Class #286

Stretch Out Strap® Mat

55 min - Class


Today's class incorporates the OPTP Stretch Out Strap® for a multitude of exercises, both specific to the shoulder girdle as well as enhancement to traditional Mat exercises. Using the strap is great for restoring proper range of motion in the shoulder girdle and can often relieve neck and upper back tension due to restoration of optimal posture. Class begins with scapular stabilization and mobilization incorporating some arm additional work. Amy then heads into some traditional Mat exercises using the strap, like The Hundred, Roll-Up, Roll-Over, Saw, Open Leg Rocker (get ready for some fun with this one!), and Swan. The use of the strap and it's endpoints assists in anchoring the body thereby allowing you to go deeper into the work and increasing your range of motion. Using the straps helps posture, fosters better balance, ease in movement, and more success in everyday activities. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat, Stretch Out Strap®

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Oct 09, 2010
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Let's go ahead and start. And good morning. I think we'll start with some regular rolling back or rolling down. And we have our dream strap out here this morning, so I'm just kind of put it near your mat and we'll start at the back edge. Just some good rolling down, waking up our spine with some articulation and some breathing and you know, just let's get our stance first and arms down by your sides. So wherever your body is this morning, as far as you know, feeling open, acknowledge that, feel that if you're feeling those little sticky areas that we all know about ourselves, move through them. I'm trying to breathe through them and I won't, you know, if I see you taking more time in a certain position, I'll know that that's where you're at. Um, it won't be fast and furious but fluid.

But I want to do some things with the green strap and um, just play a little bit with some of that, maybe different than some of the other classes we've done. Alright, so let's start with a nice breath here. Okay. And then just the easy rolling of the head. Let the weight of the shoulders full forward. I'm rounding over. It's okay to keep the knees a little bit bent. We'll take an inhale at the bottom, exhale as we draw those abdominals up, long heavy arms and just feel the pelvis stack right on top of the hips, spine articulation, all the way to standing. And again, a nice breath in [inaudible]. Just getting out of this, what you're needing this morning and maybe a little more [inaudible] and inhale and exhale that strength from weed down in the lower part of our body, the pelvis and lower stomach. And again, open up the chest.

Let's take a couple more breathe in and exhale, rounding down. Well and again a breath in and exhale rolling up. And one more time. We'll add our walkout to plank at the bottom. I'm going to starting the class as the last couple of weeks. Doing that feels kind of good. Get a little bit more body temperature rise. So as you're walking out, just take your time, four or five steps out into your front support.

Feel free to come up onto your fists. If you know right away, you need that. Otherwise you can stay on the flat wrist. Okay, just steady yourselves. So kind of go into some fundamental checks of your lats, the reach of the sternum, [inaudible] tailbone, reaching for the heels, the abdominals in to support the lower back. Let's take a breath and then lifting the hips carefully, letting the come through the arms and not to force your heels down. We are still warming up, but feel a little bit of a stretch against the calf.

Now I want us to walk back in hands to feet. All right, and drop the head. Let's take an inhale. Exhale, squeeze the legs together. Pull more energy into the abdominals and roll ourselves up to vertical spot standing. Again. Take a breath and exhale is you're rolling forward and sequentially letting that flow right out into your front support plank position. And once again, just feeling this steadiness, your strength. Get a little more linked in the sternum and upper back. There we go. Breathe again everybody. Exhale, lift the hips, taking your time, enriching things out, waking things up. Now walking the hands back toward the feet. Good.

Drop the head, breathe in. Exhale, roll back up. What would you just one more of those all the way through. Exactly the same way. Take a breath and rolling down, making that kind of candy cane shape as we're rounding forward. It's not quite that seasoned yet, but you'll hear a lot of that Q come November and December. I seem to do it every year.

Started yesterday. It is a little early for candy canes. Take an inhale. Alright and exhale, hips up. All right, spend a little more on time right here in this position. Feeling the sits bones. Lift a little bend in the knees is fine you guys. And then walk the hands back to the feet and we'll drop our head.

We'll roll back up to standing and hopefully feel as though we've got a little circulation and blood flow. All right, so let's come over and grab our strap and I'm going to have us come to sitting with it to start. We'll get back up in the stand with it in a little while and all face you. You can face me and yeah, we'll go cross-legged. So we, most of us have worked with the green strap before. It's really nice. Not the elastic strap, it's this firm's stiff thing and we've got all these little choices to put our hands in. So different exercises. Of course we have different grip. What I want us to start with first, I think let's try, uh, do well.

