Class #432

Detailed and Fluid Mat

55 min - Class


Amy goes through a flow in this intermediate Mat class. Focusing on fluid movement, clear transitions, and detailed cues, you will leave feeling prepared to handle your daily tasks with energy and enthusiasm. Enjoy!
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So guys, let's start seated today and we're going to, I wanna just give a and have us go through relatively fluid class and I'll try to keep some of my extra things, um, maybe for later and just give us a chance to find some movement and move through a full hour. So let's put our hands back behind the knees and use your hands to pull a little bit on the back of the legs. Elbows open out away from your legs. But more importantly this just to get yourself oriented and organized vertically from your tailbone up through the very top of your head. And you sense how your weighted on your sits bones nice and evenly. The ribs don't need to push forward. Actually, they're kind of calm and easy so far. It looks good out there.

And let's take a nice full breath in. You want to feel the connection of widening the sides of your back and the back of your back. Just feel the exhale, feel the abdominals, press in just slightly. You're still seeking that tall extension through your spine. And again, a breath in. Yeah. And your exhale. [inaudible] again, nice, full inhale, growing ever taller in your spine.

Feel the exhales deepening the contraction as well as the back energy. Let's just take one more preparatory breath, nice full breath in and the exhale [inaudible] another breath. We'll start moving our pelvis and lumbar spine and it's going to be small. I want you to wait, shift your pelvis back, regenerate this movement from the low abdominals. I'm trying to reach your lumbar vertebra back to the wall that's behind you.

Inhale as you come forward and exhale all the way up. Tall. Inhale again, so it's fine if it starts out kind of small, really feeling the word deep and low in your abdomen, feeling the weight shift, absolutely rounding your back and coming forward and exhale all the way up to sitting tall and again in inhale and exhale. Feel free to make it a little bit bigger of a movement so you can think of the Q of the C curve. Keep using the hands for support. You're actually there to help you find your curve and pull it back into your abdominals a little bit more. Inhale and exhale. Let's come forward. Let your C curve get a tighter or smaller.

Now I want you to bring your head a little bit lower towards your knees and then sit nice and tall into your spine again and breath in and again. Exhale. So feeling more movement, trying to open up the back. [inaudible] each vertebra considered a separate joint, so you want to move each one a little bit more into a C curve. Let's stay right there. Exhale. Now going further forward, say stay low. See if you can gauge your tomos differently, deeper, deeper, so your head getting closer to your knees and coming up to sitting tall.

We'll take one more like that guys. Exhale and curve. Really pulling those abdominals to the spine, allowing your spine to bend for you. Breathe in and exhale coming forward. Same idea. I want you to get your head a little bit closer to your knees, opening up your back. You should feel a stretch with that. Some of you may, some of you may not. It's okay if you don't. It's a great if you do, and let's come all the way back up to vertical spine. We're going to take our feet in these E all the way in together.

Reach the arms forward, another breath in and roll all the way back. We're going to pause when you get to your shoulder blades. It's going to move up a little bit. I'm just pausing. When you get to your shoulder blades, you may need to move your heels in a little closer towards your sits bones and just stay right there guys. Take your palms face down. This feel the region, your arms fingertips towards your heels.

Let's take a breath and on your exhale, roll your head and chest back down. Now this position, let's let's be active in it, so the back of the upper arms active, activating the sides of your back, even the hamstrings a little bit. I'm going to see if you can take your pelvic curl here with your knees together. Feel free to space them if you need to. Take a breath and here we go. Exhale from the pelvis. Press your arms against the mat.

Use that connection as you roll up your spine, activating the back of the legs into your hamstrings and glutes. A nice inhale here and use the exhale to start rolling downs. We get the upper back, the middle back, the lower back and that reach of the tailbone. Again, an inhale and exhale to pelvic curl so you'll feel this. It's phones come closer together, still generating quite a bit of work in your abdominals but also enlivening the back muscles so you are wanting to feel the back of your body active. Inhale and exhale. Here we go to articulate down, press with the arms again, lightly in the back of the upper arm, back of shoulder if you like, you can reach your tailbone a little farther forward. Inhale two more times you guys exhale and contract.

How much work can you get from your abdominals? Don't be surprised if your hamstrings give you a little cramp. We are getting work in there, although you guys are doing well in inhale and rolling down, getting that articulation and mobility. Lots of pool from the abdominals, feeling the tailbone. Reach out. Let's go again. One more time. Inhale and exhale.

[inaudible] just noticing the relationship. We've got abdominal work in the front of our body. We've got a back extra work going on the back of the body, so everything coordinated front and back. Now from here guys, let's reach the arms up, palms facing into each other. We're just going to take three open-close. Inhale as you open your arms out toward the floor and XL, back up in line with your shoulders.

