Hi everybody. I'm Jen is a fino. I'm going to take you through a tower workout today and I like to run the gauntlet of the tower and the Cadillac. I don't like to change a lot of springs. I don't like to, you know, kind of move back and forth too much. So we're going to start on this end of the tower. I should say that I am set up with a red spring on the push through bar and a purple springs for a balanced body, leg springs, and then yellow long yellow bounds. Bonnie springs for the handles.
So anything that's gonna allow you to extend back as well. Do some mass seated exercises in a few. But first let's get started. So I'd like you to line yourself up with the baggage of your tower. And if you don't have a tower with a reformer, I've also done this same series with just the Lower Matt Towers. Just as long as you have a little bit of feedback to the back of your calves or even your heels.
We're just going to start with some alignment and I'm gonna take my arms out to a rounded position and we're going to go in for four breaths and out for one. So it's four inhalations and one exhalation to start just to center and to get our breathing apparatus going. So breathe in
We're going to wrap the elbows towards each other. We're just going to kind of come into this almost a fetal type position and knees are almost angling in and everything stretching into flection. And then we'll take another breath in and we're going to open the arms reaching, extending the palms, opening the fingers, and then starting to come into our extension. Just getting that whole front line across the front of the chest and then we'll roll the fingers in this time. Puts your thumbs right into your shoulders and then try to bring your elbows as closest together as you can. Inhale
I just want to see how far I can engage my glute medius and also my inner thigh of the opposite leg as I'm just the hips on top of the femurs. So let's take a glide with the hip over to the right. We'll come into a side bend. I want you to go ahead and put your left hand into your left kind of right where that greater trow canter sits into that hollow of the glute. Ron Fletcher used to call him the Haagen Daz hollow.
So you want them nice and scooped and deep. And we're just going to pulse over to find length. Breathing in
And what I'm trying to do is kind of hug my knees almost to touch a little bit of a flat back and then come back up. Now I'm working on this so my toes are coming up a little bit more than I want them to, but the idea is to get the glutes stretched and then to start to stand from not only my hamstrings but my glutes as well. Some breathing in as I go. And then stretching, coming back to that stable position. One more kind of framing the mat with my legs and all the way up. Now let's go one more time.
And this time I'm going to send myself into a flat back. Shifting the weight forward onto the toes. A little challenging to be right against the cavs. We're going to bend the right knee, switched down, get a nice stretch on the side, rotating, pressing the arms apart. So we've got some side support.
We don't want to be dropped down into that shoulder. So use this opposition, come back into the flat back and go into the other direction. And again, it's reaching two arms in opposition from each other. And then we'll come one more time each side. So breathe in, breathe out. And as much as we can, we're trying to side glide the hips. There's a little rotation that happens. We're letting happen. I know we're gonna come back to center and we're going to lift up to the top, take a step in and round down and we'll come up.
And just to Elidel a little seated position so that the tower is kind of at your upper back and if you are a little shorter in this shoulder blades aren't touching, then you might want to get a little moon box or lift here. Then having my legs together and I'm going to do some extension here. I feel like extension is where I work best these days. I'm breathing in and out to lengthen and just using the edge of the mat, influence some nice engagement on the shoulders and then coming back up. So let's do that three times. Lifting the sternum again with the breath, reaching back and coming forward and I'm just gathering like I was going to do some abdominal work. Maybe it'll happen, maybe it won't. We'll see.
Good. So one word to come forward and then we're going to go back and this time standing into your feet, we're going to lift the hips up and curl under like you're going into semi-circle and I'm going to place my feet a little bit forward underneath my hips. He alls Nice, whatever those are, and then reach the arms up to the ceiling. And we're just going to open the chest. Breathing in, do a little snow, Angel upward, some stretching for the place that I'm going, so I know where that's at. A little snow angel downward. And then reaching all the way back and up to center. So we're going to inhale, exhale, filter down through the center. Inhale, reach, exhale side. And again
Just getting that hanging moment, that semi-circle lifting the head forward. And then from here we're going to reach back, bring yourselves up to a seated position and get ready for a little tricep dip. So one of the things that I find the most challenging about very basic tricep dips is getting out of my shoulders. So we're just going to work on unlocking and then engaging the triceps, unlucky, the elbows. So you're going to come forward just to hover, kind of like the movements that we might do in the chair. Similar exercise. So if I push down through the heel and my hands engage to the back of the triceps, I've got that going. I drop my shoulders down.
