Class #363

Clear Mat Breakdowns

55 min - Class


Ease into class by spending quality time waking up the lumbar area. Amy responds to requests from her class to explore exercises more deeply. A clear breakdown and variation on the Rollover are offered to empower the students to find the abdominal strength needed to perform the exercise. The Teaser is also examined first by offering preparatory exercises followed by options for building the strength and coordination it will take to master this exercise. Side Lying work includes Front and Back Kicks with a nice section of thoracic rotation. Prone includes a slight variation on Swan, quadruped side-bending work, Single Leg Kick, and Swimming. Stay until the end to enjoy a nice option for Rolling Like a Ball.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jan 16, 2011
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Hey guys, let's start standing today. Let's start standing. [inaudible]. Okay, so I think, yeah, let's go to the kind of the back edge of our mat here. And it's a damp morning. It's, I don't know what that means for your body, but I know what that means. Her mind and it feels a little, you know, not as mobile at the beginning here. So I think what I want us to start with is just in good standing roll down.

But before we do, let's have our, our feet sitz bones with the part two, we are going to have a little space down below and let's just move our weight forward and back a couple of times. So organize the shoulder girdle, organize your ribs and pelvis nice and level and let's just shift our weight. So as we shift our weight more to the front of the feet, not so much that you fall forward, but feeling a shift of weight and then the opposite, shifting the weight back, it's kind of playing with that and shifting forward. Whatever breathing you're connecting to is fine in shifting back. Yeah. And again, shifting forward, I do want you to start thinking about the shoulders being more open across the front, heavier shoulder girdle and shoulder blades down your back. Let's take a couple more and then one more.

I'm going to have a shift forward and stay forward shifted and see if you can feel your low abdomen contracting a little more. Can you all feel that a couple of us? Can we, that should switch on when your weight is shifted more forward. Okay. Now as you're shifting your weight back, it'll probably kick in your back a little more than your front. We don't want too much of one or too much over the other, so find your place right in between the two. All right, and let's take a nice breath in. So standing, roll down, feeling ahead, the shoulders, the spine, flex forward, letting those eight arms just dangle. I do want you to bias the weight being forward.

The farther you're going down, especially feel free if you need to bend your knees a little bit. This is not a contest of how far you can go. It's really keeping your weight forward. On the quality of your eggs, your C curve in your back. All right, so take a good breath there. Now use the exhale to come up feeling the abdominal muscles scooping in and up. Keep bringing yourself to where the weight is on your feet.

I'm asking for it to be a little more forward than back. Take a good breath in. Exhale and can track right from those upper abdominals. Curving your spine long, heavy arms, open spine, strong abdominals, strong legs. Breathe in there. X ELN pulling up pelvis has to shift over the top of the femurs who really shifted over so that it's nice and level. When you arrive. We'll take two more.

Take a breath, exhale and rounding forward letting those arms dangle head can dangle. Trust the weight shift forward slightly. Take a breath in. Looks good. Exhale from the abdominals. Scoop in and up, pelvis rotating over the top of the femurs. One more time. Can your chest open a tiny bit more here? Exhale and rounding down.

Okay, so where I'm going to take us now is really just into kind of a a little squat position. I often end class this way. So as your hands are in front of you, go ahead and shift even more weight to them. Spend your knees and bring your hips down. If your knees aren't going to allow you to do this, don't do it. You can just stay over. Okay, and then as you're in this curved position, I want you to just focus on your pelvis rotating under even more. Your abdominal scooping in even more.

Rounding that spine, let the way to the head drop. Let's take a breath. Exhale, we're going to st in the legs. I want you to think, could your chest get closer to your thighs? You're still warming up, so don't push too hard on that one. Okay, we're going to come over again into that squat. Hell. This is rotating under. The reason I'm going at this is to get some sense of Le, a stretch in your lumbar area. Take another breath. Exhale. Here we go to straighten and just one more time. Exhale. Inhale, exhale, straight in. Once again, they'd go, good breath upside down here. Exhale, roll up to standing pool.

Inclusive dominoes. Same thing. Shifting that pelvis back. By the time you arrive, your pelvis is right on top of your thighs, ribs over your hips. We'll take one more roll down, breathing in and rolling forward. We're going to walk ourselves out to our front support position. Now when you walk out, choose your non-writing hand walk out as evenly as you can. Steady and even it's come down the lower your hips a little more. You guys over here, Elizabeth and Barbara?