Really squeeze in like you've got a magic circle and you're squeezing it. Narrow. Inhale as you open. You want a chest stretch there. Exhale as you come back in as if you have a magic circle or a small ball squeeze. One more time. Inhale, keeping that pelvic tilt and exhale. As you come back in, reach the arms back behind. You. Start to articulate down your spine, trying to reach yourself long from head to tail length. You hit that stretch. Take an extra breath to Bree, that extra breath cycle and then on the exhale fold your elbows and put your hands back behind your head. Now their breath here started working more in the abdominal, so find that head and chest curl.

You want to come a little bit higher above your shoulder blades. And inhale as we roll back down and adjust my shirt. Exhale and curl up [inaudible] and inhale as you roll back down. So as you're coming up pelvis, staying level, we're in a moment we're going to do something that moves the pelvis, but each time you come up you can really look down in your bones, hip and pubic bone and hip bone. All flat. Your head is being supported by the hands.

It's come back down again and exhale. Feel the curl up. Shoulders are down the back. Your elbows are nice and wide. Now taking the hands around the back of the thigh, walking your hands up, reaching your chest higher. Invite your pelvis into that tilt. So my lumbar is completely touching the mat. I want your tailbone up off of the mat. Use the arms again for help.

Pull yourself up. Really loading those abdominal muscles. Okay, so we've done this pattern before. Right now we're in a pelvic tilt. If you take your pelvis and re level it without dropping your upper body, you have to actually engage your lower back, very deep lower back extensors to come down into a level pelvis, so your tail should be reaching for your calves. Take another exhale and pull your tailbone up. Almost like they're angled up toward the back of the knees. Okay, inhale, let's exhale and a level of pelvis down. You've got to level tail. Inhale and exhale and curl back up. One more time.

Exhale and curl. Let it hang down. Everybody stay right there in a level. Pelvis. Bring your hands back behind your head and then take the head and chest back down. Breathe in there. Can you a little bit farther. Exhale. Here we go. To curl back up. [inaudible] little higher off the shoulder blades. Reach the hands back behind the size.

Similar coming, walking up. Ah, he was high. As you can get. Pull with those arms. There we go. Okay. Right arm is going to come right alongside the ear. Inhale. Then it comes back down on the exhale. The goal is not to drop the chest or to lean to one side.

Exhale, come back to center. Let's go again. Right arm. Use the left arm for support. [inaudible] now use your right arm for support as you float the left arm up. Okay. Before we did two arms, pull up a little bit more. Whole that positions with the abdominals, both arms near the ears. Inhale, exhale back down by the legs. One more time. Inhale. No, hold that. Let's go. Roll back down. Whoo. Hello abdominals.

Now we're back into the core. Okay, let's bring our knees to table. Tabletop position. Arms to the ceiling. Miss, breathe. I'm gonna have you curl your upper body up to the chest lift. Again, they're back into establishing a level pelvis. Reach more. Take a moment to ask yourself if you're really reaching as far as you could be, both with the chest up and the arms nice and long. Let's take your legs to your diagonal.

Shouldn't have changed your level pelvis and let's pump in five. Then in four, five exhale. [inaudible] three so the reach of the arms, the contraction of the abdominals, wait down in the sacrum. Feel free to lower the height of your legs if you'd like to. Sure. [inaudible] ten two, three, four, five. Exhale. Now where I want us to go here, bring the arms back up alongside the ears. Bend your knees to tabletop. Put the feet back on the mat. Extend your legs long.

Feel a good stretch. Flex your feet just for a moment, everybody and re-point the feet. So we're taking it ourselves into the roll-ups. Paul [inaudible] in arms. Start coming to the ceiling, head and chest. Follow, pulling yourself up, rounding forward. So we want that shoulder girdle above the pelvic girdle, long neck C, curve your spine. Breathe in here, and exhale as we pull back, taking your time. So again, maybe thinking that you're holding a small ball in your hands or the magic circle, press in on something. I want you to feel some activity in your upper body. Again, arms and head. Exhale. Yeah, unreached. Breathe in here.

Exhale, pull back. Deep abdominal connection, articulating through the spine. Reach without the arch. Jan, again, [inaudible] pressing middle eggs into the midline. So there's activity in the legs and exhale and take it back. All right, two more times.

Pulling the abdominals back as we're making more of a spine flection for, we're breathing in. Nice long neck and exhale, tilting the pelvis, articulating through those lumbar, middle back. Shoulders are down last time everybody. Oh right. Inhaling there. Exhale. We're gonna roll ourselves back and go into roll over next. So the roll over and you may need to just wiggle forward on your mat. I'm okay, but I think I might just for what's going on here. All right, so let's begin with our legs to 90 degrees. You are, it is allowed. You're are okay.