Now I'm just going to unlock and I'm going to slowly take the elevator down nice and easy. And from here I'm going to push into my feet to help myself get back up. Now this has been kind of a nemesis move from me having had a baby two years ago, but still having to carry him. My triceps tend to be really tight as do my traps. So we're going to do four more here. I just want to wake them up
Press good or to come back at the edge. Rolling all the way down. And now it seems like a really wonderful time for a little abdominal series, especially since the Matt's here. So let's challenge ourselves to press the hip into a little more extension today and feel that hip opening. So if you have the flexibility, really go for it. Elbows wide, side to side, breathe in and out.
Engaging to bring the knee in two and one and when you were happy pants like these abdominal series doesn't seem so bad. Let's go double like stretch, reaching and pausing, pulling it back in. Two more in the last, extending up, pressing down. Let's curl up a little higher switch
Here we go. Kicking forward
One of those a swan dive moments. We'll take the hands back to the head. You're going to draw the chin into the throat. You gonna send the ribs down and exhale to come up. Just want to come up to that upper contraction as much as I can handle. I'm going to prep myself for teaser cause it's coming in the sink.
No movement through the hips. I'm gonna lift that right leg up to 30 degrees, no higher and lower down and trying to stay into the area of my sole as not working up into my quad. So much.
So one of the things that came up was I saw this bar and I thought that would be really great feedback for the hips. So I've developed a series called floating cat. And what we're going to do is come forward until the bar is just right at your hip folds and then you're going to bring yourself forward. So the heel of your hands are at the edge of the Mat and right away this just to kind of tells you where you're hanging out. And I want to do a few hip extension exercises and also we'll do some flection.
So we're going to start with the legs together and to find our neutral spine, we're going to curl the pubic bone. Now there's this just very strong feedback of where that bar is and it's like you're trying to hook your pubic bone right underneath and around it and following that with the rest of the back off. And then we're going to roll the front of the hipbones hay SAS towards the bar and extend and reach forward. And the position of this particular mat is a little bit more like a plush than a plank. So it's a little bit more stress on the shoulders, but you can always put a reformer box in front or use a tower mat that extends beyond the uprights. So we'll round up and reach through right away. I'm trying to just work with the idea that my pelvis is floating in space, but that it has an opportunity to kind of choose to be strong and have a force that works at the bar in one direction or the other.
So let's come back to center. Now the pelvis is neutral and the bars directly on top of each hip and we're going to go ahead and unweight the right leg and extend it back. Big Toe nail touches the ground. So many of us will start rotating as we lift that leg, but we're not going to do that. Let me keep the hips connected to the bar. We're going to breathe in, lift it up and lower down lot of management here, but the, the objective is pretty clear.
So as I keep going through this exercise, I can always check in with where that right leg, right hip is connected to. Also trying to feel a connection from the front of my rib cage to the back of my rib cage and a nice wide back pushing down through the hands. Let's do one more to hold. Now if you get really fancy, you can reach that left arm out and find your balance and it's amazing and we'll bring it back down. Hopefully I can manage that on the other side. Let's round up release, take some of the weight out of your hands as you come into the contraction and then extend and reach forward and come back to neutral. Here we go. Shifting the way, extending the left like big toenail on the mat.
I'm working parallel here so it can really try to access my glutes as much as possible and lower breathing in and lower. Some of us tend to be stronger in our hamstrings than our glutes. It's not a horrible problem to have. At least there's strength there. We want to try to manage it nicely so that we have a code contraction or teamwork going on in the back line and that's kind of my plight these days, so that's why we're doing a lot of good work. We've got one more. We're going to lift it up. We stabilize, keep that bar still we and we reached out.
Find that two point balance and bring it on down. We'll take a rounding of the spine. Now we're going to start to float that cat, so tuck the toes under, walk them in Nice and deep and we can actually take the legs just to maybe a fist with the part. And we've got our flection coming in ribcage coming up. So we're going to let the bar influence the lift of the hips on the exhale. Breathing in and exhale to lift those knees off. So this is your knee stretch series. We're just going to hold for three breaths.
We're going to lower the heels down and feel the belly lift away from the bar. Lift the tailbone, lift the sits bones, lift the heel, and fold the torso into the bar to deepen the hip fold. Inhale, lower. Exhale, lift.
My hips fucks are so much that I could almost thing almost. Take my hands off the mat.
Lower and up. Curl under, fine the float of the cat. Find that moment curling deeper and deepen and then reach and extend all the way back. And if nothing else, just feels pretty yummy. So we're going to contract back, taking the hands onto the bar to be safe. And we're going to bring the bar right up underneath your chest and in fact, and if you can bring it up even higher, right under your armpits, that works to take an internal rotation of the arms. This is a nice moment to kind of curl in and feel that last stretch and work on that lateral hip shift again.