Yeah. Lower those hips. Lift your chest a little bit and counter to it. Yeah, so some good front support. So okay, now wherever we're at, I'm just going to have you bend your knees or jump your feet to your hands. We're back in that round back position and let's just go ahead and have a seat. Move your feet forward. We're going to continue to send a slowly roll a warming up here, reaching the arms in front shoulder with the part, little butt belly work.

Nice breath in on your exhale. Squeeze your glutes. So goop, those belly muscles in. I'm only going to have us roll back to the sacrum so we're really not going to far hold there. Inhale, exhale and coming forward. Allow your head to curve today to widen up your shoulder blades on your back and then inhale, come back up to sitting tall, right on your sits bones again. Exhale. So I am thinking about my butt muscles coming a little, squeezed my navel drawing back or rotate the hips under pause, take a breath, exhale and curve widening your back in heel. Coming up to sitting. Tall, heavy shoulder blades. Two more guys and exhale.

So if you saw someone from the back view, there was someone right in front of me. I'd want to see a really broad back when I see abroad, lower back abroad, mid back, upper back, [inaudible], anything here? Broad, broad, broad. Inhale up tall. Exhale again and contract. Now let us just to stay on the sacrum and slowly roll back a little farther now so that you're at the bottom of your rib cage. This is a pretty touchy little spot, tricky to control this amount of flection or mobility in your lower back to the base of your shoulder blades. Let's just hold onto that. We're going to do some, uh, exhale. Little reach your pulse. Okay.

[inaudible] little about eight times three. I'm really reaching with my arms mostly reach and six trying to flex here. Seven. Our last one, eight. That should be in plenty. Let's roll all the way back. Good. And then bring your heels closer to your sits bones. Just a couple inches.

Not too far. Okay. Yeah. Let's take some articulation of the back. We've been doing that, but take it from the bridge. Exhale again, tilt peeling away from your mat, lifting those hips high. Inhale here. Exhale and roll downs for getting that heaviness now of the chest. Sinking your lower back deep against your mat. Inhale, nice and long. Exhale and tilt. Keeping the chest broad back of your shoulders anchored on your mat.

The higher you're going. Look for a little more pelvic tilt. Little flatter ribs here at the top or upper abs. Inhale, exhale en contract. All right. Two more times. Inhale. Exhale from the abdominals starts bringing those sits bones together. Feeling the work in the back of the thighs.

Inhale at the top and exhale. Coming down. One more time. Find that level position and exhale. Contract. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to just stay up on the bridge for a second. It's in a slow marching or walking in place on your exhale. First side, right hip flex. No. As you lower the hips shouldn't drop.

Exhale the left hip. Inhale lower all the while ribs in tail under right thigh. Inhale lower. Exhale and left. Inhale over. Let's take four more. Yeah, last one. Inhale lower. Now I'm gonna have you stay up there.

Raise your arms up just to the ceiling. Straight above you. All right, we're going to sync the spine. Keep those arms reaching up. Allow your spine to articulate long and all the way down. [inaudible] so your level pelvis now breathe in. Both legs will come up on the exhale. We may have done this last Friday. I think we did. I'm going to have us do a little side to side, but as you go to the right, let's go ahead and tip our legs to the right.

Move your arms a little to your left in opposition. We may not have done that part last week. Okay, hold that. Take a breath. Exhale, come back to center, repeating that to the other side. So when you shift your weight, we know that we're familiar with that, but we don't usually do this arm movement. Trying to keep the the space between the arms equidistant shoulder width.

Exhale, come back to center, do the right shift. Could maybe think of holding a magic circle that size of space between your arms. Exhale, center to the left and exhale center. Ah, one more each direction. [inaudible] center and last one and exhale center and just hold the legs. Let's turn our palms to face our feet. Press your arms down, not quite to the mat. Hubbard, stretch your arms long.

We're going to go right up for the hundred ticket breath first. That's flex. Curl up. I'm going to have us take our legs out. Little turnout. Inhale for four. Exhale, six, two, three, four, five, six and two. Three. Sure.

Four little lower with your legs, guys, if you want the challenge, always looking for broad chest active triceps. Two more cycles. Curl into that sternum. Last breath cycle, and exhale. All right, bring it in. Hug your knees. Let's try some roll-ups. Extend those legs. Extend the arms. Now this morning I'd like you to flex your feet everybody and turn the legs out just a tiny bit. Just for a moment, feel the back of the legs rapping together underneath and into the inner thigh.