It really is going to depend on your arm length because we're all different shoulder with the part. So for me, arm shoulder with the part, I've got one in, one in one hand in the second loop from the center. That label is the center. Okay. And we're just going to start with some scapula movement. So as you're seated tall, I changed mine. It didn't feel right. So I moved my narrower. Okay. I feel like this is more shoulder with for me. Okay.

So if you are feeling your neck and your upper trapezius at all this morning, just be real mindful of what you're needing. You can always rest or just take the shape lower. But we'll start here and I want us to take our shoulder blades and you move your shoulder blades toward me and I'm gonna move mine toward you. Okay. That's that protraction of your scapula or your shoulder blade. So your upper back is very open. Now the retraction, let's pull our shoulder blades back and also down. Yeah, good you guys. And we'll come forward. So widening of the shoulder blades, somewhat around the sides of the ribs and forward.

And then exhale as we draw them back and also down and forward and back and down and forward. Which one feels easier? Don't have to answer. Exhale back and down. [inaudible] neither one. Inhale forward. Okay. And exhale back and down. Two more times. Inhale forward, back and down and forward and back and down where I want us to stay for a moment or two.

And so the shoulder blades back and down, what we're doing right now is quite exaggerated, right? We don't really ever want to be that back and down. Think about weightbearing cause we'll do some in a little while. If our shoulder blades where that back and down, I bet our neck would do a little something or other, but right now we're trying to wake up and stimulate some muscle in the back. Okay, so then just find a neutral place for your shoulder blades to be not too far forward. Not too far back. Exactly.

Now I'm going to have us Turner poems this way is your palms face in and really check in that your shoulder blades haven't drawn forward to back. Okay, so now if you think about the upper arm by your shoulder and all the way down to the outside of the Palm, press into the loops like we're trying to split them open and then release that slightly good. And let's press and slightly released. So I've got my elbows ever so slightly soft. They're not, they're not bent by any means, but they're not locking and I'm doing that just so that my neck is a little more relaxed for me. That's how I know to get out of my neck. All right. And press out and little release and press out. Little release and exhale, press out.

Little release two more times guys. The shoulder blades are steady. Connie in that neutral place on the back, not too far forward, not too far back. Last one, press hold and release and just lower your arms for a minute. Yeah. So there'll probably be some moments where your neck, you may want to do this with your neck and head or roll your shoulders and chiropractic kind of adjustment there. Okay, so starting with this is more of an arm reach. So still poem spacing in and you can bend your elbows and move your elbows a little more towards your waist. And I might make a suggestion for tad.

What if you roll up your mat and sit up on your mat a little? Do you know what I mean? Like give it a little, a little cushion. It looks like actually a flying carpet this way. Yeah. So then yeah, you'll be seated that way or hips will be more supported and your back can be taller, which is really what we're aiming for. Yeah, I think your hips may be happier that way too. Success a little bit better. Okay. Okay, so here we are.

It's an arm reach. We're going to start here. We are open up the shoulders. Collarbone, I'm going to get centered and reach forward. So we've already done that. Now let's explore going a little higher. We're all different. So wherever you go is where you go. Ah, the higher we go, we know about our lats, we know we want our level shoulders. We don't have a mirror, so we can't see if one shoulder is higher than the other.

This is the beauty of is we get a feel and try to feel our both sides feeling the same. Press out on the strap just a little bit. Lift the sternum check of your abdominals are still drawn in. That looks very good. I'm going to have this come back down and we'll bend our elbows into our waist. All right, so with a little more flow scary there. I got it all the way out. The higher the arms, the lower the shoulder blades and good Steve coming back down.

Probably a total of five. So you've already done too. Just flow right? So in regular mat work when we do spine stretch forward with extension, that's the gate the arms do. That's the pathway they go through and arms forward and elbows back two more times. And again, you don't have to answer this question out loud, but is anybody starting to feel their back muscles? I will answer for myself. I am. Our arms are kind of branches off of our back, so this is intended to start to wake up and switch on the back muscles, the deep spinal muscles as well. Okay.

And arms for what are you still pressing out? Hold right here for a sec. Let's do a little pulse [inaudible] and four, three, two and one and bending in. Okay. Yep. Maybe a little head stretch or neck stretch. Okay, so I'm going to make a choice for myself to go a little wider with my hands. I think you guys may want to also, I'm going to scoot out one more palms face down now. So it's more of the, let's go here. The strap is chest level.

