Class #4583

Midline Strength

50 min - Class


You will build strength in the midline of your upper and lower body with this Mat workout by Katie Yip. Inspired by The Red Thread Method by Kathryn Ross-Nash, she uses the Magic Circle in different ways to challenge your whole body. She includes challenging variations to exercises like Double Leg Stretch, Side Kick, and more.
What You'll Need: Mat, Magic Circle

About This Video

Jun 23, 2021
The Red Thread Method
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All right, let's begin with our magic circle midline magic class. Let's start standing at the front of your mat. Hold onto the circle with the heel of your hand, not your fingers. I know sometimes when we get tired, we go like this, and we kind of just hold on and just hold on to whatever what we can. But I want you to hold on with the heel of the hand, the biggest part there.

So you can really connect to the back of that body, which is what we're going for. So step to the front of the mat, let's go parallel and a part today. Reach your fingers down towards the floor. And you're gonna lift your navel up. As you lengthen the tailbone down through the heels and pull the stomach in and up.

Squeeze your circle without shifting anything. You're gonna start to reach your circle forward and up. Continue to lift your stomach up, reach your fingers to the ceiling as you squat down. So you're going down, but you're lifting your navel up. Scoop the stomach in, hold it here for five, four, put weight in the heels, three, watch the knees are not rolling in, two, one, press through the heels, zip those inner thighs together, lower the arms down.

Reach the arms forward and up, pull the stomach and lift yourself down to the mat. So as you go down, you're stretching your arms up, squeezing your circle, pulling your stomach in, maybe go a little deeper. Hold it, five, four, soft ribs, three, it's awful already, two, I told you this was gonna be tough today, one, press through the heels, grow tall. Lower the arms down, reach them forward and up. Pull the stomach in lengthen down.

Reach through your arms, heels go down, maybe go a little deeper. Two inches off the floor. Hold it, five, four Stretch your arms. Three, pull your stomach away from your thighs two, one, press to stand all the way up. Lower the arms down.

Reach up, lift your stomach in, float down, stretch your side body, feel the tailbone pull you down, hold it here and then go all the way down with control. Slide your bottom back. Take the circle in between the knees. Now you want them not on the bone, but slightly above the bone. Feet are hip distance and parallel.

So my heels are in line with my sit bones. I'm gonna take both hands underneath my knees. I'm going to lift my back up as if I'm sitting up against the wall. Now from here, go fingertip to elbow, press your forearms together. Pull your stomach in.

And I want you to squeeze your circle and try to get your knees in line with your second toe. Lift your stomach up and squeeze the circle. I'm already shaking. Hold it there for 10, nine, eight, stomach in, seven, six, five, try to lift your backup, four, three, two, one and release. So tough, switch what arm is on top.

Lift your stomach up. Glue your head to the ceiling. Scoop between the hips as you squeeze your circle. So the more you squeeze, the more the navel pulls up into the back of the chest. Scoop, lift your spine, squeeze your circles.

Scoop the stomach, lift your spine, squeeze the circle. Scoop, lift your spine, squeezes circle, hold it, hold it, hold it. Come on, give me another squeeze and release. Switch what arms on top. Lift the back, scoop, squeeze, scoop, squeeze.

And every time you squeeze, you feel the tailbone lengthen down. The head, goes to the ceiling and you find that lift in your lower back. Squeeze, lift your back. Squeeze, scoop your stomach, hold it, hold it, hold it, release. Last one, flip what arm is on top again, lift the top of the head to the ceiling, scoop the stomach in, press it, hold it.

And as you're pressing, watch that you can see which leg is pushing more. So we want both legs to work evenly. So right now my right leg is pushing more. So I'm gonna try to make my left leg work a little bit more. You wanna find symmetry in the body Hold it, hold it, hold it and release.

Excellent work. Now take both hands underneath the knees lift yourself up again. Squeeze your circle, press your feet down. And from here, you're gonna pull your hips away from your thighs, pulling your navel back, lengthening your lower back beyond your mat. A low back will touch, hold it there.

You're gonna squeeze your circle. Scoop your stomach behind you and lift all the way up tall. Release, squeeze, lift your back, pull the waistline back. Pull your hips back, the hips go back as the knees reach forward. So you make a lot of space right between the hip and that thigh, hollowing your stomach out, hold it, press your feet down.