Okay. Sometimes it's easier to feel that with the flex foot, so let's try a couple roll-ups, flexed feet and then we'll try it back in our normal parallel. Okay. Arms inhale, head and chest. Exhale. Push through the back of the heels coming up and over the thighs. Take a good rest here and exhale, rolling down. Try to just play with it. It's going to feel different in your body.

Flex through the heels, so the back of the legs, very active and long. Here we go. [inaudible] pull into your waist. Skip that secret curve going olders above hips. Take a breath. Exhale coming back. I want you to activate your legs into the mid line one more like this.

Oh, inhale. I know it feels different for me. Sure. I think it probably feels different for everybody. Okay, so let's go back to three more reps are normal leg position, parallel soft feet. [inaudible] see that? We're familiar with that. Can you still keep activity active legs. Inhale, exhale, roll back. So it's not like we give way, we still want to have some activity in the back of the thigh into the center thigh. Two more.

Rotate the pelvis, place it back on the mat, articulate the spine from there last time. Inhale up and over. Inhale at the top and exhale as we roll it back. Okay. Oh right. So let's do a little something different today. I think we've been adding rollover.

I need to catch my thread. I don't know why I'm out of breath right now. Um, with adding rollover and we've been doing it a couple of different ways. Go ahead and lift your legs up and cross your ankles. Bend your knees and cross your ankles. Okay. What that's doing. Two things. It's shortening the lever or the long leg position, which some might think makes it easier, but actually it could make it harder or more challenging to really isolate the work in your spine correctly. Do you remember what we've been doing?

So what we were trying to get away from you guys. I think no one is not moving the legs first or what's known as hip flection. Okay, so that angle of your thigh to your pelvis stays exactly the same. Okay? Try that. Arms are going to be flat. So really what moves first is your tail and then your pelvis comes up.

Then your spine. We're all good, Michelle. Oh, we're head. There should've been a good exhale right now. When you're over change legs, let the other one be on hop. Good breath in. So same concept as you're rolling down, you're not flexing it your hip joint at all. You're moving your spine that's gotten so much better. See, and by the time you arrive, your size or perpendicular to your pelvis, perfect.

Keep that leg on top. Let's breathe in. So here we go. Hell this up. Good. Lisa, go, go, go. Yes, you got. Whew. That was different for you. You didn't flex it. Your hip change legs. Take your breath there. Exhale. Here we go. Roll down breeds that you need to guys. Breathe. Breathe, breathe.

Nice. Barbara. That's it. You guys. Keep that leg there. Inhale. We're getting it. Exhale up and over. We change legs. Take your breath. We're coming down trying to not flex at that hip joint. Ah, inhale. Keep that leg there. Exhale up and over. Now we change. Exhale, rolling back.

Ah, how are you doing? Okay, let's try it the normal way. Now, more classical legs together. Soft feet just to repetition. No hip flection. It's the same exercise up and over. Cut for you. The thing that is different. Of course, we flex our feet here open. Take a breath. Now imagine that there's a wall on either side of those ankles. Push out to roll down.

Oh, good catch. And then one more time. Legs together. Inhale, exhale. Up and over. It's this pelvis and spine that are articulating and moving. Flex feet. Inhale and exhale. Push into me a little. Yeah, there you go. Okay, good. Now just bend your knees to your chest.

Give yourself a little rest up to a scissor in a series of five. We won't do the whole series of five today. Okay, but let's go ahead and just get yourself in tabletop on an exhale. Flex your abdominals and spine. Come on up. Yeah, let's, let's shoot for a little higher off those shoulder blades. There we go, guys. Legs extended. Now hands on the back of the right calf. Left lay can come all the way down. Take it in line with your hip. Okay, and we want the stretch in this hip. We want a level pelvis.

That may not mean this leg comes back very far. You know you can go for the stretch, but you've got to keep that pelvis level. Let's do our double exhale change. So keep seeking for a little higher of lift off your shoulder blades. Good Barbara pelvis level. You're looking right at us.

You can really see that triangle flat, flat, flat four, three, two. Now I want you to stay here. Put your hands behind your head so we know Chris cross do the Chris cross shape in your upper body. We're going to stay with scissor legs, but just one exhale. So chain [inaudible] 10 of these three, four, five, six turn and look. Seven, eight, nine and last one. Keep that left leg up. Face your thigh, lower your arms by your side.