So I'm going to bring my right arm over to my left and I'm going to shift the hips over to the rife and I'm going to just cue the bar to remind me to keep my shoulder blades from gliding up and take a breath into the right side of my back and come back through center and to the other side and shift and just constantly mobilizing, engaging, working the areas and kind of prepping them for what's coming next, which is a thigh stretch. So we're going to come back out of the push through bar and holding here. I'm going to lay back. So nice stretch to start with, but I want to increase it because let's say this is, this would be a precursor if I was going to work into a hinder a thigh stretch. So I'm going to do a half row. I'm going to pull myself up a little bit in a curl under that posterior till getting into my glutes. Then I'm going to lower myself down as much as I can.
So I'm inhaling a little curl, reaching the knees away, lowering back, trying to pull the belly to pull the front of the thighs. Two more time.
We're going to pull the bar through and switch the grip underhand to press a little more difficult, a little more risk management lifting up to go over and I'm wrapping that shoulder down and pulsing the arm again.
Draw that Chin to the trust a bit, rotate it back to the side and then rotate the head upward and back to the side and then reach it all the way out and come all the way up. And then we'll do one more series to flow. So we're pressing up to go over, we're going to round the upper body forward over that left thigh stretch. I'm going to bring it back to the side bend and then open on the diagonal looking way back and then come back to the side bend and come all the way back up. We'll do that one more time. Shoulder down. Sometimes it's like herding cats to get your shoulders in the right place.
All the rest of those pieces reaching back to the side and then up and back to center with control. All right, let's switch around to the other side. Sweep it around. I'm going to uncross and re cross the legs just for some balance and press the bar down. So working again, that scapular stability, reaching up and over little pulses of the arm. Reach to just trying to get some response down the line of the back
We'll switch the grip one more time and just flowing, reaching through, breathing in and out, rotating the body forward, getting that in. Nice open side of the back to the side, the back, stretching and to the side and let's come up and we'll do the whole thing. One more time. Progressing down the shoulders. Tired. You're in. Rotate, pulling to the side and reaching up and back. I'm stretching to the side and then we come all the way up and we release. So from here I'm going to go ahead and take the spring off.
We're going to work the teaser without a spring today, which can be a challenge. It will be a challenge in and of itself. But what I do like about working without this spring is that we can start to feel where we're being helped and where we need the help and also how we can help ourselves. So let's take it down to the mat. I think we're in a good position with the bar over the chest, just a little bit of pro and retraction to define the weight of the bar. So it as we inhale, the chest gets heavy, the shoulder blades get light, and as we exhale, pulling down and back, we'll do a couple more of those.
Breathing in. This is just a moment to really imprint your entire body into the mat as much as you can, finding weight, because we can use that weight as leverage when we start to roll up. So we're going to press them down to stay. And we've now got this nice frame. Let's take a breath in. I'm going to drop the Chin in through the in towards the throat. As we exhale, we'll find that upper contraction and then I'm going to peel it up to the top.
Now at the top I want to feel like I could toss that bar away. I'm not going to, and then from here I'm going to keep it floating in the air. As I start to roll back the bar floats, the belly pulls, the bar floats, the belly pulls. I can't believe I'm talking as I'm doing this and we're rolling down and we'll take a nice wide stretch to reach over a couple of elevation and I wish there was a different name for depression of the Scapula. Just feel so ominous. So two more says the girl wearing unicorn pants. Last one and pull down.
Then the Elvis. Here we go again. Set the frame, pull the head through the frame. Coming up to the top. This time we're going to come all the way up. I'm right on the sits bones, but I'm not extending them. Gutting the belly nice and deep. And I'm gonna lift that right leg from the psoas into the thigh and lower it down. I've got this outlook of hope. I'm looking up, so I'm staying up rather than looking down and staying down, I know what's coming. One more. Find One more inch of length through your spine and start to contract all the way down. Bending the elbows to press through. All right, let's go for it. We're going to go through the canoe to the teaser, to the canoe, to the teaser. Lots of fun. Here we go. Finding the canoe, lifting to the teaser, rolling back down to the canoe. Pause, head and heel. Can she do it?
Almost touches the demand at the same time. Let's go again.
We're set here. We're going to hover the legs off just like we did before in those small hovers. We've been prepping for this. You're going to sink the belly, think low, one hundreds position lift,
Press up into the bar, scoop your pelvis up and hold and flex.
And then we'll roll down the spine, bending and placing. And simply from here you can go right into leg springs. We'll take these guys finger through, place them on. And I like to make sure that my arms are extended, but I'm not working. Hyper extended. I want to place the heel of my hand onto the bar and reach through so that the pressure through the hand, it's not landing in my shoulders, but rather it's landing all the way down to the weight of my tailbone. And in doing that should feel some connection to my, my core.