Elbows are lifted but not higher than our shoulders. So we want our elbows shoulder level or a little bit lower than, okay, so an unsure of those shoulders. Lift the chest there. Oh my gosh. Did you all see that and stretch forward? They did. Now we're going up above the head a little bit different, a grip of the hat. So as the poems are now facing forward, what I want us to do with this is bend the elbows and some of you are going to be able to get that strap behind your head.

Some of you may like me this morning. I'm going to go to the top of my head. What I don't want anybody to do to achieve the strap back behind the head is do that. That's kind of defeating the purpose of our spine. Integrity. All right, and then come back down. So let's all sit this way just for a couple of repetitions and so as we reach fro forward up above the head when to keep those ribs stable. Now as you bend the elbows pull out on the outside edge of the strap again. We'll keep this chest lifted. I'm going to stop right at the top of my head.

I'm going to love my chin and then I'm going to lift my arms and then down chest level, maybe knee level. And here we go again and lift [inaudible] so how can we get that increased range of motion? Eventually I would love my arms to go farther back, maybe behind the strap behind my head, but I don't want to sacrifice my spine. It has a lot to do with the chest stretching. Okay and the upper arm stretching and then arms and come back down two more times. That's reached forward. Pull out on the outside edges of the strap, open the chest, open the chest. You may be able to get a little bit farther back. That's it.

And we lift and arms down all the way. One more time you guys and left. Keep in the the feeling of the back coming back into the feeling of strong back muscles. Lift the chest. Ribs are stable and in shoulder down. And let's come all the way down and I want us from here is just take a little spine stretch score. We just let your head and chest round take a few deep breaths.

Yeah, and if we come, okay, so let's move with our position. I'm going to have us roll that down onto our back now and you can just start with your feet down, knees bent, feet together, knees together, spine. Go back into the narrower grip with your hands. I'm going to go back into the one loop in one loop. Okay. And we're going to come back to the protraction and retraction of the scapula, but just from down flat.

So if we start with our arms straight up above our shoulders, we've done these many times without the strap for right now. Pull out on the strap again. Reach your shoulder blades off the mat, arms to the ceiling, keeping your chin level. Now as you bring your shoulder blades back to the mat, it's that same back and down. Inhale, reach to the ceiling and exhale shoulder blades back and down. Three more. Inhale, reach to the ceiling and exhale back and down. A little different, isn't it? Inhale to the ceiling and exhale, reach back and down. And one more time.

Inhale up and exhale, reach your shoulder blades back and down. Hold right there. Now take a breath. Exhale both legs up to tabletop. We're going to move into some toe taps, so on the exhale, reach the right big toe out. We're going to just consecutively do 20 of these taps. One exhale, end tube. And so I want us to keep energy pulling out in the strap.

The back of the shoulders are firm on the mat. You're unsure. Fund seven and eight ebbs are working to stabilize the spine. There is 10 a little faster at ten nine, eight and six moving from the hip, four, three, two and last one. And go ahead and set both feet down with the little space between feet. Lower your arms towards your legs. I'm going to take a pelvic tilt to bridge.

Moving the arms up and back overhead as we take a bridge. So let's start with the breath. Exhale, pelvic tilt. So as you're articulating, we don't have our arms on the mat to help us. We're going to flow those arms up, back overhead. Reach the arm. Now making sure you're still working. The shoulder blades down the back principal working the pelvic curl. Keep steady on your feet. As we roll the spine, we'll also bring the arms down. All right, there's a constant pullout on the strap. Four more times. Inhale, exhale, pelvic tilt. Let's feel the rhythm of them.

Arms is the traveling back and overhead. They're not flopping down on the mat and you're stabilizing where you put them. Ribs in, tail under. Take a breath and exhale as we articulate down, concentrate on the weight of the back of the shoulders on the mat. Inhale again, exhale and articulate me. Take a look. So coordination going on. We want to try to time it so that by the time you're up in your bridge, your arms are back where they can be.

Inhale there and exhale, rolling down. Same thing, trying to time it so it's an organic movement. One more time. Take a breath, exhale and articulate. Now I want us to stay up in the bridge and just three more our movements. So inhale, bring the hands, arms back to the thighs, down to the thighs. Exhale back. Over. Inhale to the thighs.