If you wanted to bend your knees and cross your ankles, this is a variation that we've taken a look at in the past couple of months. You're okay to do that. It might actually make the abdominal work a little more dynamic. Uh, you might, you won't be fighting your hamstrings as much, so depending on where you are today. Okay. But here we are with the legs extended. So the question comes up sometimes. Amy, is it okay to use the arms? Can I use my arms to help me rollover? Why not? As long as they're not the most important thing you're working on, you know the press of the arm actually will help that chest stay open.

And what I'm talking about with arm is back of upper arm, the triceps and that connection into the lats and your upper back. So feel that today. Let's take a breath and exhale up and over. We've got a nice position. We're not too far back on the neck. Open the legs and flex the feet. Take an inhale and here we go. To start rolling down.

This is me maybe where you want to use that connection of the upper arm. [inaudible] just come in to 90 degrees, point the feet, bring them in together. Inhale and exhale. Up and over. Read your hips up over your chest. Flex the feet and open. Inhale and rolling down on the exhale. Oh, slow and steady. I really shouldn't say still slow, I should say steady.

Is that contraction? Okay. Now. Let's do the opposite today to have each one so the legs are hip with the part soft feet. Let's breathe and here we go. Up and overuse those abdominals, reaching those hips over your chest. Legs come in together with flex feet. Inhale, rolling down, getting any upper back to mobilize, mid back, lower back down to your sacrum and open with pointed feet. Inhale. Here we go. Last one. Up and over. Pull the legs in, breathing, they're flex those ankles and exhale coming down. All right, so where I'd like to go next, a single leg circle, lower your left leg, keep the right leg up, a little bit of external rotation with that sigh and we'll go with our five circles over the left leg and exhale round and center and cross.

Exhale round in center three [inaudible] four and five other direction and open around and lift [inaudible] getting mobilization in the hip, abdominal work and last when that direction and just lower that leg. This morning we're going to just lift the left leg straight up with no arch in that spine abdominals. Very deeply engaged. Here we go. Cross right around and lift. Cross [inaudible] last time. Five other way for fi, are your shoulders as open as they can be? Neck relaxed. Yeah.

Last circle and simply lower that leg down. Now taking your arms back overhead. I'm going to do a transition to come up for rolling like a ball. So are the arms will actually now do a slight circle out toward a T. start dragging your heels in. I don't want anyone to do an extra little scooch.

Jeru see if you can come right up and put your, put yourself in the ball position. Oh God, no. It's up to you. If you want your knees open, that's fine. You can close them. I'm gonna cross my ankles today or my hands. Five repetitions is rule back. Inhale, coming back up. A little pause in here. Rule it back and a pull those heels in toward the back of the thighs.

Get into that tight little ball and three more. Who use those abdominals to bring the chest more forward to more. Last one. [inaudible] all right guys, we're going to lift your feet up and your shins. Put your hands back behind your size. Now take just a second. Yeah, let's do something for our back muscles for just a moment. Okay, so I'm going to have this, you can again go in and pull on the back of the legs.

Right now I'm not in the position I want us to be in. I'm too rounded in my spine, so if I have it, get us a second to go into more of a flat back chest lifts up. Feel some of this source and the energy down on the sides of the back underneath your underarm, around your shoulder blades and how that works into your middle back. Let's just take a check. Could you take your legs to a teaser position with that work in your back?

We did really nicely with that. Let's bend the knees again. We should try that two more times. Exhale. So you're establishing your posture. This'll show up again in a second with the open leg rocker and coming back in and last time extend beautifully done. And Ben. So let's roll ourselves back slowly. We'll go through just a couple of the series of five. We don't need to do all of them today. Okay.

I think the two that really would like to do though are the crisscross in the scissor. Let's go to scissor for so and at the back of the calf again. Just take a quick look at your pelvis and see that it's level. Don't worry about how high this leg comes towards your chest as much as your upper body position. So get up off the back of the shoulder blades there. Now we're going to take a little double pull now and one to change one, two.

Yup. So as those legs are changing, we're steady. Feel the stability of the spine on the mat. [inaudible] four more hues one and two and three. Hold this leg up. Let's hold the leg up this morning. Let's take our hands back behind her head.

We're going to take the upper body into rotation, but keep the legs straight. So we've done this variation before. So again, you're trying to get some pretty good rotation to the left. Now just bring the right leg up, start rotating to the right one. Exhale, we're going to inhale up. Exhale and switch and switch. There we go. [inaudible] it's not enough just to be up off the shoulder blades.