Palms face up. Five little X sales to go higher. [inaudible] flexion three. Got to keep the chest open. Four up there. Five hold, change. We've got five and good reach. Three, four. You're efforting, a bend and five and rest. Good. Good. Okay.

Turn your head side to side. Let's roll ourselves up. Good. Let's go. Spine, stretch forward. Traditional. No. Back extension. Okay. Just maybe for repetition. Yeah. Huh?

A nice breath in from here. Exhale and round. You know, over now we're doing this more of traditional version of it so we can keep breathing. We can go farther in our flection. We can go further in the flection. I'm going to hold Michelle, she's going to keep bending forward, but I'm holding your ribs back cause I know her flexibility. She could just go, you know, flat, right? So if I had amount of work, if I had my opportunity, I'd come and pull all of you know, roll back up to sitting tall, heavy shoulder. So let's go again. Exhale and nail. But Lisa [inaudible] keep going. It's not out of the question to think you could get your head on the mat. That's kind of a thought, you know, inhale and roll back up. Exhale two more times. Getting steamy. Breathing in. Nice human morning. Exhale.

So yes, this version is different too because her head is going lower than the arms. It's all right. Pull back just as much as you're going forward. Pull back as you go forward and rolling up. Can you sit taller one more and over? Yeah. You want a wide back present. A wide back.

Abs really contribute to that. The more they're in the wider your lower back. Yets we're looking for that stretch. All right, you guys can coming up, lower your arms. Just circle your feet a few times and the other way. Okay, we're going to stay seated. I'm going to have a sick the legs together and long feet and that's not really a hard point. Just a nice extension through your ankles. You can also do this bent knees with your feet apart if you need it for your hip flexors. If anyone feels stuck there. Let's take the arms forward again. Paul must face up. Feel how that opens up your shoulder.

Drop your shoulder blades, take a breath, open to your right. So spinal rotation, just hold your rotation. So your the stripes on the barbershop pole, your ribs are in. You're going to round going taller, taller, taller. Let's come back home on the inhale and to the left. Exhale. Just one slow check-in.

Always up and around a visualizing that spiral. Okay. And then coming home. Let's take a breath. One exhale. Ah, center. Inhale, exhale and inhale. Exhale. Yeah. Just as much work in your lower back to rotate your spine. Yeah.

As it is your obliques. They're all the way around that way actually. And three more open your chest. [inaudible] last one. Really open and center. Okay. No, everybody bend your knees. Bring your head down. Just drop your head, let your back relax for a second. [inaudible] so I kind of have it in for the abdominals this morning.

I did a bit of sitting in the last few days, so sorry. Anyway, but also I haven't been doing a single leg teaser or teaser prep in here as often, so seize the day. We're going to do it now. So I'm going to have a start up with the feet together. Knees together, and I've probably said this in the past, but you might not have clicked in. The closer your heels are into you, the more challenging it will be to roll up to your T's or position. Correct. So you know that that for me, I think right now is going to feel pretty good, I hope. All right, we have that magic Jerry bolt holding the knees together. We're going to start with our arms forward now let's take a good breath.

Roll back again to the sacred. We are already there earlier in our warmup. Okay. Yeah. Now extended right leg. Just keep your foot soft. Don't worry about appointing in. Squeeze your inner thighs together. We're going to roll all the way back to the back. Continue to articulate so when I'm going backward, I'm also thinking about the leg going longer forward.

You can just bring your arms to the ceiling. Head down. Now we get roll up just to the sacrum though, just to the sacred. Can you keep that sacred back? Take a breath. Here we go. Exhale en flex and inhale. [inaudible] sometimes teaser is done on an inhale to come up. I'm using exhale today. [inaudible] I think it's helping to contract the abdominals. Arms just to the ceiling.

Connect your lats. One more guys. [inaudible] Oh right. Stay in your curve. Let's place that laid down. Take the left one forward. Would take a breath. Started in the pelvis, has got a rotate, rotate, rotate. Good. Elizabeth. Yes. Arms to ceiling. Strong lats. Strong frame here. Exhale, N curve. Inhale, hold and exhale and round. Good for you. Inhale, my foot's cramping. Exhale, curve pulling in, pulling in, pulling in. One more. Breathe in.