Does anyone getting the arms all the way to the floor? You might be able to all the way back overhead. Now stretch the arms down. One more [inaudible]. Now we're going to reach her in the arms just above the chest. All right, just four times marching in place on an exhale, bring your right thigh up to tabletop and one inhale, lower that leg, trying to stay steady with that pelvis. Exhale, the left coming up in two. Inhale and lower right thigh coming up again.

Exhale en curl. Inhale down. I think we might have to do more than four, so as you're taking that one leg up to tabletop, the other leg is very loaded. Let's take four more. Actually keep pulling out on the strap. Connecting to even weight on the back of each shoulder on the mat. Left side coming up.

Inhale lower and last time. Exhale, the right. How's your balance feeling guys? Pretty good. Mine started off a little shaky. I feel a little bit better now. Hold right here. Let's see. Inhale and we'll roll our spine down as well as bring our arms down to rest.

Good. Okay. Very nice. So we're gonna move into the hundred. We've got to move the strap. Let's put it underneath your pelvis on the other side of your pelvis. Now I'm thinking your hands are probably going to be best suited in the second loop. Let's see. Again, if I do that, I don't, that doesn't feel right for my arm link. I'm going to go one more in to the center. Yeah.

Okay. And he's up in table top. Now as we do the hundred, it's a little interesting because we don't want that strap to be um, shaving the back row, so we don't need that there. I want us to sense the reach of the strap away from her thighs. Okay, so let's take a breath. Exhale to our chest lift, depress the scapula, reach them down to the back of your hips. Good. And we're going to pump [inaudible]. Pull out on the strap, legs up to vertical and hold them there. Curling our chest up. [inaudible] lower the legs, couple inches in, legs down a little bit. Strap away from the thighs.

Sure. Little lower. Keep reach. Again, five sh for sure. Pull out to shoot. Last breath cycle and knees in and head down. Nice you guys. Okay.

Just unloop the strap away from the feed or stretch your legs down. Let's investigate some roll up. Play with some ruler hands in those narrow loops. Arms back overhead. Squeeze those legs together. Ready? Arms, head and chest first, pull out on the straps. Exhale, incur, blow up and over the size. Park at there. Breathe in. Exhale, roll back.

So there's a consistent press out on the strap to open up our upper back to let those vertebral reach back. Arms follow. Here we go again. [inaudible] so is it the crown of the head is following the center of that up. You're still pulling out. Breathe in and exhale. Rolling back. Segmental articulation. Three more times on here we go.

Pulling out, widen the back on. Shrug the shoulders. Open that C curve shape, eh back one more time. In inhale, head and chest follows. [inaudible] [inaudible] inhale and exhale. Rolling back. That feels good to me.

I'm just going to make it a personal statement that I love the way that feels for me to get that the opening in my upper back. It feels good. Okay. So rollover, similar conversation only you know where the straps probably going to go. Huh? Ankles now in. Okay. I'm going to just talk about it before I get my legs up and hold them there. So I think it's probably best for all of us to put the feet in the first loop.

Mailer long legs are short legs in the classical mat. Uh, then the name of the exercise was rollover with legs apart or were all over with legs open. So we often teach it though the legs together. Right on the first rollover. Obviously with our legs like this, we're already starting with them apart, so I'm just gonna kind of give a little information there. Pull out on the ankles, look up to your legs. I want you to make your legs parallel. Some of us are very prone to turning out. Some of us turn in too much and we actually kind of knock me, really find parallel.

That's part of what the strap can be good for us to help really establish. Gosh, what is parallel. Okay, so there we are. We're going to take an inhale. Our arms are by your sides doing our roll over. Lift your hips. We're rolling our hips up and over overhead. Okay. Just hold that. Still pulling out. Inhale. Exhale. Roll down. Stabilize an open chest.

What I mean there is not let your collarbones curl forward. All right. We don't do too many of these. Inhale here. Soft feet is fine. Exhale and pull out. Lift up and roll over. Breathe in. I like the flex feet though. Coming down. Exhale. That's a little more resemblant to regular roll down.

[inaudible] control. I do too. Let me watch you inhale. I love it with the drawback back rollover did. If you didn't hear that statement, there is more. The response was he feels more control in the movement, particularly [inaudible] the price up.

