the mid upper back, this is a little hard for us to get lifted. So you've got to really lift and reach towards your feet and then back. Let's just do one more time and little warm up here.

Roll the hip. Back down again. Extend the right leg. Extend the left leg. Squeeze the inner thighs together.

Draw your shoulder blades down. Inhale, look towards your feet. Exhale, keep that rounding position. Round, round, round. You're reaching up and over that ball.

And then slowly roll down again. Inhale. Head, neck, and shoulders. Slight pause. (breathes out heavily) Reach forwards.

And then slowly rolling down. Inhale, look towards your feet as your head, neck, and shoulders come off the floor. Hold it there, slight pause. And then continue that roll up with control. And then roll down.

Now why don't you lift your head, neck, and shoulder off the floor and hold it. Hold. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two and continue that roll. Think of the abdominals lifting in, up, and back behind the ribcage as you reach. And then roll down.

Roll. Slowly, slowly, slowly. Control. Strength is in control. Head and shoulders are off the floor.

Lift and hold. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, nice work ladies. Reach forward. Up and over. And then slowly roll down.

Slow. Inhale, bring your head, neck, and shoulders off the floor. Hold it here. Eight, seven, six, five, reach forward. Reach, three, two, one.

Reach forwards. Now we're gonna do it on the way down. On the eccentric phase. Ready? So find where you feel those abdominals kick in.

You're all gonna be at different places. Hold it there. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, and continue that roll down. Lumbar spine first. And then inhale, exhale, roll all the way up.

And reach. And come back down. You might be a little bit further down next time, depending. Lift those abdominals. In, up and back.

Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Lumbar spine first. Get the lumbar spine down. Don't miss it out. And then roll all the way up.

(breathes out heavily) One more time. Roll down. Find where you feel those abdominals really connect. Draw it in. Let's make this a good one.

Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Lumbar spine. Come on. Slowly. And then pull it back.

Beautiful. Bring your arms to the side of your body. Take your right leg up, left leg up. So you're in your chair position. Your knees over your hips maybe slightly imprinted.

We're just gonna exhale. Drop that right toe down and bring it back. Left toe. And back. (breathes out heavily) Are you breathing?

(breathes out heavily) Good. (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) Now pick up that tempo. We go (breathing out heavily). Four more. (breathes out heavily) Four, three, two, one.

Knees up. Take your knees to the right side. So you're gonna inhale. Your hip lifts. And then you exhale, your obliques are pulling you back.

Keep your knees over your shoulders. I mean, so your knees are over your hips should I say. Inhale over. Exhale. (breathes out heavily) Back to center.

Inhale, the hip comes slightly off. And then you're reaching back to center. Now focus on your obliques are pulling you back. Obliques pulling you back. Now, add in a little bit more of a challenge.

Come over. Extend those legs. Bring it back to center. Bend the knees. And take the knees over.

Lengthen. Bring it back to center. And bend. And over. Lengthen.

Try and keep the feet together. Bring it back to center with the obliques and bend. Inhale over. Elongate those legs. Bring it back.

To center. Now, extend those legs. Up. Is your ankle over your hip? Pull those abs in.

Ready to go to the pendulum. Inhale over. Obliques are pulling you back, back, back to center. Focus on your outside oblique. (breathes out heavily) Inhale.

Now exhale. (breathes out heavily) Inhale. Can you give me two more? You're looking good. Inhale over.

A little bit further this time if you can and control it. (breathes out heavily) Knees bent. Take the hands around. Now pull your head, neck, and shoulders. Draw them off the floor and get yourself nice and comfortable.

Use your hands here to pull. Your hamstrings are pulling that way and you're pulling your hands this way. You're resisting with your hamstrings. Get yourself a little bit further. Shins are parallel to the sky.

You're ready for double leg stretch. We go, inhale. And exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

Come on, a bit more dynamic. Inhale. (breathes out heavily) Inhale. (breathes out heavily) Inhale. (breathes out heavily) Are you resisting your knees?

Resist. Inhale. Resist, breathe. Inhale. (breathes out heavily) Three more.

(breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) Last time. (breathes out heavily) Hold it, lift up a little bit higher. From here, you're gonna use those abs and then try and roll up and place your feet down. Extension. And then you're ready, you're gonna roll back down again.

