Class #345

Additional Arms

25 min - Class


Amy uses the OPTP Stretch Out Strap® (or a simple rolled-up towel, long belt, or belt from a robe could also be used), to present a brief standing shoulder girdle class. With a solid progression from basic to more advanced, the exercises address shoulder mechanics and range of motion improvement. This mini-class could be a great warm-up before golf, surfing, volleyball, tennis, and/or any sport or activity where the upper body will be called upon. Those with shoulder issues should take precautions.
What You'll Need: Mat, Stretch Out Strap®

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So some of you haven't seen this. Um, some of you may have seen something similar to this. Um, you know, we work with the green strap. We can actually start, let's go ahead and start standing today. Um, the green strap for some assistance with shoulder mechanics and shoulder girdle. Uh, we'll also apply some of it down on the floor for regular mat work though. So why don't we do this. We'll just start with it on the floor. I'm gonna you can face me, you can turn your body to face this front and as a little bit structured, but just put your strap by your feet. It doesn't have to be a perfect straight line and you can always recreate this at home if you wanted to. If you don't have the green strap with a belt or um, a robe belt or towel, you can roll your towel up. Yeah.

Which a long time ago the towels were used more traditionally. So, uh, let's start with our legs in parallel. And if you take a quick look down to your leg line, you definitely want to see all your toes forward. And depending on your leg line, some of us, our knees will knock inward. What we're looking for is the three areas of connection, your ankle bones together right above the knees to be pressed together and then your high inner thigh pressed together. Um, sometimes when we take that last one, the high inner thigh, it can actually cause or contribute or lend itself to more inward rotation of your knees. So even though we're connecting the high inner thigh, think the back of the high inner thigh is more squeezed together. That will most likely keep your knees tracking forward where we want rather than knocking in. Okay. So as we're just standing here, we're going to do a little bit with the green strap and I'm wondering how this warmup with their shoulder work. So let's just take an inhale.

Shoulders lift and exhale, press and down. Inhale, shoulders lift. And as we're starting with the some arm and shoulder work and in standing as you are standing here now let's all shift or wait just a little more forward of our ankle so we're not resting back on her knees or ankles than her heels. Sure. Feeling the glide of the scapular shoulder blades up, shoulder blades down and also or checking in if your shoulders aren't feeling really lubricated or really glossy, that just recognize that they might feel, you know, sticky. I've got one that's feeling a little sticky spot.

I'm not going to fixate on what's not working. I'm going to feel what is working and think about what is working. Okay. Let's take one more shoulders up and shoulders down. Now we're going to take shoulders forward so as you roll your shoulder heads forward. Yeah, and then roll them back.

Just feel inhale there forward. You can also think, keep going. Think about it that your shoulder blades are what are wrapping around the front shoulder blades. Kind of wrapping around the back of the ribs or forward. Sure, but not a ton of arm motion. It's really more shoulder blade. One more of each forward and back and then find your place right in between the two or your arms are just hanging in there.

We're going to take a nice easy standing roll down. Take a big breath in through the nose. Exhale from your high abdominals and letting the head, your shoulders, your neck round, keeping your weight more forward of the ankle than back on the heels. I want you to just to let your head round over, look right at your legs as breathe in. We're going to roll up from there. Exhale, abdominals contract in, pooling up.

Let me feel your legs solid underneath your pelvis. Let's come back up to standing tall. Go again and exhale. So let this be a warmup for your dominoes. He won a contract in. Let your arms dangle spinal flection. Inhale from the bottom. Exhale, pull the abdominals in up.

Restack yourself up to standing tall. We'll ticket two more times. It's a nice breath in and exhale. Rounding over. Yeah. Do what you can to let the arms relax. Yes, that's it you guys. That looked really different. [inaudible] because in a moment you're going to do a lot of work with them.

So right now enjoy that. They're relaxed. Rolling up. We're going to take one more time breathing in and exhale this time as you were down there. Go ahead and pick up your strap. Bring it with you as you rule back up. Okay. And we're going to start with our hands. In the first loop. There's several loop choices.

We're going to go in the first loop and let's just have our palms facing our thighs. Open up your collarbones. Again, we're just going to lift the arms forward. So inhale is your coming shoulder height and exhale pressing down. So as we do these up and down motions, I want us to think about pulling the arms out against the edge of the the strap. If you keep going, if you didn't have this at home, let's say you could do it with your making a soft fist on your straps. Same idea. Okay. Yeah, so the shoulders are stable and level as you raise your arms up and down.