Yeah. So I wanted to have a few of you, um, try something not to rush you through. You take your time. If you want a challenge, try it that way with your arms out to the side so you're not tempted to push down with your arms. Okay. Or if you really want to know higher challenge, take your arms back overhead so you know, okay, you guys were onto something and I'm going to, I'm, you know how I am pretty honest about my process. I have used my arms to help me roll over for a long time. You know, it's okay to use some of the back of the shoulder and tricep to leverage a little bit of stability in the arm and chest, but we don't want to go so much that it curls us this way. Or how have you done that? I mean, who has it? Have you done that in a rollover?

Yeah. So it's, it's kind of a fun play. Could you roll over here? Could you roll over like that? We're all very different. You know, you might, we're kind of doing some building blocks and maybe you're not doing this today, but you're doing this today that's different than that. So maybe one more. Do what you can because this I think, isolates to true honesty. Are we using our abs to roll our spine or are we pushing with our arms to get us up? We want to roll with our know our move our with our abs to roll our spine.

And it does. There's a control that comes into the, yeah, that was better. Way less arms do if I don't know scratch. Yeah. Yeah. I think a lot of us are. Okay. Let's just change direction for a second. So take the end loop.

You can take that off your feet to put it up on just your right foot. Okay. Okay, so not a, I'm not going to do full leg circles. I just want us to do a hamstring stretch and I shouldn't say just, but we're going to do a hamstring stretch up level your pelvis. So they're working leg. You know the story.

Push your hip down toward the opposite heel. If you have enough range to put your hand near the foot at that strap, please do so. If not, just put it where you can. But what I do want us to feel with this is the press into the strap on the foot. So the foot is really making a very firm contact there. But the back of our hip is also making a very firm contact here on the mat.

So we're finding our end points. Here's an end point, there's an end point and just feel okay. Just breathe into that. So as you're exploring those inpoints, maybe the leg could start coming back toward the chest. Maybe not. It's not the, you know, if it's not coming back, that's okay. But we do want to increase range of the muscle, the range of motion or flexibility. What I start to sense is if I start concentrating on my foot end point, sometimes I lose my back of hip and point. So then my mind has to go, Oh, whoops, I've got to stay back here. And then I kind of lose this end point.

That's another factor with some of these props. It's nice that tunes in that brain con, uh, the connection I think to our ma, our body enabling us to feel more from the work rather than just do. Okay. How are we doing? A couple more breaths. Sounds good. All right. Start to lower your leg everybody. We'll just do that fun transition of step in with the other foot.

Let go of that first one and stretch down. First and foremost. Feel like you're trying to get the hips square so your sit bone must reach out to the other heel. Look up. You're seeing a parallel foot putting your hand where you need to for support, but also then start zoning in on those end points. Back of hip, pulling back, solo foot, pressing up chicken the ribs. So those ribs aren't trying to help in the back, not helping and pushing up. Okay. Level the channel a little bit. Open up your shoulders, right, level your chin a little bit. Now just kind of tuck it.

Is that a new thought, new connection for anybody? Get you don't have answer out loud. You know, I just say those rhetorical questions sometimes to get you to think [inaudible] [inaudible] okay. Stretching time is over. Let's come on a foot out of that. Now, if we come up to a seated position for a moment, we've done a good stretch. I want us to go into open like rocker and with this [inaudible]. Mm. Which, which compartment to put it in. I'm going to do where it was for rollover.

So one foot in each of the narrow loops. All right. You can tell you're all thrilled to be trying this. Okay, so before we, yeah, before we start rolling back and you know, doing the full rocker, look again to see parallel pull out on the outside, you know, pull into the edges of this strap. Soften the feet. It's find your balance position. Oh wow. That's journey switching. A lot of things on for me. Whoa, Whoa. Okay. Rolling back.

We've got to take the head and look down toward the abdominals. Inhale. This could be fun. Exhale. Oh, I've got to find my back muscles. Where are they? Come in to me, please. Okay, and roll back. [inaudible] inhale. Well, this is kind of putting things into a true light. [inaudible] pull out, get that pullout on that. Stir up. Fight for it.

I know I had to fight though, like in my little fight for that. It was one where my shoulders, where my back rest for a sec. Let's rest. Let's just let her brain go. Whoa. Okay. Where can I do? We're going to go, we'll do a few more [inaudible]. Okay. Yeah. Here we go. Let's agree to do three more. Okay.

You can do it with bent knees. It's fine. Let's make sure to breathe. Inhale as we roll back. Ah. [inaudible] inhale to roll back. [inaudible] lift that chest, pull those lats down. And one more time.