Exhale, roll back. Long leg. Inhale. Exhale, roll back up and then place that foot down. Rest for a second. Okay. We're going to try to like, sorry, my just went into his path. It's really activating today. Okay. Let's start this way. We're going to do a couple real teasers. Teaser one.

There was a request a few weeks ago for more teasers, so her name will, no, I won't say it. She's here though today. Take a breath so you can keep your legs on the diagonal. Okay. Or bring them into tabletop. We're going to go back down. It's fine to bring them into tabletop. We're looking for the smooth articulation. That's the hard part.

Now with this one, take your arms all the way back. We get to come up. Inhale, reach, reach toward your toes. Reach towards your toes. Reach towards your toes. That's plenty. Two more times. Exhale, contract. Roll it back. Good show. That's it Elisa, and we lengthen and exhale. Stay back on that. Seagram tilt. Tilt till one more time. Exhale. [inaudible] sh and rolling up. They can the arms up. Just finish it. There we go. Bend.

Okay. Whew. Boy. Girls. Great. [inaudible] on the back. It's a lot on the back. You're back. You're feeling you're back. I was straining. Okay. Yeah. And I think, yeah, if you're ever rolling back feeling that, you know, Hey, are we, do you feel your back? No. Oh, that one. It's always hips, hip flexor stuff they're holding on. They're strong. You know, it's not a more common, not very common to see teaser done, but it's might be something to play with and I'll try to maybe experiment once in a while of doing it more. Turned out it's kind of diamond dish.

I don't know. It's gonna fit. Well, I can't get up. But to turn those off allowed was not very good to turn those at. That might help you. It's actually feels a little easier. I don't know. Yay. That's helped on the rollback bar too though. Remember, sometimes when we do roll back on the trapeze table, you do better with your legs turned out. Oh, our hip flexors. Um, let's turn sideways. Guys. Face me on your right side.

Okay. And I'd like to start all the way down. Just really elongated. So we did a lot of AB work in this, you know, so far. So just take a second. In fact, let's take our left arm over our head. Clasp your hands together and just wretch. You know, just really stretch. If that means arch your back a little, that's okay. Yeah, whatever you need to do. Even maybe the little lift on your bottom, waist up above the mat.

What I'm doing is just checking that we're very lateral sidelining often we think we're sideline and we might be a little bit back or front, so. Okay, that's pretty good. We're good. Okay, so that's, go ahead and just take that top arm down. Put it fingertips on mat here. Let's all do that for the reason of keeping that opposite shoulder open, you have to work to keep it open. We're going to take both legs up on the exhale so we have an exhale lift and inhale. Lower this, take eight of these exhale so that bottom waist, a little Hubbard three [inaudible] open that shoulder and ankles together.

Five and six, seven taking our last one here. Aid and hold. Now just the top leg, little higher one mm and down. Why don't you to take it high enough that you really feel that side of the hip, uh, contraction. When you lift three, it may help to think of slightly turning in the femur. There you go, Elizabeth. Especially for those of us who have more turnout, almost think a little turn in. Yeah, and six.

Two more open. Shoulders seven last one, eight. Now bring it down about halfway, which we'll probably put it about hip height. Now the bottom leg is going to come up. Exhale, squeeze. One. High inner thigh to high inner thigh and three and four. Open that shoulder. Five and six. Seven. Last one guys. Lift. No, let's take our flex and 0.8 times.

This is one and point. Flex [inaudible] add a little challenge. Lifting that top arm. You don't have to. Four more. Three, two. Good. Last one. We haven't done these for a while. You can keep the arm up or place it down if you need it. For balance. Little walk in place. We have inhale. Inhale, exhale, exhale. Sure. Shall we doing? Good. And four. Three. Good.

Two. Last one. Let's bring your legs together. Lower the arm and lower the legs. Okay, bend your knees up. When should it come up on to your elbow? Okay, let's go up onto her like a little mini side plank. So from here, we're already in the work.

We're already in the feeling of contracting through that lat and the obliques. Let's just take this arm out and lift. Bring it up overhead. Now this may not feel like that much work. Let's just enjoy that it doesn't. It's not that horrible for this group today, right now, when you come down, don't get comfy. We want to just lightly bring that hip down. He can swing that left arm two more times.