So I'm in parallel. I'm going to do a few lowers and lifts will reach down once I get down here to the low diagonal. For me, it's all about maintaining the stretch of the coil. So in an ideal situation, as I lift the legs up, I would keep the same amount of stretch. It's a spring. We know it's going to recoil, but it means that I'm working resistance through my feet into the straps, never letting the straps take over, but always keeping consistent pressure between the two. And because we've done a lot of backline warm up, we should be nice and warm to press.
From the the right place on the back of the leg, allowing the hips to open. We're going to do one more to lower. So today we're going to do a little fun walking pattern. The first part of it is to lower your right leg below your left leg as far as you can without moving the left leg. And then you bring it back up to the top. Then we switch, we lower and we lift, and then we'll do that again.
Down and up and down and up. Next part, right leg goes higher and lower. It's more work on the stable leg to freeze in space than it is on the mobile leg. And last one left. Okay, so let's do one of each. Right leg goes down and center. Left leg goes down and center, right leg goes up and center. Left leg goes up and center. Let's reverse.
Left leg starts down and center right leg starts down and center. Left leg goes up and center right leg goes up. This is one of those ones. If you think too much, you're going to get into a messy situation. So let's go slow and then we'll add the breath to go to get into the full pattern. So we're going to go right and center, left and center up and center up and center. Left down and center right and center.
Left up and center right up once again. Right down center, left down center, right up, left up, left down, down and center. Right and center. Left up and right. So that was fabulous. Now we're going to walk it so we go right, goes down, left. Goes down. Right. Center. Left Center, right high, left high, right center. Left Center. Then the whole thing starts to the left. Left. Then right left. Then right left then right left then right. We're going to try to breathe it all together. Try to stay with me. Right down.
Left down. Center. Right up. Right Center. Left down. Center. Left up. Left Center. Right down center.
We're going to bring the legs into a diamond. Let the straps go. Rolling up to the top of our seated position. Taking the hands back. Let's get some extension up in this body. Reaching forward chest on the ceiling again, that semi-circle drooping down to the mat three times. We're getting a little outside stretch.
You've got enough support on all four limbs that this isn't too stressful for my ankles. Last one, reach. Okay, so we're going to come to standing now and we're going to see if we can put all of our work together with a little bit of scapular engagement. So I walk pretty far back. I want a good amount of stretch on these springs and while they are light, they still, I still want them to be able to support me. So we're going to bring the legs together and reach the arms forward and allow the coils to pull your arm bones forward, all of them and the scapula forward and just feel what that stretch is like.
So to begin, we're going to draw the shoulder blades together on one and I want a nice strong squeeze back there on two. We're going to pull it into a row. On three we're going to reach the arms forward and then on four we go back into that protraction, finding the stretch. So we're breathing in and exhale, inhale and exhale. And it feels like the springs might pull me forward a little. So I'm working my oppositional energy to find that really nice oppositional pole so I don't fly. So now we're going to pull those shoulders back and as we pull the arms, we're going to come into a sit there.
He much like the one we did at the beginning, so I'm trying to sit my hips behind my heels. It's a little precarious. We're going to stand up keeping the row, reaching the arms forward and going right into the protection so we have retraction row and sit hopefully to that 90 hopefully without losing it. Pressing and reach. And again, no, I have a tendency to want to press my knees really far forward over my toes, which is not wrong, it's just not what I want for this particular exercise. Let me see if I can lean back a little bit more. Hopefully not biting it in the process in reach, and we'll do one more and coming all the way down.
Let's see if we can come all the way down a seated position, extending the legs and just allowing herself to roll all the way in and release. Okay, let's do one more thing. Which the with the push through bar, which is the push through, we're not going to spring in. We're still gonna keep it nice and safe. Remember if you're not working with the spring to remember that you're not working with the spring, so from here it's reach up. Feel the space that we've created in the spine, just pressing forward through the chest and we'll take a long contraction back.
Reaching as far back as we can to press the bar through and reaching back and then lengthening up.
Just like feeling that that ripple as possible, like the wave I'm watching right now. Rolling in. So the last one, we're going to come from here. We're going to press up, find your standing position, grow yourself up, hopefully safely, please safely and come back down. And we're going to just finish like we started with a stroking breath and that just means a number of strokes in, in one out. And this is an eight stroke breath and, and one big one out. Hopefully through that heart pumping, no movement, we have more ability to take an oxygen. Here we go.
Hopefully you feel the same about yours.
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