Inhale to roll back. Exhale to roll up. Very good. Okay. Manderlys and then just this come out of that. So that was shocking for me. I learned a lot about something my body turned to face me again. I'm going to a spine twist. Put your strap behind your back. Everybody.

Okay. And then where are your, your arms fan is? I've got my, some in the loop. Some of you have very long arms, so you may have to go all the way to the end loop. I'm not that way. I'm gonna just feel the strap on your back. So pull it towards your back. Okay. Ready? So spine twist and basic seated twist. And let's go to our left first. So on an exhale we'll go to our left and I want you to keep the strap in contact with your back. As you rotate so you rotate, rotating, you may not be able to go as far. Keep those chest open, chest open, chest open and come back to face front. On your inhale, just feel it.

Other side. Exhale. Keep the strap on your back. Keep going, keep going, keep going. And come center. I'm going to change my foot position to diamond. That's just where I'm at right now. And exhale and rotate to the left. So, so, uh, no. Good question. I was just going to go there. I'm feeling more as I turned to my left. I'm on my right.

Actually you're on your left that I have this drop just more on one side of my back than the other. However, could you feel the opposite side also on on the strap? I think our tendency just play with that for a second. I think the tendency is to go so much to one side, and let me show it this way. You see, this isn't, this idea isn't touching me and I'm, I'm actually moving my arm, not my spine. So if I really keep my spine, maybe I should say it that way, that the spine is on the strap, a whole different deal there. See, now my arms aren't doing any extra movement.

It's my trunk. Does that make sense? Yeah. Right. Think of the spine. It's ready. So we're working central axis rotation. Ready? Let's take a breath together. Let's pull three times to warm your left hand. Sure, sure.

Center. Keep your spine back on it. Exhale. Exhale. Exhale. We're at our shoulder blades. Go at one. Hold on toward the strap. Two, three and two, three. One more each side. Shoulders to the strap. Band one, two, three, last one. And exhale. Good. Smith, the two, three inhale, center lower and yeah, rest Warbird good. Okay, we're going on to a hands and knees position and this will be with the strap. So I'm going to go again. Find them label. Let it face up. Put your hands in the first loops.

Okay. And once again, you're pulling out and find that quadrupled position. Ms. find a flat back or put yourself in a nice flat back. Knees are under hips, hands are underneath shoulders. You're not too arched in your back. You're not too kyphotic in your spine. You've gotten a good long sense there. Take a nice breath. Pull out. I'm going to have this now. Tuck the toes. We've been doing something like this the last few weeks and just simply hover your knees above the mat about a fist high.

Can you, can you try to keep pulling out on the strap even though you're Hubbard so hard in it? Inhale, set the heat, the knees down and again, exhale and hovered the knees. I just saw that. That was perfect. You gotta adjust those shoulder blades to pull out on the strap. As you hover your knees up and then put your knees back down. You have to start with your arms pulling before. I think you're right. We've got to get this set before you even go. Ready, which was pretty much what just happened there. Yeah, hold onto it. Inhale, exhale. Come down with control. You're not done that. Yep.

Just hold onto it. Inhale, exhale, and again, coming up. Yup. Inhale, exhale. Coming down. One more time. Chin down a little bit. Exhale and hover. Stay with it.

Now I want you to step your right foot back all the way to front support. Left foot back, all the way to front support. [inaudible] lift your right foot above the mat. We're just going to pull that little leg up about five times. Exhale, pull and two not very high and three and four and five. Setting the foot down. Other Lego is up and Perez up.

It's parallel. Two, three and four and five. Set the foot down. Bend your knees and come back to a rest pose. If this doesn't feel good for your arms, you guys, you can just bend your elbows and by your knees. Just take a few more deep breaths. Very good. [inaudible] okay, let's come off of our risks for a moment.

I'm going to have us flip back over to our back. Once again, the foot at the, at the ball of the foot are way down at the end point. Now just watch this. I think first a little awkward. Some of these things today have been, I think one knee will be been put down the working leg. I'm going to have a sweep the leg out to the side. Now you really, if you're not going to be able to see me very well, but when we sweep our leg out to this side, if I tried to do it from standing, this might make more sense.

I hope this is going to read for anybody. So if I took my leg to the side, I, we all could do this right? If I were on the floor, will you? Well, what I've done here is I've taken my leg and my hip. Could I just take my leg? Darn. It can't go very far. That's it. I'm still hiking a little bit. So if I stop hiking, this is my tendency. Lift that up.