[inaudible] inhale and exhale, bring it down. That's okay, that it's not horribly challenging right there. Lift and then lower down. Now when you bring your hip down, go ahead and keep your body integrated. Extend your legs, bring them slightly forward. We're gonna come to front kickback kicks. Lift your thigh. Flex. Said heel. Breathe in first. Double kick forward one, two, and the stretch back one, two. And the stretch back. We'll take eight. Three feel the hamstrings and the glute. Four more front, back and back. Twice more. Front and back. Last one. Now hold your leg behind. Take that hand right behind your head again.

We've done these before. We're going to add a little rotation. So on your exhale, rotate your spine, let your left elbow almost. Touch your hand down here. Hold that position. Keep scooping your belly up, stretch that leg back a little. Inhale, come back to facing front four more times. Exhale. As you rotate, there is a lift internally. Can Michelle, as you rotate, inhale forward. Three more. Exhale.

Oh boy. Do you like that? That feels great to my back or into more exhale from the stomach. We're still using our lats or leg is still back behind us and hip extension. One more time. Exhale. N forward and center and let's bring our legs together and rest. Okay. Other side guys, a nice build of levels.

[inaudible] go ahead and side lie. Get yourself stretch. I'm going to walk around and double check that you're balanced. [inaudible] and bring those ribs. Move my microphone pack and a little more ribs in for Elizabeth. Yup. And a little top hip forward for Sara.

Good. And Lisa, little top hip forward for you. Exactly. Stretch and stretch and stretch. If it feels like it needs to be up. Yeah, for a good stretch. That's a good question. I think right now because we're stretching and elongating if it feels good for that, that talk shoulder blade to be near your cheek. Yeah, it's okay. It's not gonna stay there, so, okay, that's good.

Let's come on to or position fingertips light on the mat, right in front of your ribs. Your chest is open. Have a little waste of space underneath your bottom side. Exhale, lift your thighs one. You know what I meant, and exhale to being able to lift the legs without collapsing that bottom waist. Four and four more. Up and hand lift. Last one, lift. Hold both leg. Now we're going for the top leg and exhale one. Inhale, lower. So side of hip to three. Again, it may feel like you need to turn the leg inward slightly to achieve that contraction on the side of the hip. We really want parallel. Yeah.

Three more bottom way. Step seven. Last one, eight halfway down about your hip height abductions, bottom leg up, one up, two up three and really feel it together. Ankles two and five, six and seven. Good for you guys. Last one, lift and hold. Flex and point in heel. Flex and point and flex. Thank you. Reminder of arm up if you want the extra balance work and three, stretch the top of the foot.

Flex and point, so that top arm, we want a nice heavy shoulder blade down the back and point and three. This arm up is stable. There's purpose in it being there, but it's not limping. It's not rigid, you know? All right, now we have that walk in place. Real tiny. Inhale, inhale, exhale, exhale, trust the shoulder blade weight on your back. Send that right into the abdominals, right into the hips and four, three, two and one.

Bring both legs together. Inhale, exhale, lower arm and leg. Okay, a fun to our elbow. We just did three of these little little lifts and [inaudible] mini side plank. All right, shoulders are open here and the exhale is slight lift of your hip. Inhale, exhale. Coming down. Keeping the sense of being lifted internally so that you don't bottom out.

Exhale en coming up. Yeah. Nice to do the simple one and exhale down. It's going to set us nicely for the front and back kick and exhale down. So there we are. Extend those legs slightly in front of your pelvis. Lift your top five with a Flexsteel double kick.

Can one to stretch the leg, flex the hip and stretch the hip. [inaudible] so when that leg is swinging, do your best to hold those shoulders open. Square. Yup. Good. Lisa. Nice focus over there. Yup. Two more guys. Flex and back. Laxed one. Flex back and hold hand behind the head. We've got spinal rotation.

Exhale en rotate. Give it a moment. Give it a moment. Let your back understand that unwind. Inhale facing front and exhale from the abdominals. That elbow shined toward those fingertips. Inhale, facing front. Exhale. We're also trying to keep the pelvis stacked.

I'm going to just take a quick peak. We've all got it. Excellent. Inhale center. Do more and rotate and inhale. Last one. [inaudible]. Inhale, center leg together and hand down. Beautiful. Over to our tummies.

What I'd like is to do here at forehead is down, hands are underneath our shoulders. Shoulders are pulled down of course away from the ears, but I'm going to just pick up so I can talk a little louder. Pull your elbows more in towards your body. Let me just see what that looks like. We want to be able to do that without crowding the shoulder blades on the back.