We need that with the twist to West and who is to open those elbows. We've got four and three and two and one. Let's come back to knees to tabletop. Once again guys. Pat your hands back behind your size, rural yourselves up. Now I do want you to move your hips back, tells her back there if you need to tell again. Good. All right, spine stretch forward. So let's take our arms forward. Palms facing in again, you can pretend holding a magic circle so it may feel a little narrower than, than some days. Okay. Flexing those feet, reach through those heels.

She feel some stretch back here. All right, as long as we're not too, too extended and hyperextended so let's breathe again. Rolling forward into the C curve. Aye, we're going to go all the way through the extension and arms coming up along the ears. We have a full breath. Send your tailbone back, your ribs expand, but they don't push forward. You want to think that they get wider here with your inhale, let's go up. Exhale and courier forward full breath. If you know, roll back up to sitting tall two more times. Just feeling that. Exhale.

Feel the abdominals. Contract. Good curb. You guys know. Full breath starting at the tail. Feel how the muscles along the spine engage just enough to help you find the extension. Not too much. Your chin isn't lifted too high. Inhale a little bit more length on the sides of the body. Exhale and contract those abdominals back down to the seeker.

Relax your neck and roll back up. Just sitting tall, heavy, shoulders pulling down. Let's go one more and exhale and contract. Nice deep C curve. He'll still reaching and we breathe. Exhale, finding the extension. All right. Once again, this variation we've seen before, but now have you take your hands back again. The head. We didn't do the traditional crisscross cross. We did a variation.

Let's do another variation rotation. So you're in your hands. I want you to take your tour. So rotate to your right actually. Yeah, and so both elbows are pretty open. Your fingers are interlaced. You're feeling not only your abdominals, but a lot of your back muscle. That's what you want. It's not just your belly. So band around your girdle, your middle. Okay. You'll come back to your center. As you inhale, we're going to do the left. As you exhale, you might think it initiates in the abs, but maybe what continues to help you go farther around are your back muscles. They're really on your spine. Help you kind of spiral around and round.

Let's breathe in. Come to center. Once again, each side. Exhale. Little more. Lifting your sternum, a summer there, and then center. Inhale. Exhale. Feel the back of the head into the hands. You don't want to have your turtleneck happening or your head in front of your neck. Keep that head back. Now let's come back to the front. Inhale, keeping your hands here guys. Go back into a C curve. I want you to let your elbows come in and who can get their elbows to the mat.

Excellent. Stay right there so we could do this by pulling on the head and just shoving your head down and yanking. I don't want you to do that. Your neck is way too important. If you engage your abdominals deeper with the exhale, your spine should bend. The idea is that it will getting closer, probably enjoying hamstring stretching. Okay.

Tried to take any shrug out of your shoulders that might feel that they have there. One more breath and let's roll all the way up to sitting. You can just let go of the hands. They can just come down to the mat and reestablish your vertical. Sit. Feel okay. It looked really good. Okay. Open leg rocker. So then another transition. Instead of us having to scoot our bum up, draw your knees in, wipe your hands off if you're sweaty, we're lotion holding on the ankles.

Extend your legs up to your diagonal. They promised we'd be in this position. Again, similar to where we were a moment ago. So you want your legs, of course, no wider than your mat, which is a little more challenging. All right, so again, feel the strength in your back. Look at something across the room. Try to see that and connect to that each time you come up. So when we roll back, we'll do five repetition. Soften your energy, soften your spine, let yourself roll. [inaudible] we don't need as much work there, I don't think as we might need here to come up. Look at that spot.

It's like you've got laser beams out your eyes, you're seeing it, you're connecting to it. And now soften that roll back. Maybe play with the energy today a little bit and lift and let's take it back. Inhale just to the shoulder blades. When you roll back, just a reminder. Sometimes momentum gets a little fun. Uh, and if you're playing with momentum a bit careful, you can roll without momentum. In fact, we should be, we have dominant work, but there is a little release in your role. Okay, let's do maybe to go one more time, but not so far that you go to your neck. Feel your back. Nice work. You guys legs together. Getting ready for corkscrew.

Okay, so we love corkscrew. We're going to get to it. We're going to roll back. I won't keep your legs there too long. Okay. What I will do though is have you go into a tabletop position. Just for a moment, and I do want to detail this because the corkscrew this morning, I want us to make a little bit bigger. If you feel like you want to, ms came up recently, so you know your mat, you have a back top right corner of your mat. If you reached your right arm up, that's the top right corner. You have a bottom right corner, bottom left corner, top left corner. You'll hear me talk about where to put your feet or point your feet to one of those corners throughout the corkscrew. Okay? I usually don't cue it that way, but as we make the corkscrew maybe a little bit bigger today, that's why I'm doing that.