Inhale, lift the arms. I want you to think about how your abdominals can work in the exercise. So your whole, yeah, good in with the tummy pulling out on the outside edge of the strap. Shoulder blades down the back. She says, if you're reaching into space here in the front of you, everybody now hold right here. We're going to turn the arm angle just slightly so palms will face into each other. Keep pressing out and the press out. Even though we're new, I'm cuing at hands. Think of it as your upper arm and shoulders.

Also pressing out away from your chest. And let's bring the arms down. We'll do several there. Inhale up and exhale. And all the while the legs are still squeezed together. The rear high inner thigh, very active inside our body. Our spine is up long and tall and strong.

Good. Hey you guys exhale and lower. We'll take two more in here. We lift last one. I want you to lift now. Hold. I'm gonna just do a little, uh, not the percussive breathing, which is the, sure. Let's just do it. Exhale and just press out. Inhale, release. Exhale. So keep going. We want to think of, and you as you're pressing, I'm just going to show profile. You can't see from this, you know, I can tell if you're what's called Kinda dumping into your low back or you know, these affectations. We want the shoulder girdle right above pelvic girdle. I'm going to walk just a little bit this way so I can see you guys in the mirror. Yeah.

So allow your torso to be just a little bit more forward. Yeah, like that. And same with TIAA. Just bring your torso a little more for it. You got it there. Okay. And one more time and exhale press.

Okay. Now when you lower your arms, keep your shoulder girdle wide strong open. There we are. Be a little careful with some of these exercises. Anyone that may have shoulder issues. Okay, I should've said that at the beginning of the hour. Yeah, he, he didn't know. You know your range is to work with. Um, yes. I'm going to just take a moment. If you're doing this in a moment here or maybe later and you're raising your arm up and there's tingling or pain or discomfort, don't go there.

Don't go that high. You do want to work with a weight range that feels safe for you. Okay. You, especially if you have any rotator cuff injury or impingement, although this is also intended to help strengthen and open it up. Okay. We're going to change the grip. So go in one more out to the side, away from center. Okay, so it puts this a little wider and I'm going to have us start with our arms. Shoulder height. Okay. Still a little press out on the outside edge. Now if we release the elbows or bend them, think of bending your elbows left and right. Okay.

Not pulling the elbows back behind the back because that is going to cause us to probably shrug together. What we're looking for is that with in the back of the back. Okay. We're gonna call that an inhale and the exhale is stretching forward. We'll do about 10 so this is a really stabilized strength. Shoulder girdle awareness of shoulder mechanics.

Sure. If your neck starts to get a little fatigued or burning or dis uncomfortable, you can lower the shape down and continue moving. It's a little safer. Less work there, maybe for your neck. All right, inhale. But sometimes what you're feeling in your body is muscle stretching, tissue stretching, and that can cause a warmth or burning feeling. Sometimes some popping, cracking a couple more times. Inhale, elbows to the side, sides conceal. Yester Rach, last one. Now hold right here. Okay, so we're looking for elbows to be not sagging.

Lift. Yeah, fill your lats. Okay. Now with soon, oh, we're gonna focus on our upper arm and rotate it. So the bat, the strap will come kind of right in front of your forehead and then rotating back to horizontal. Let's inhale. Good. And exhale. Keep going. I'm gonna use Michelle for a second because you guys can all see her. My hands are freezing and go ahead and do so if I could with all of your arms, I would do this. And I'm, we're pivoting the humerus, which is your upper arm right there at that joint. Okay. Yeah. Right. Pivoting back and yeah, just unsure.

Shrug their shoulders a little. You got it right. Good. Should be kind of waken up your mid back also on shrugging those shoulders. Beautiful. Just two more times everybody, cause I know it's getting fatiguing. Inhale, rotate and last one and rotate back to down.

And then we'll just rest for a moment. Okay. Stay right here. Press out in the outsides of the strap. We're going to do a little neck and head rotation. Take it to your left first on an inhale and exhale back to center. Just 10 easy stretch of your neck. When we're working our shoulders, it is important to continue. Continue stretching the neck.

Is this all related? Turn and really see something on that side of the room and center again, could you be more open across that collarbone? Could it be more open across those upper ribs right here? Yeah, it's really the pectoral muscles as they attach all the way up in the top or connect. Good. Beautiful and open. One more each side. Inhale, turn and center. Rotate and center. Okay. Changing this grip.