So actually we're okay. Little less for Michelle, maybe. Yup. Okay. Now on an exhale, hover your head, your chest and your arms and hands, legs not keep those legs down. Can you stretch the front of the spine? Just really your chest forward and up. Yep. There it is. Okay. And if, if you need to do something different with your arms to make this make sense on your neck, that's fine. And then coming down, little different work for the upper back this morning. Take a breath.

We can exhale coming up. So [inaudible] we still want the feeling of our pelvis in neutral level as much as we can underneath there. Inhale, exhale, coming down three more times, almost as if you're putting more weight to the pubic bone. So if we knew if we could investigate the front of our spine, the joint spaces would be more open. Yeah, open, open and up. Lots of space between those and we coming down two more times. Exhale.

[inaudible] open up those collar bones. Open up these chest muscles, let him breathe and coming down. Once again, shoulder blades go down. Chest floats up. Okay, now were there. I want you to place your hands. Keep the energy in your back. We're going to go all the way to up to a full Swan. Okay. If you want to have those elbows straight, that's wonderful.

You can also keep them slightly bent. Just hold, still working to open up and let the chest breathe. [inaudible] now let's start coming down. When you feel like you can release your hands and try to do that kind of same descending, yeah, that we did a minute ago. This time I want you to keep your hands up. Two more of those. Take your breath, exhale and lift as high as you can before you have to put your hands down. But even when you put your hands down, you're still asking most of this from your back.

Stretch your legs. Yeah, Bri coming down. Challenge at when can you lift your hands but still keep the back up with strength. Yup. One more guys. This is our version of Swan dive today. Most of you knew what I think for us through. Now before we come down, let's do one neck roll. Look to the right.

That head needs to circle down over to the left shoulder, which is very open and then back to center. Other side. Look to your left. Exhale, circle, look to your right hand center and then once again coming down, finish it, finish it, finish it. Yeah. [inaudible] okay guys, let's move back to a cat stretch. So moving your hands right below your shoulders, knees, right below your hips. Good cat stretch. Pulling that pelvis under pubic bone towards your forehead.

Let's stay there for a moment. I'm going to look. This is also a detail. Sometimes we forget about some of these because we've done it so many times. We could accidentally be in a cat back and be shoulder shrugging, which would lose the neck. So be in your cap back with that integrity of space. Yeah. Beautiful. Between your shoulders and your ears. All righty. That's better.

And then reverse that curve. Go into pretty extreme, uh, opposite stretch. Lift that tail, lift that chest. Okay. Just to experiences the differences, we're not gonna walk around like that on a daily basis. We know that. Let's go back to the other one. Nor would we go to this one now and the other one and go into some kind of an interesting way to do a side bend we've done before. Rarely, it's not a regular thing.

Find more of a level spine or flat back neutral. Okay. Yeah. Now I want you to turn and look over your right shoulder. Move your right hip towards your right rib cage. So you're going to be squeezing your right waist.

You're almost trying to look back towards your right heinie you guys feel that in your waistline. Okay. And then find your level. Exhale to the other side. Look, first, move your left hip towards your left ribs is your side bending. That's an interesting way to approach it and center again. Exhale, right inhale, center and left and center and right there. Stay right there for a second. You can also try to sense a stretch or elongation on your left waist from rib to hip lengthening, while the other side is shortening. Maybe some of you are getting that, I don't know, but you could think and then center one more slowly to the other side for me to really connect to that. I have to sense that my like, so we're side bending left right now. I've got to think, okay, could my right hip or sitz bones reach down to my feet, especially the right foot. It's going to get me a little bit of stretch on my, so as am I. I'm internal obliques on that right side. Okay. Anyway, let's find a center. We'll start playing with that.

When did a tuck your toes lift your hips, stretch your knees, put your head right between your arms. Just find this inverted V. sometimes we'll call it the up stretch. And if you can get your heels to come down, go with that. Okay. Stay with me everybody. Bend your knees again. And the reason I want you to bend your knees as to really Ang angle your pelvis up, angle that pelvis up, okay? So that when we go to straighten the knees, we want to try to keep that pelvis in that angle.

And those of us that have longer hamstrings, it's much easier to achieve that. Two more times. Little bend in the knees. Exhale and lift. One more time. Little bend hand lift. Okay. Shift your weight forward into your hands. Bring your knees down.