So let's take a breath here at 90 degrees with your legs straight. Again, connect to the use of your upper, upper back and exhale over. We go like a regular rollover. Okay, so we still are coming down the right side of the back, but slightly reach your feet to the top right corner of your mat. It puts your spine in a bit of a rotation. So here we go. Rolling down. You're coming down the right side of your spine. When you feel the hip, touch the mat. Reach your feet or legs in the, toward the bottom right corner.

Now legs and feet to the bottom left corner. That puts you more weighted on your left hip. You come up and over, you reached to the back. Left corner at the top you find center. So we reverse it. Top left corner. Exhale roll down. Bottom left corner, bottom right corner.

Roll up the right side of the back. You're reaching to the top right corner and center. And again, alternating coming down the right side. Ah, down around, over the left side, up the left side of the spine, reaching to the top left corner and center. Back, left corner. Exhale coming down. [inaudible] and over bottom right, upper right one more. Each direction in, right down, round up the left. Center down the left.

So for any of you that are doing that and it's in, it feels like a bigger circle. You don't have to answer out loud, but did that feel better? Did you like going bigger? Yeah. Okay. This might be a bit radical also, cause I usually don't request this from us, but for some hamstring stretching, put your, if you can flex your feet and put your feet on the mat over your head on back up there. If you don't get down there and if you feel like your neck is not happy, do not do it. Okay? Now the other piece of this, if you can let go where your hands are, if you can bring them back around at your ankles or your calves. Now as you roll down out of this position, keep your thighs closer to your chest. Here we go. Enjoy the hamstring stretch. It's still articulation. You're still trying to seek that bone by bone movement.

Wow. Head is on the mat. Oh yeah, yeah. Don't look up. Heads down. You're good. I'm looking at you guys now. Good. Yes. And come all the way down. Holding on if you can. Nice. Very nice.

No, we're not just right. So what I, what I saw you do, you're rolling down on almost when you got to the mat, your head kind of reflected and lifted. Ideally we wouldn't want that to happen unless it was a transition that got us to come right on up this way. Well, maybe next time we'll do okay. Yes it will. Let's come on up, so let's go for our saw or back as nicely. Ready for rotation. Let's take our arms out to this side. Let's twist to our left as we inhale.

Now right hand to the outside of that left foot and guys just stay there. Just stay there. Focus on reaching both arms and both directions. One's front one is back. Let's come all the way up over to the other side and keep those feet flexed outside of the right foot. Reach both arms in both directions. Reach, reach, reach. Let's roll up. Inhale over to the other side. One more.

Each side is all exhale. [inaudible] rolling up other side. Exhale, so looking good. Reach and rolling all the way up and let's put our arms down on the mat. I'm going to have this come onto her tummy. So swing your legs together all the way around.

I'm gonna start with a little bit of Swan building, so hands by your chest, sides of your shoulders. If you can press the feet in together, I'd like you to do that. Put your tummy up, pull it up, and in creating a long neck by pulling your shoulder blades down. So let's take an inhale. We're coming halfway up to our Swan position. So I want you to reach through the top of the head and the vertebra behind your sternum. You're kind of mysterious little thoracic vertebra. Can they start to articulate to bring you into a, sometimes we call it our Cobra. It really is happening bar Swan, right? Good. And I like what Liam's doing. He's got his hands off the mat. [inaudible] we've done that before.

It's an excellent way to check how much you were using your arms versus using your back to pull you up. So let's go ahead everybody and put them back down and bring the chest down when you feel the forehead touch. Inhale, I want you to now to lift your legs again. They're not going to lift high yet. What I want you to think is that the knees are not bending. You're straightening your knees, you're extending from your hips down and out your ankles.

That really should make your hamstrings work deeper. The intention, we want that when we do the Swan dive or the prep, okay, now lower the legs down when they touch. Take an inhale and we'll go back up with the upper back again, so through the top of the head. Feel like you press your chest into the mat, then peel away from the mat. Press into peel away. See if you may have gotten a little higher. Feel free to check the hand usage. Inhale, get longer.

Exhale as you come down, touch that forehead, take a breath and exhale. Reached from the hips to lift your thighs. Belly is up, feeling the hamstrings, the glutes, the lower back. Breathe. Exhale as you lower your legs down and take another inhale. We'll do one more pattern. Exhale and upper body.