Slowly and you're rocking back. Head stays up. Exhale, roll. Place your feet down. Enjoy that beautiful extension.

And then round back again. It's that beautiful rounding and extending. Using that spine. Exhale, resist those hamstrings. Use your abs.

The more you use the abs, the harder it is. You gotta resist those hamstrings. Can you see I'm pulling? Resist those with the hamstrings. There you go.

Good. And roll. (breathes out heavily) Press your feet down, nice ladies. Lift up. And then round back down again.

Let's do one more. (breathes out heavily) Roll yourself all the way up. From this position, we're gonna walk the leg up. Now extend that leg if you can. Enjoy that extension.

Your heart center's lifting up. Now we're gonna try and round. Now I'm talking about rounding to the lumbar spine and you're gonna try and pull that leg. So your shin. And then from here, you go back.

Slide the shoulder blades down the back and look up into the horizon. Beautiful. Now use your strength in your upper body curl through those abs and bring the head and enjoy that amazing stretch. And then come back up again. Hold it.

Now we're gonna walk down that leg. Walk down that leg. Walk down the leg, walk down the leg. Bend the knee. Into single leg stretch.

Ready, wheel that? Go. (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) Resist. The inner thighs are swishing against each other. Lift up higher.

Resist. (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) And eight. And seven. And six. (breathes out heavily) And five.

(breathes out heavily) And four, beautiful guys. And three. And two. And one. Knees in.

Hands around. Cradle that head. Lift it up. Ready? Crisscross.

We twist. And twist. Now as you're twisting. It's not the elbow, it's your shoulder that's twisting right? (breathes out heavily) And your inner thighs are swishing against each other.

And eight. It's got a little bit more rhythm. And rhythm. And rhythm. And whip.

And whip. I want some action. There we go. And four. And three.

And two. And one. Hold it. Now pulse. Pulse.

Little pulse. You're pulsing with the obliques, not your shoulder. Oblique. Oblique. Oblique.

Hold it. Twist. Oblique are moving. Little the waist. There.

There. Oh my god look at that beautiful scenery. Oh my gosh. Four, three, two, switch again for four this time, go. Four, three, two, switch.

Four, three, two, switch twos. And two. And two. And two. You ready for singles, ladies?

Go and eight. And seven. And six. Five. And four.

And three. And two. And one. Center. Hands around.

Inhale. Exhale roll. Extend. And let's roll back down again. Enjoy that lovely rest.

We're never resting though, are we girls? We're always working. And roll. Lower the feet down. Extend.

And then slowly slide the shoulder blades down in that beautiful C curve. Keep your head off the floor, no collapsing. And roll. Let's do one more, I love that. It feels so great on the spine.

Curl. (breathes out heavily) One more. (breathes out heavily) And lift. Now we're gonna go into our left leg. So let's lift our left leg up. Can we extend that leg?

If not, just keep it bent. Now slip the shoulder blades down, look up. Nice. Now use that upper body strength. I know you guys are all strong here.

And pull. And round. Pull those abs in. Try and get your forward to your shin. Come on, you can do it.

I know you can. And then lift. Slide them down again. And again. Pull, round, draw those abs in, round.

And then extend. Are you ready? Now we're gonna walk down the leg. We're gonna do single straight legs. So we're going into our scissors, okay?

You ready? Yes, slightly. Okay, ready, walk down. Are we in a scissor now? We do double pulses, switch.

And two, two, switch. (breathes out heavily) Switch. (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) Four more. (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) Hold it there, hold. Take the hands behind the head.

Sorry. Lift up. Are you ready now? Keep center first. Center, center.

Center, center. Are you ready for that beautiful crisscross? Crisscross. Twist twist. Twist twist.

Twist twist. Shoulder shoulder. Shoulder shoulder. Four four. Three three.

Two two. One one. Back to center. Don't collapse. Bend the knees.

Hands behind the head. Lift up a little bit deeper. Hold it there. Lift those legs up. Hold it.

Reach the hands out. Hold. Take the hands behind the head. Lift. Turn.

Press. Flex. Push. Lift. Down.

Flex. Extension. Lift. Down. Flex.

Out. Keep the head in that nice cradle. Sorry. There. And lift.

