Claudia Moscardini

I am a native of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, currently live in northeastern Brazil, a small coastal town, I am graduate in psychology and physical education, I studied ballet, I was a teacher in high schools met the Pilates method in 2003 .. in 2005 started the study, taking classes, reading good books and attending workshops in 2010 got the formation, I opened my studio in 2013 was approved PMA exam .renew in 2015
I'm in love with pilates method and each day I study more so that Brazil is well represented


Member Since: March 18, 2014
Videos Viewed: 365 (0 past week, 0 past month)
Comments Posted: 11

About me

I'm: a Woman - 67 Years Old
Language(s) I Speak: Portugese, English
Other Exercise I Enjoy: Ballet (Twice a week), Dance (Once a week), Walking (Three days a week)

My Pilates Practice

Years of Pilates Experience: 22
Practice Frequency: Daily

My Teacher Training

BASI Pilates®

My Memberships and Certifications

Pilates Method Alliance (PMA) - Member
National Pilates Certification Program (NPCP) - Certified (2015)

PA Badges

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PA Points

83,765 PA Points
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