Use your mat. Press against it to peel away. Trying to connect into your middle back. Good hand check. Absolutely. Inhale and exhale. Here you go. All the way down to the mat. We'll do one more leg lift. Breathe and exhale. Now see if you can lose your thighs a little higher.

I'm gonna need that. Stretch those knees as beautiful work. Breathe and exhale. So all the way down with the legs. Now putting a full Swan, exhale and length. And same beginning. If you feel like you want to go all the way to straight arms, be my guest.

You don't have to. You still want the feeling of your upper back engaging. Feel your shoulder blades come around your back a little more and energy through. Like you have a fountain on the top of your head. Inhale. Exhale, come down. Open the chest. Still articulation coming down. Let's take one more to get up and press. Yes. So as we do our Swan dive preparation, the dive prep, not the full rocking.

Some days I have this, release our hands out to the sides this morning. Release your hands forward. Pull him underneath you rather quickly. Okay, ready? Go release. Put them underneath you. Hamstrings, back muscles, hamstrings, back muscles. One more than we watch you hamstrings back. There we go. Come all the way down. Lovely. Okay. Move your hands back by the sides of your ribs. Push yourself up. Make a cat back position, which should feel delicious. Appropriate. Exactly right.

After all that back work, drop the head. Drop the tailbone. [inaudible] [inaudible] tuck your toes. Want you to press yourself into the up stretch. We often, we'll call it the up stretch and sometimes called an inverted V. if we were up on the reformer, it would be up stretch your toes would be, he'd be on the balls of your feet this morning. Just keep your heels down. I do want to have you get some hamstring stretch out of it. Make sure your tail is out and up, but your ribs are in and contained.

Feeling to work in the core of your abdominals to contain your ribs. Let's take two more breaths here. One more, and Benjamin, these guys jump your feet to your hands if you can. Good. We're going to sit back down on tour bottom. Want you to scoot forward and we're going to come and look at a teaser.

A couple teasers. Okay, so I actually got someone to smile at me out there. Yeah. Yay teaser. It's, we've been in this position again already once or twice. So why don't we go with teaser one. Sometimes considered the hardest one. Uh, the reason being the V a variable of the leg position.

Ideally we want it to stay right here and articulate the back down to the mat, the body back up to here. But we know that the leg sometimes kind of waiver and the torso waivers a little bit. So we're working toward keeping them exactly right here. So we're going to let go. We're rollback. This was what we already did. Getting ready for corkscrew. So if you need to bend your knees, you're allowed to take your arms back. You're not AB down, you're still in your abs. Now guys, articulate head and chest. Now I would like us to go little bit more extended in the upper back.

Reach the arms a little higher above the head, like you're putting something up in the ceiling rafters. There we go. Nicely, Liam. And rolling back down. That's the dancer and rolling back. Here we go. Picking up the pace and do you use her one last time and roll. Hold, hold. Place your feet down and open up your knees and come forward. Fantastic. Okay, let's do a little side work first. I have it.

We're going to come back up for something else just momentarily. So if you come up on your side and face me here, we're going to do a little different elbow position. Instead of just being on the elbow and forearm, the legs are still going to be slightly front. Let's move that elbow slightly away. This is pretty hard. Um, balance your head ever so lightly on this hand and other hand on top of head. Okay.

So the risk that this shoulder, it, what could happen and we know this little cute real quickly, it could elevate by the chin and the jaw and, and get compressive in the cervical spine in the shoulder. So again, the, a lot of the side work is really isolated right here in this part of you. Okay? If this starts to bother you, feel free to come back to this one or go all the way down. All right, so moving through front and back. We're going to lift that leg up, flex that. He'll take a breath and then exhale forward. We're going to just do four of these front, front, and point the leg back from the hip front front, and move the leg back and move the leg back and last one front, front and move the leg back. Hold right there guys. Take this arm and reach back and bend that knee. Let's just stretch.

Your quadricep might feel nice to stretch. In fact, go. Everybody take their head down. It was seeing some neck stuff going on, so this actually may get you more in your quad. So ideally we would have our knees next to each other there you can pull your pelvis forward, homeless, feel like your tailbones curling under. Okay, now let's, while we're down here, we'll just stay low, bring your legs together all the way, but I do want you to lift your legs and put them in line with your hips. If you have to. Look, that's fine. Let's raise our top arm.

Get your abdominals engaged in the front and open up that chest. We're going to take four raises of the legs on your exhale. Lift both legs up. Inhale, lower both legs down. Exhale, lift both legs up. Inhale, lower back down. Your effort is reaching them away from your hips, legs away from hips and lower. Good you guys. One more time. A lot of side balancing here, so let's make it a little bit more. We've done this before.