And down. Bend. Push. Two more. And down.

Flex. Point. Last time. And down. Flex.

Point. Lift up. Now you can lower your head down. Bend your knees. Release the hands by the side of your body.

Take your right leg down first. Left leg down. Try and get the heels in line with the sit bones, okay? So let's get in nice firm position. Are we there?

Arms by the side of the body. Now pressing down. Let's take a deep breath in. On the exhale, we're gonna draw the abdominals in to that pelvic crawl. Roll all the way up into your bridge.

And then slowly roll back down again. Now if you feel your heels are not close enough to your sit bones. This is a good time now to adjust them a little bit more. Okay? Ready.

Roll all the way up. Now. Find that position. Get your hips high. Abdominals lift just so you're not hyper extending.

Now press your hands down into the floor. Transfer the weight to the left leg. And lift that right leg up. We're gonna toss it down so we go toss, flex. Toss, flex.

Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven.

Eight. Nine. Ten, hold it there. And we lower tap. Lower tap.

So you're rolling and tapping your sacrum onto the floor. One, tap. Tap. Four more. Four.

Three. Two. Hold it there. It's leg circles. Inhale.

Exhale. Inhale. Keep that hip high. Exhale. Inhale.

Exhale. That lovely whipping motion. Reverse it and inhale. Exhale. Inhale.

Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale, hold it there.

Point the toe. Bend the knee. Keep your hips still. Are you okay? Hold that position.

Let's transfer the weight to the opposite left leg and lift up. Are you ready? And down, toss. Two. (breathes out heavily) Three.

Four, really toss that leg. Five. Flex. Six. Seven.

Eight. Nine. Ten. Hold it there. Ready, we roll down, tap the sacrum.

Tap. (breathes out heavily) Push with that heel. Push to the sky. Push. (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) Five.

Four. Three. Two. Hold it. You ready for leg circles?

We go inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Whipping motion. Inhale.

Exhale. Inhale. Ready for that reverse and inhale. Exhale. Inhale.

Whip it. It never stops. Moving. Around. And hold it there.

Get your hips high, guys. Bend that knee. Hips are high. Reach those hands over your head. Roll yourself down.

Enjoy that stretch. Reach your legs out, palms facing inwards. Pull your shoulder blades down. Inhale, look towards your feet. Exhale, roll all the way up.

Lift up to a straight spine. Open your feet about the same width as your mat. Take your hands out to the side. We're gonna rotate. We're gonna soar.

We're gonna reach forwards, round forwards. Reach past the baby toe. So you're in that slight extension and then come back to center. Let's try that again. So you rotate.

Round forwards. Reach towards your baby toe. Now lift up in an extension. And then come back to center. There's so many variations of that, I know.

Round forwards. Reach past. Now lift up as if you're reaching out in that extension. Then come back to center. Palms facing forward.

Rotate. Now, draw up and over that ball. Reach towards your baby toe. Now as you come up, come up through an extension and then back. Let's do two more.

And around. Curl. Reach out into an extension and then back to center. Rotate. Round and reach.

Come up through that extension and back to center. Slowly bring your legs together. Hands to the side. We're gonna turn to face me. Now we're gonna go on to our lovely knees here.

So come up on your knees. We're gonna turn, we're gonna come all the way down. Put your hands. So your hands are underneath your shoulder joint, okay? Leg goes out to the side.

Alright, so look down. Make sure your hands are underneath your shoulder joint. Now why don't you lift up under those obliques. So feel your obliques, lift up. Okay?

Now you can either keep your hand here or wherever you feel comfortable for stability. If you feel you want to take it up a little bit higher, we'll put the hand behind the head. So I'll be here, you choose where you want to be. Lift that leg up. Now what we're gonna do is just take it down and up.

Down and up. Down and up. Good. There we go. (breathes out heavily) So focus on you're not dropping into your shoulder joint.

You're pushing away from the floor. Good. Four more. (breathes out heavily) Three. Two.

Hold it here, ready? Flex it forwards. Flex, flex. Point back. Inhale, inhale.

(breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) Nice work, guys. Good, keep lifting above that mat. That's good. (breathes out heavily) (breathes out heavily) Last time. (breathes out heavily) Back to the center.