Want to have us come right back down into our tummies for a little swimming. So as we're about to take a swim, bring your thighs closer together because often they F they pull apart. That's just something for all of us. I talked about it with my last hour. All right, so trust the inner line. That's your center. Okay, ready? Let's lift our ed and our chest and our arms and here we go. Trust your center line. And [inaudible]. Four, three, two last breath and lower hands back by your shoulders.

Push yourself back, round yourself into that cat stretch or a child's pose. Your choice. Ah. All right. I'm gonna do one more exercise. Um, I should have done this at the beginning of the hour. I have a friend who used to take class here a long time ago. She's now in uh, London. Hi Amelia.

She wanted me to give a class where there was no rolling exercises like rolling like a ball, uh, rollover. I did some of them, but um, this is for her really a modified ball and some of us know this, have done this before. So hold onto the top of your shins, maybe the bottom of your knees or under either choice. Okay. Open up the knees. Let them open shoulder with the part. This is a cue that's been helping a few of you in here to this space between your thigh and your chest stays the same. And I'm going to just have you roll very gently through your lower back, through your rib cage. So more like a rocking, then a rolling.

I got to move that. So [inaudible] interesting. Yeah. Yeah. Come back up. Right? And so we kind of keep going, cause I'm talking, it's kind of back in that story of we did it in the rollover this morning. We want to try to get away from hip flexing when we do our spinal articulation, right? So this what we're doing now, keeping that space of thigh to chest, it's constant. You're stabilizing your hip flection. That's good. Allowing your spine to roll. That's the objective. We don't want to hit flips all the time. Okay. You get it.

Maybe three or four more. Some of us default into hip flection because we're strong there. There's a good memory of achievement in flexing the hips. Take one more. We'll balance. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with it. It's just some of the form, you know. Okay, so come into knees here.

Last thing guys, I promise. Put your hands on your shins. Just said that and lift your sternums. Let your elbows slightly open up. Is it tall on your sits bones? Breathe into your chest. Breathe into this heart. Open it up.

Yeah, strengthen the upper back. [inaudible]. Alrighty. So we'll finish with that. You can just relax your back. Okay. Thank you. It was a nice class today, guys. It did go fast.


Thanks Amy-always struggle with the Teaser,now I open my knees,while bent,and had more control!!
Hi Jennifer, I've struggled with Teaser for a long time as well. Open knees and bent is one option, also try the prep....single knee Teaser, or use your hands and walk them up the back of your legs if you need to. The skill we're trying to achieve is spinal articulation so wherever you need to make adjustments to connect more to that, make it yours. The full form will come in time!
Great thoughtful class. I think it's more of a deliberate pace (level 1) vs moderate. Lots of stretches and time in between exercises to not get tired. Not as challenging as I thought. Great for the end of the day..
Hi Pele, I agree with this.....deliberate level 1. Many of these Mat classes that I film are for one of my regular studio classes that brings in varied bodies, skill levels, 'issue's etc. I always play it safer and try to provide them with explaination of 'what they are doing' as opposed to just giving them movement. Many still need to learn how to do the exercises so it's less challenging for some of you viewers who want a higher level of class. That said, I do want to push these students so perhaps I'll bump them up a little now that it's a new year and give them a new opportunity of growth and change. Thanks for your feedback, always gives me things to think about.
Amy: Your personality (and your skills) really anchor the class...and I love the surprise (not so by-the-book) sequencing. I'm sure you have very loyal students.
Hello, for some reason i don't know, when the video gets to 16 minutes, i won't play anymore, and i'm playing on low quality video. I don't know if the problem is my server, or actually something with the video. Help. Thanks
Thank you Frances! I have very loyal clients and students, yes! And I love the all!! Thanks for taking class with me. Hope to hear from you again!
Giana, I'm not sure why the class stops at 16 minutes. Let's see what Ted has to say. Ted is one of the guru's behind the scenes and he may have some answers. I'll check in with him, but you may want to also.

Ted Johnson
Hi Giana,

I just watched the low def video past the 16 minute mark so I don't think there's any problem with the video file. I think the most likely cause would be your internet connection going flakey on you. Want to try it again and see if you have better luck?

-Behind-the-scenes Guru
Nice class, Amy! Loved the shout-out to Amelia at the end ;)
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