What? I'm going to try just moving my hand. One loop, but the other hand, not another loop. Now that probably will be okay for most of us. We'll see. Okay, so again, we're going to start at shoulder level and start the same kind of adding onto what we just had done. So elbows bending to the size. Samantha, it's beautiful. Really good. Find your lats. Everybody. [inaudible] I wish. I wish that was visible on camera with all of you cause he did it Sarah. That's gorgeous. Okay, we're going to rotate now.

We're going to move up. The strap is going up. Our arms are going up, but the shoulder blades are not going up. The shoulder blades ideally are going to go down, down. [inaudible] now only go to your, your range. That feels okay. You might be here right now. Some of you are going to be fine to go all the way to straighten that elbow.

Okay, so we're going to come back down and rotate. That's our pattern. Inhale. Sure. And all the while, uh, I'm pulling out on the edge of the strap a little bit. Feeling the end points. Good and center.

Keep going. So we're getting, we're going to think of the posture not being dropped into the lumbar spine. I could do that with my arms, but you can see aesthetically what's going on. Ooh, when I get my torso over my hips, where am I? Anna? There we go. Sure.

Couple more. You're doing well. Spine extension tall. Sure. Last one. Sure. We're going to hold just holding the position and work your abdominal.

Let's everybody shift our weight again a little more for rid of our ankle, dropping the scapular shoulder blades. Good. And bringing all the way down. Okay. And just bounce the shoulders a little bit. Okay. Yeah. Adding onto that, we're gonna do a little more range of motion. We'll see where we are. So I want us to take the hands now. Palms face out. Just got a few more things planned for the standing green strap work.

So as you're now your arms up above your palms, face out a, what do I want to work with? Yeah, it's more the range of motion of taking your whole arm a little bit far. Now you know what? I need to change my strap. Sorry, I need to go into one more that the arms can go farther back behind our back or behind the head. All right, so from above the head arguing back, press out into the hands. The upper arms again are going to pivot and rotate in that shoulder joint. All right? Yeah, let's do it. Inhale. Exhale. Sure. Okay.

So my hands are referencing a good a rotation. I'm watching diligently and it's also humorous again is going into a pivot Elizabeth. Really good. Try it. Keep going. I think you're okay. Do you feel you'll feel okay right there? Okay.

No Sir. I don't know. I can just cast them closer would be more challenging in one regard because you're sh re rest if you want to or continue cause you're in a shorter distance here to try to get shoulder rotation. I would say a little wider. Everybody come down rest for a second. Sometimes talking through it those good because then you're just distracting like, hey look, look, I'm going with my, I can do it. You know, that's improving. That sort of, it's improving. It is affirmative. It's improving the rotation. Yeah. And Michelle asks about the [inaudible] to get more of this pivoting humoral humeral head there a little more. Yeah. Uh, organization rotation, organic.

The press out in the palm to somewhat open space in the joint. I get my, I'm gonna use the word traction, although I'm not a chiropractor to open up the joint. Yeah. So sometimes that end point in the the loop can stimulate or give some feedback to that mechanic. Does that make sense? Yeah. Okay. Little farther. I know. Here we go. Let's start back up. Let's start with palms face out. Press into the palms, feel your lats pull down. Let's turn him lifted.

Okay. So I'm going to have this to take that strap back again behind your head or you can go behind your chest. Okay. Or if anyone's with me, we're going to go all the way down behind the back. I'm going to let you choose where you need to stop. Yeah. And then return press out in the palms. You want to feel the pivot of the upper arm bone in the shoulder?

Probably just a total of four of those. She's good. Yeah. Yeah. It's a big chest opener. Pictorial muscle stretch. Just Jess Level two more times. So I am noticing changes each repetition on most of you.

Even if you think you're not doing some changes, you are. So let me affirm you. Okay. Trust me. Cause I can see sometimes things that are, uh, what you may not feel. Now hold it back if you're everybody's back or if not, just can you bend your elbows to get your hands down? Yeah. Okay. Lower your arms. We're going to wrap our hands on the strap and lengthen them back behind us.

Okay. I'm actually gonna even walk my hands a little bit narrow where some of my arms are quite close to my body and they're linked in the fingers again. So this is some lat and tricep. Just press your arms back. Okay. And press back. Let me just see how far you all are moving. So as we move our arms back behind us, the challenge is can the shoulder stay open and not pivot this way?