Take that arm over head no was that arm goes overhead. Your shoulder blade should adjust. Should come on down. See right there. We're going to take four flex and point of the feet. Inhale and exhale. Point. Good. Inhale and exhale, point and inhale. Exhale, point. Once again. Inhale, exhale, point. Feel the work in the inner thighs.

Now take this arm back up for lifting of the just the top leg one and now we're in parallel and two down. Exhale and three last one. Exhale, hold. Let's do the bottom leg up and one and then I may have to lower the top leg to get the bottom leg up. Do more and lift guys, lift and hold. Okay. What I'd like you to do is put this arm down right in front of your hips. Take the legs down. Now we gonna do a side bend using this side of the body. It's kind of awkward.

You're gonna lift your head off of your arm. Try your very hardest not to overuse, pushing with the bottom arm, but to pull yourself up with this oblique. It's going to mean I know everyone else. You should see your faces. Everyone's going, what? Something new. We could push with this bottom arm and push up.

I don't want you to use your shoulder so much. I want you to pull with the idea that you're bending your torso towards your hips. Do you feel that pretty dynamic right there and then come back? Yeah. Again, two more times. Annex. It might help to reach this arm down like towards your feet. It's like this is pulling towards your feet.

Feel it now more then coming down. And one more time. XCL shoulder blade. Feel yours, lats connect. Work down into those obliques. Now what I'd like you to do is separate the legs. Top leg is going to go back, bottom leg comes forward. Put your top hand down. Use that one to push yourself up. Okay.

And just sit into your mermaid position for a moment. If you can't, or a diamond seal position, just sit here trying to get this sit bone down. The swivel, the legs to the other side. Just a couple of those, a couple of pieces on this left leg. Your right leg is, you're up on the tip of the elbow a little differently, like slightly forward and hand behind head. Alright, a lot of lift, a lot of pull down in that shoulder girdle a little bit more, Barbara, they got that looks much better Brie than we exhale four times zone. Front front, reaching back and reaching back and reaching back last time and reaching back. Hold there for just a second hand. Went back to get the foot. Stretch that quad, lower the head down.

Take three more breaths here. Keep pressing your pelvis forward. Ideally knee by knee. Okay, like together. Use your hand a little here. Lift your legs in line with your hips. Top leg up or top arm up. Excuse me. And we're taking both legs up now. Before you lift both legs, bring your feet forward a little summer and Liam a little more. Yeah, upper abs.

Don't let go of this. This is actually going to help control your balance and being dropped front or back or rocking. Okay, so on your exhale, here you go. Lift both legs and inhale. Lower and exhale. Lift both legs and lower. Two more. Lift both legs from here as well as the hips and inner thighs. We're going to lift and hold.

Taking your arm, no overhead adjust. The shoulder blade has no business up by your ear. Hold that position. Flex and point the feet and point you like that one. Flex and point, upper abs and flex and points. Last one, flex and point. Okay, arm back up.

Okay. Top leg. Exhale one and it's a long leg that reaches up really working from this lateral hip. Two more up and down and last one lift. I would suggest lowering that leg a little bit.

Now we have the bottom inner thighs. Got a pull up to that one and also if your top leg is too high, may not be as successful with that and down. Get the whole angle, the touch ankle, ankle, ankle. There you go. Summer one more guys and lift. Hold onto it. Okay, no hand down, legs down. I think I'd liked it better with our arm here for this lateral contraction, this side, your side bending. So this arm is going to help reach it down. Lift your head just a little bit off of your arm.

Do you want to shorten this waistline? Nice. There is some work on the bottom arm, but I just don't want you to think that that's where all of it is. Okay. And then come all the way back down. That's inhale and exhale. Head, upper spine, middle spine, feeling that side of your waistline contract. Breathe in here and exhale as we articulate down a roll back.

Just one more time. Exhale, contract, reach. With that right arm. I'm going to separate the legs. So the back top Lee goes back, bottom leg comes forward. Use this hand and come up pretty good. Just take a second to sink that hip. Okay, now turn back to where you were for teaser. Okay. And let's, let's learn something new. I'm going to build this.

If you start with your feet on the mat because in a minute they'll be in teaser and reach your arms up. We're going to play with a little coordination skill. So if you take your hands to your left and your knees to the right and actually get up, I should say it this way. Get onto that right hip. So Martha Graham, isn't it? Uh, so there you are. It should be. You should be feeling old. Bleaks we all feeling that. Okay. Come around to the center. Other direction. Arms reach, right. Get up on the left hip.