You've got a big range of motion. Only go to where you feel there's a stop right there. That's the, the glute medius. Okay. Does that make sense? So let me, I'm going to stand and watch. Go do it. Right. So your right leg will be parallel. Left leg vent. That's right. And then sweep the right leg or the other side just for cuing to the right.

And as you're sweeping it out to the right, your toes, you're still facing up to the ceiling. There is a, there's not much range of motion. So stuff can you bring your toes like parallel? Aha. Okay. And then sweep it back down. So your hip, the leg is in line with him. And again, you feel that tad? Yeah, I felt like I knew the answer was yes. I'm going to come around because I feel like I need to check in and see that you guys are all doing for Lisa [inaudible]. Now, some of us have more lateral range of motion than others and of course we should because we're all different bodies.

What I want you also to think about is you're sweeping this leg to the side that the other hip isn't coming along for a ride there. You're keeping the opposite hip down. Stable as if it were therefor leg circles center. How are we doing? Do you feel the side of your bum hip? It's really the side of the hip. One more time. [inaudible] the more parallel you can stay, the better as you go laterally.

Yeah, there you go. Okay. And then come back in and change sides. Well, what does this all mean? Why are we doing it? This God. That's good. It would be relevant to this. These things. Okay. Just a different way to feel your lateral hip. Okay.

Approaching it from supine rather than sidelines. So here we go. Sweep the left leg to your left. Keeping it parallel. Yeah. And yeah, and then back in. So the farther you go out to the left, almost think of turning your leg inward or towing in. Just think it. Because what's happening is I'm watching every, a lot of you as you're taking your leg out to the side, we're at kind of accidentally externally rotating it.

Do you feel that now and coming in? It'd be a whole nother sensation to do it externally rotated. We might do it another day, but not today. That's it. Farther out to the laterally. Good. Lisa, almost think more turn in.

I should have said that on the first side because now it's looking like it's more connected in the side of your hip. Couple more. Good and last one. Okay. And rest. Great. Pay a face down. We're going to do a little Swan. Okay. Swan. This is awkward.

Also see if you can get your feet again in the first loop. From the center and down we go to our tummy. Hands are right by your shoulders underneath, so they are going in points. We've got some end point on our feet to pull against [inaudible]. You pull against this. Oops. I'll put some more awareness in the abs and the laps. Okay, and you guys just do this.

If you can see I'm going to have about your hands hovered. Elbows are still been in. Put my elbows, we'll be pulling down toward the waist but the hands are hovered and I'm working the pullout on the ankle strap. So what I want us to do is kind of what would be our Cobra but no hands. Look ma, no hands isolate your backs y'all. How you can come up. Let me see it.

Keep your feet down on the mat but you're pulling out. All right and then let's come back down. Just the forehead and chest. Inhale there, exhale and lift. Pull out on the strap. Chin is slightly down, elbows are pulling down toward the hips and inhale, come back down two more. Then we'll do the full swabbed. Exhale and engage the upper back, pulling it back.

Inhale coming down and exhale one more time man. No, stay up there guys. Police your hands. Now we are going to push through up to Swan, pull out on that ankle strap. Does anyone feel anything different? Again, you don't have to answer me and as we come back down, elbows, forehead, chest. You can hover your hands. I like that. Inhale, chest lift or reverse chest lift as high as you can. Then place the hands down. Coming up. Pull out on that ankle strap. Really lift your spine tall.

Two more times. We're going to come down and open and place and lift. Pulling out, coming high. Open up the chest, low belly in and up. Coming down and inhale. [inaudible] one more time. Place your hands. Press up. I am gonna have a little dive prep. That's my class. We know what. So as you let go, pull out on the strap. Rock the legs up and catch your hands.

Lift. Woo. I hear it. Good rock lift rock. Two more and let's all come back down now. Something I had the advantage of seeing you all in the mirror over here. Some of you did better today with this. Don't. No judgment.

I just think some of the coordination came up better. Come on up. Are you alive? Yeah, come on out of there. Let's make a round cap back position. We will find ourselves back up to standing. So here we are. You want to be buried with the strap. Come on up to standing guys. And we're well, I'm sure when that time goes you can make that happen.