See it in my neck. Shortened. I kind of, I don't know, quasi Modo. Maybe we want to be able to move just the arm. Okay. Inhale, press away. Exhale, return. So I think opposing the arm movement going backward, the chest and sternum can pull up. Yeah. Inhale, press back. Exhale, return to your hips. Inhale, press back, exhale to your hips. Squeeze those legs from inhale back. Sure.

Three more. It's still ab work. One more. Let's hold. Now we are going to go into a percussive rhythm with some pulses. Drop right here. Sealy. Yes.

Better and four, three, two and one. And then just drop your strap instead of returning it all the way up. We're gonna move on. We're going to keep [inaudible]. Oh, sorry. Keep reusing it, but drop it away from your back. Okay. Steps second position. Now everybody stand a little differently.

My literal thinkers drop the strap. That's okay. Hey, you did it. I mean drop the strap. Okay, let's go in. I'm going to stay in three, three. Okay. Starting at shoulder level and I add a little, go into a little side, bending with the spine. All right, so just a kind of retouch on how we're standing here. Again, the inner thighs are add. Doctors are active. If you had a big physio ball between your legs, squeeze it or a big, big magic circle right up here. You to pull it in. Okay, so that supports the knees.

Definitely helps your pelvis stay positioned as the arms are up. Now focus on the length of your spine vertically without the ribs thrusting forward. Okay. You probably are going to want to recruit your glutes to stand and support your hips. So we're going to take a breath in and start side bending to your right. Okay. Inhale. Exhale. Come back to center.

Sure. To the left. Now each time I'm side bending and coming back to center, I'm focusing on repositioning my lats, pulling them down. Because as I go over to the side, they tend to want to release a little bit like you know, something like that. And then as you come back, you get a refixed try your hardest not to let them go at all as you side bend and back to center. Okay? Keep going now because you have these flexible shoulders, my friend, bring your arms forward quite a bit more and center. So bring your strap more like there. I know, there you go. And then remember last week I said no yoga head calling him out. Look straight ahead. You're right. Yeah.

You want your head right on your neck, your neck, on your shoulders and you're looking, looking out. Okay. One more each side. Thank you. Sure, sure. Better, slower just for a minute. Okay. Do you know why? Okay.

It's all right cause you forgot the range, but it's definitely not a yoga, you know that it's gorgeous, but we want to reign it in almost the, the strap really should be right above the crown of the head and side bending. We want to be doing this. Like if I were right next to Michelle, you know, face to face, we'd be side bending quite close to each other. If I had my strap too far back or hers too far back, she might hit me. Or chest bumping. Yeah. You know, so we're really lateral. Let's go again. We're going to speed up the tempo just a little bit.

So just an inhale to the side center. Sure, sure. Yeah. Used them dynamic with your obliques to bring you center. Are you still finding your inner thighs? Yes. You are. She good. Inhale over. Exhale. Ashe. Inhale over.

Exhale. Four more. Sure. That's better. Shoulder blades dropped a nice Elizabeth and lish last one and over and lift. Let's go ahead, drop the strap. Just let it go. Walk your feet together. [inaudible].


Great class! I know I needed this shoulder workout and love doing it with the strap. What a fantastic workout doing both of your newest classes! Thanks Amy I love taking your classes and using props!
You're the best Elaine, thank you!!
Great little class! Did it after an ab and lower body class, just for some shoulder work. Big thumbs up!
Thank you's nice to have a few 'great little classes' to take for those moments where you just have a few minutes for additional thngs. The green strap is great for shoulder work. Thanks for watching!
Is the Stretch Out Strap superior to the Fletcher Towel? I just bought the Fletcher piece because I think it has some elastic properties, the strap in this video doesn't look very like it has much give. Great class though regardless of the equipment options.
Hi Donavan, I like the towel too and yes, it's eleastic quality does make certain things easier to do. I prefer the SOS strap because of it's specificity for shoulder mechanics (see Pat Guyton's work and her website as she has developed work with the green strap,, and for the PNF value. Pat has a full class with the SOS strap as well as a workshop up now. It gives much more explaination. Thank you for your feedback about my class. Talk again soon.
Tish T
Just what I needed! My neck and shoulders have been incredibly sore the last two weeks. I feel so much better now.

Highly recommend to others like me who have desk jobs and stare at computer screens all day.

Thanks Amy!
Hi Tish....yes the green strap work is perfect for neck and shoulder awareness, strengthening, relsease etc. Spread the good word!! Thank you!
Yes this felt great at the end of a long day! Thanks!
:) Glad you enjoyed this Kerry!

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