Oh, little bit of back extension going on. Yeah, mainly going, focusing on this hip area, waist area. And let's come back to center. Knees, right. Arms left. Torsos a little left upper torso. Visualize your legs being in teaser cause that's what we're going to try in just a second and center and exhale other direction up on the hip. That's a key feature. You've got to get up on that hip. All right, and then come to center. So let's play with it. Bring your legs up. Teaser.

It's a new one. Hip circles. It's com preparation for something called hip circles. Hands forward. Here we go. Legs. Right? Hands left. You're going to get up onto that right hip. Connecting to those abdominals. There we go. And center. This is hard to do. This low over to the left hip, arms reaching right. Lift your sternum. Good. You guys, come back to center once again. Each side, add legs to the right, arms to the left. Feel those obliques working and come back to center.

Other side and hips to the left. Torso to the right. Good and coming to center. Oh my gosh. Put your feet down. Let's come into a seal. Okay, so a seal. If you can get your hands way underneath the heels on putting them right up on top of the ankles and pull those heels in very close towards you.

You might feel more open in the hips than usual with that. Okay. Just hold that pool, those abdominals back. We're rolling back to the shoulder blades again. Can clap the feet. One, two, three come up and a little one, two, three and roll back. One, two, three. Wow, your fine teacher didn't make it up on that one and one, two, three. I like it when that happens cause I have to think about what was I not doing. That's okay. Pause for just a second just to show you another option. Okay.

Now I seem to have been struggling with that one a bit today. So now I'm going to stick with that for four more repetitions. But if anyone has it, so this is, this is a great to show cause like having such a hard time. I want to blame it on the fact that I feel like I have short arms but I really don't think it's about that. Can I class my hands together? So what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to get them like that.

Well I couldn't, yeah, what I could do with Barbara is I can show it to you like this. Okay. Now could I get that and be up in the regular seal position? That's where I was really, I was, I could kind of get it, I could kind of get it like right that that's a very advanced placement requires a great deal of cooperation. This good old thing called the spine to allow that much bending with that much joint flection. [inaudible] I believe it would be considered a cheat to cross the ankles.

Yeah cause I kinda liked that too athlete but no feet next week too. So just play with that. Anybody were going to try for more of your seal? Nothing wrong with the regular seal at all. And as you know sometimes getting out of our comfort zone is really what we have to do to learn about your body. You saw me just struggle like crazy there. I'm learning a little bit more. I need more back bending again. Here we go.

Rolling back. Inhale. One, two, three. Oh my gosh. One, two, three. [inaudible] good. Two more times and we roll back. One, two, three, clap, clap, clap. Pull those heels in and roll. One, two, three, and up. One, two, three, and place the feet down. Okay. What I'd like to finish with is just as legs, put your legs forward, bring your chest down, bodies nice and warm so you can get into this stretch.

Just relax into it if you can. [inaudible] Oh, maybe two more breaths before we finish. Yeah. [inaudible] [inaudible] all right. Lovely class this morning. Thank you guys for trying a few new things. Get a weekend.


Thank you Heidi!
Any chance you will do an accelerated class in the future that focuses on flow? you'd be great. I can't wait.

p.s. the audio kept pausing and starting towards the last 15 min of class.
Hi Pele, yes I will be! Thanks for asking! This regualar studio class that I have filmed is usually a level 1/2 group, but I have arranged to have one of my higher level classes get filmed very soon. It should be filmed next week, but it may take a couple of weeks for it to get up on the site. I also just filmed a jumpboard class this past Friday (15-20 minute class) that incorporated more challenging footwork and was quite accelerated. That should go up in a week or so as well. Let me know what you think. I have plans to film a couple more jumpboard workouts based on the footwork that I just presented. :)
Great class, love the BIG cork screw!
Thank you Amy!! :)
Lauren P
Amy please tell me the way to stay balanced during the side lying work. Also do you build your classes on past ones - I'm referring to the way you were building up to hip circles in this class - can I look for the next step next time? The breakdowns were great!
Hi Lauren, staying balanced in side lying work---often a challenge. Depending on positioning whether the legs are slightly in front of the hips (which may be easier to find your balance) or if they are in line with the pelvis (which is more difficult) I feel it's best to engage the transverse, internal and external obliques, intercostals, lats, multifius, low gluteals and hamstrings (depending on the pattern that's going to be done) to 'lock in' the trunk stability making balance more achievable. I often use the cue of "rib-hip", for me, this means to engage many of the forementioned muscles groups and call on them for stability and lengthen the sternum in opposition to the pulling down of the lats. As far as building on past classes, yes I do this a little bit, and I am trying to give this filmed class more advanced exercises which require more step-by-step direction. I hope to bring this exercise and other advanced pieces to class soon. Thanks for your feedback!
Brilliant class! Perfect way to start my Saturday :)

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