Okay. Oh man. Okay, so I'm in, my arms are in three, three my arm width and I want us to stand with her feet apart. I'm going to be up on my mat. That's going to be fine today. Okay, so we're back in shoulder level and some side bending. We've done these before and so as we bring the OD the strap again, a higher above the head. Ideally it would be right above the center of the head, but without that. So getting those ribs in and the tailbone down.

All right, shoulders down, all that good. Warm up at the beginning of class. Take a breath right now and as we side bend, you're going to go to your right. I'm going to my left. Just take it nice and slow since I'm a wait on the your left foot everybody. And then coming back up and over to your left.

I'm going a little bit modest in my side, Ben, just because I'm watching you guys and then coming back up to standing. Keep going. I want you to keep going so side, but act as if you're pulling these muscles together. These should be pretty firm. Good. And then up to center, up and over to your left and back up to your center. All right, let's go for it guys. Over a little farther. Reach open up that top ways. Pull those shoulders down. Look straight ahead and up to standing. Left hand up. I'm gonna have us keep going. Lower your arms if you need to.

So when we go farther to the side, tip the chin and touch. Touch it down a little bit. A lot of your lifting your chin out here in a stay there. What I'm going to look for, stay right there. This arm is in line with, in parallel to the floor of flattened that rest there. There. Okay. And up to standing. Other side.

So your downward arm is parallel to the floor. Are you still pulling out on the strap? Lift the chin and sternum. There we go. And then coming back up to standing. One more time. Each side. [inaudible] so this underneath side has a beautiful curve to it. Just like this top side does. All right.

And then center and one more time and over shoulder blades and coming back up to standing. And then just go ahead and lower your arms. Walk your feet together. Okay. Do you guys, can you, are we okay to stand for a stretch? I know some of your knees aren't the happiest in this kind of stretch. Can we try that?

Yeah, you don't have to use a strap there. [inaudible] Oh that's okay. So why I chose to do this for two purposes, balance and not to have to have us go back to the floor for another thing. Uh, cause I really did have something on the floor I wanted to get to but I know we're getting out of time now. Let's take the available hand and if it's available to reach up, do the ceiling. If this is bothering your knee, being that bent, you can do it. Yeah. Without holding onto the foot and work your sense of standing balance. Okay. Where is mine? Who took it. Okay. And down.

I've been more satisfied with that on other days. All right. I think so. We're each finding some rib connection. Yeah, I think some BRF eat a little good. Good, good. And coming all the way down. Okay.

Let's go back to our map for one or the back edge of the mat. One more thing. Every half a day. You just want to scratch something that you've performed. That would be mine for today that I didn't. My balance felt cruddy. Oh wow. Take a nice breath here. Rolling forward. [inaudible] so I do want to have us do some pushups.

You guys walk on out to the hands of front support position. All right, three to five of them. Here we go. Lift into that up stretch. Stay right there. I you stretch your calves and I'm walk my hands back like half an inch. Now we usually do a little calf stretch, but with our hands much closer to our feet today.

I want us to just stay out here nice. And this big kind of inverted V, rise up to the balls of their feet and lower both heels back. Reach the heels for the mat at the same time. Reach your sits bones high to the ceiling. Three more times. Lift up and exhale. Two more. Lift up, heels down, sitz bones up and last time inhale and exhale. We're going to walk our feet into our hands.

Let the head go. And just that nice, easy roll up to standing. [inaudible] [inaudible] wonderful work, everybody. Thank you so much.


Great class, very different from other mat classes you've offered. I used a regular Thera Band, which wasn't as effective as the green strap, but I was able to modify and still get good work out of it.
Amy where can you purchase the OPTP Stretch OUT Strap?
Hi Colleen. Yes, this class focussed more specifically on shoulder mechanics using the gree Stretch-Out-Strap in addition to showing it's many uses in some traditional Mat pieces. My mentor, Pat Guyton, has developed a full Mat workout using the SOS strap.....and it's great! She's going to be at the PMA conference in Long Beach Nov. 5-7th. Or, you can look into her work by going to her website, The work with the green strap is amazing and yes, is very different than a regular TheraBand. She has a book too! Nice meeting you...hope to hear from you again!
Hi Elaine! You can purchase the OPTP Stretch Out Strap from their website, or you can contact Pat Guyton as well. She has also written a book on shoulder mechanics using this's fabulous. I'm pretty sure you can order that through her directly. She's also going to be at the PMA Conference in Long Beach Nov5-7 presenting the green strap and a full Mat class's amazing sutff!

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