Now circle. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, reverse. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, hold it. Lift it up, come on, higher guys. You guys can get up four inches higher than that.

Come on, babies, let's take it up there. Hold it. Reach the hands out. Come on, my legs are shaking too. And then bend and stretch, thank you.

Hold that stretch. Now from here, we're just gonna lift up and over and let's go to the other side. So let's get ourselves nice situated. Hand underneath your shoulder. Make sure your head is in line with the spine too.

You always forget about the head. The head is always sticking up like this. Okay so hand is here or here. Are you ready? Abs pulled in.

(breathes out heavily) And out, good. (breathes out heavily) Drop down. Lift. Open up your chest. Very nice, guys.

You're very strong. I like it. (breathes out heavily) Good. (breathes out heavily) Four more. Four.

Three. Two. Now one more, hold it here, hold. Are you ready? Flex it forwards.

Flex, flex. Point back. Flex, flex. Point back. That leg's the same height.

Don't dip. That leg, keep it nice. Hip height. Right girlies? Hip height.

Three, three. And back. Two, two. And back. One, one.

And back to the side. You ready? Come on, lift up. You can do it, go. Eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, reverse.

Eight, seven, six, five, smile. It makes it so much easier. Three, two, hold it there, hold. Come on, lift it higher. Higher.

Four, three, two, one, reach. And then stretch. Hold it there, nice work. Alright, let's turn on to our tummy now. So let's come forwards but first of all, let's transition into a (mumbles) position.

So if you want to face (mumbles). So your hands are underneath your shoulders, knees are underneath that hips. Now we're gonna take your right leg back. Before you (mumbles), make sure your hip is parallel. Alright.

Now just lift that leg up. First of all, just think of elongating out to the crown of the head. Now we're gonna work a little bit of the upper body. You want your elbows pointing to the back wall. So we go three, two, hold it.

Bend the elbows and go forwards. And lift. And again. Three, two, one, sorry. Go down.

Let's try three pulses, here you go. Three, two, pulse. Now pitch your body forwards. That's it. And the leg is gonna lift.

Gorgeous. Three, two, one. Abs pulled in, forward. And again. Three, two, one.

Last time. Three, two, one. Hold it here. Now your right leg is out. Your left leg is gonna in our position, your superwoman.

Here's your superwoman. Hold it there, hold. And just move and pulse that leg and arm pretty easy. Working that mid upper back. Make sure your hips are square.

Four, three, two, hold it. Bend your knee and try and grab the handle the way around. And stretch. And slowly release. Take the hand back again.

Pull the abs in, take the hand down. Knee, child's pose. Or shell. Shell, child's pose. Yoga and pilates.

Alright. Are you ready? So we go back again. Hands underneath your shoulders. Ready for the other side.

Here, hips are square. Elongate to the crown of the head, push away. So you're not winging to the scapula. Just pulse it here. Just to workout, just little pulses.

So the rhythm will be, we'll pulse to three and then we try to pitch our body forwards, the elbows going to the back wall. Are you ready? I'm gonna cue you now. Three pulses. Take it three.

Two. One. Press. Up. Three.

Two. One. Press. Up. Be careful you're not going into your shoulders.

You gotta pull your shoulder blades down to minimize the range of motion. Three. Two. One. Down.

And again. Three. Two. One. Alright, let's do one more for good luck.

You did so good. Three, two, one. Forwards. Back. Now, reach the opposite arm forwards.

Pulse arm and leg. Feel the mid upper back working too. (breathes out heavily) And four. And three. And two.

Hold it there, hold. Let's see if we can take the hand around. Let's see if it can grab that ankle and lift. And then slowly come back down and relax. Stretch it out.

From here, we're gonna slowly walk forward. So you're gonna come into on your tummy. And you're just gonna take your hands around. Clasp your hands and look towards me. Bend the elbows.

Doesn't that feel good? Go to sleep now. Ready? We pulse with three, two, one. Now elongate, reach out.

And again, other side. Three, two, one. Lift and elongate. Think of those hamstrings. Now it's hamstrings.

Hamstrings, hamstrings. Extension. And again. Hamstrings, hamstrings, hamstrings. Extension.

Let's do two more. Hold it. Reach around. Swim. Swim, your palms are flat.

Your inner thighs are swishing against each other. Now take your right hand all the way around. Around. And then back again, assuming that external rotation. And again.

Outside. And then back. And again. Slight side bends. And then back.

You're leading with the pinky. Pinky. There. Bring it back to center. Slowly bend your elbows.

Push yourself up. Are you ready to go into the rocking swan? We go rock. And stretch. Rock.

And stretch. Rock. And stretch. Rock. Three more.

Three. Two. One more. And just catch yourself round back. And from here, we're gonna slowly roll yourself all the way up.

And we're gonna turn and face the front. So you're in the front position here. We're gonna do some side planks now. Your favorite. Cross the legs in front.

Hand underneath your shoulder. Now we're gonna reach up. We're gonna go up into side plank and we're gonna reach up and over like a rainbow. Now look down to your hand. Open up your side of your waist.

And from here, we're just gonna bend and come back down again. But you're barely gonna touch 'cause you're gonna go back up again. And lift up and over. Look down to your hand and then come back again. Slow.

And up. And over. And then come back again. Can we do a couple more? Lift.

Reach, look down, look down, finish up that rainbow. And back. Can you do one more? Lift and hold it there. Come back to the side, hold it.

Hold it. Five, four, three, two, and slowly come back down. Nice work. Down to the other side. I saw that look.

(laughing) She was like, oh no, what's she gonna get me doing now? Hand here. Ready, so lift yourself up. Up. Find that beautiful position to start off with and look down.

Open. You ready? And come down, bend the knees. You barely touch cause you're gonna go back up again. Look down.

And up. Enjoy that control. (breathes out heavily) Two more. You guys look beautiful. Lift.

One more. This time we're gonna hold it there. Hold it. Five. Four.

Three. Two. One and slowly control it down. Bring your legs together. Into a little butterfly position here.

You're just gonna press out and open here. Now all I want you to do is round to and lift all the way up. We're gonna extend forwards. Round and come back. And lift up.

Again, push those knees apart. Round. Last time. Push those knees apart. Round.

Pull back, extend the leg out to the side. And we're just going to a side stretch. And then open. Rotate around. And then again, side stretch.

Lift up, rotate. And around. Last time. Down. And back to the second position.

Switch the legs. Over. And then around. Rotate. And again.

Over. We always forget that just to move feels good. Movement is the best for the mind and the body, your sanity, it's for everything. Last time. And over.

Pass through second position, open both legs. Flex the feet. Reach up. And extend forwards and then back again. And again, one more time.

Reach forwards and then back. Last time, reach forwards. And back. Slowly bring the hands down. Bend your knees and we're gonna roll ourself all the way up.

Slowly I'm gonna come off this, my lovely pedestal here. And I want you to roll all the way up. And slowly we're gonna finish up with a roll down. We're gonna take a nice deep breath in. We're gonna exhale.

We're gonna bring out chin to chest and then we're gonna roll down and then we're gonna take a few minutes just to take all the negative energy out your body, all that stress is just gonna dissipate out of your body. You know, slightly bend your knees and I want you to roll all the way back up again. This time, close your eyes. Keep your weight forwards on your toes. Just take a deep breath in.

Chin to chest, take your weight forwards onto your toes, roll yourself down. Be thankful for your body, be thankful for your soul. Be thankful for making this a day to enjoy and explore different ways to move your body and appreciate what your body can do for you. And roll all the way up. And enjoy.

Good job guys, you're a strong group. Give them a round of applause. I think they did a great job.


1 person likes this.
...and I am thankful for you! Another fantastic class!
Great class! Just the right amount of challenge to energize my day - thank you!
Lovely class always Tracey??????
This was challenging! Great and effective workout, I don't know how 45 minutes went by so quickly. Thanks, Tracey!
thank you for a fantastic class. you worked every part of the body and I feel great.
Sylvia B
Love this class!
Thanks, Tracey. Always love your classes! Great workout.
thanks Tracey - I know everyone has said it, but I too really enjoyed this class and feel invigorated!
1 person likes this.
Just what I needed. A dynamic and challenging mat class from Tracey. Pushes me to do a bit (or a lot) more than I can.
Loved it, and it highlighted my weak areas :(
1-10 of 67

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