Squeeze your circle, hollow your stomach and sit all the way up. Release one more time, squeeze, lift the back. Scoop your pelvis back. Reach back, reach with the waist, reach your knees away. Open your chest.

I don't wanna see the chest closed, shoulder blades together, elbow stay up, squeeze, pull your stomach behind you. Pull your waist back and sit all the way up. Let's go ahead and put the circle into our hands. Legs together, lie all the way back down. Slide your two knees into your chest.

Take the arms and legs up to the ceiling. Lift your head off the mat. Squeeze your legs together. And let's lower the arms and legs down to your hundredth position. Stomach in, stretch through the legs.

Now make sure you're off those shoulder blades and we're gonna beat the circle for your hundred and inhale two, three, four, five, exhale, two, three, four, five, inhale, two, three, four, five, exhale, two, three, four, five, 30. Breathe into that mat. Exhale, two, three, four, five and 42, three, four, five. Exhale, two, three, four, five and 50. Exhale, two, three, four, five, hold it there.

Scoop your stomach and put the circle in between the ankles. Extend the two legs out. And let's beat your arms and beat your legs. Inhale, two, three, four, five, exhale, two, three, four, five and 70. Exhale, two, three, four, five and 80.

Reach those toes across the room. Exhale, two, three, four, five and 90 exhale, two, three, four, five, one more inhale, two, three, four, five, exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, exhale, hold it. Flex your feet. Lower the circle down, so it's balancing on your mat. Let your head go down.

Pick the arms up and stretch it back. Don't lose your circle. This is the worst roll up ever. Reach up, plug it in. Lift your head up, scoop your stomach in as you roll up.

And you can only roll up as much as you can keep that circle back. So you have to really pull your pelvis back, reach for your toes. How far forward can you go without dropping that circle? Squeeze your circle, pull your pelvis back. Pull your waist back.

Articulate all the way down. Pick the shoulders up, reach it back. Arms come up, head follows. Inhale, come up, exhale stretch over, curl into yourself. Don't lose that circle.

Don't lose it. Scoop first, roll back. Hollow your waist, drag your waist to the mat. Drag your ribs, shoulder, top of the shoulder, stretch it back. Inhale up, exhale, squeeze your circle, that'll help you open up a tough part of that back, reach forward.

From here, take the circle out. Thank God, legs together and roll down to the mat. Reach the arms over the head. Arms come up, squeeze your circle, inhale up. Exhale, overstretch, squeeze your circle, scoop your lower stomach and drag it down.

Push through the heels, articulate, reach back and up. Curl in, push through those heels. Stretch over, scoop, press your legs together and down one more time. Inhale up, exhale over, inhale, roll down squeeze the legs together and exhale, reach it back. From here, slide the right knee into your chest and take the circle up to the ceiling.

Bring the right leg to touch the circle. Squeeze your circle and you're gonna trace the circle, take it over to the left handle. Reach it down across and up to the right handle. Trace the circle to the left handle across, around and up to the right handle. Trace around an up two more times, trace around and up, last one, trace it around and up, reverse to the right handle.

Down, across to the left handle, trace the circle to the right, down a cross to the left handle. Trace it to the right down across, trace a circle down across, trace the circle one more time down across, bring it center, flex the foot, push through the heel and lower down. Slide the left knee into the chest, reach it up. Bring the leg to touch the circle. Squeeze it, anchor the shoulders.

Take it over to the right handle, keep that left hip down. Reach it down across to the left handle over to the right handle across, down to the left handle. Trace it to the right handle down around and up. Trace down around an up, trace down around an up, reverse over to the left handle. Go down, scoop your stomach and over to the right handle.

Trace that circle. Go down across, trace it down across, trace two more times down across, trace it, keep your shoulders square and trace it, flex the foot and reach it down. From here, roll all the way up. Go ahead, put the circle in between the knees and this time we're gonna bring the soles of the feet together. Press your big toes together, press your heels together, press your pinky toes.

Both hands underneath each knee, squeeze your circle, lift your back, press, roll down, touch the low back to the mat, hold it. Now this time, curl into yourself. Bring the head to touch the top of the circle. And then from here, sit up tall, scoop, press your circle, press your feet, lengthen your lower back back. Curl into yourself as if you're rolling under a low ceiling.

Press your heels together, press your toes together, head touches. Sit up tall, scoop, roll back, low back touches hold. Curl in, in, in, sit up tall, press roll back, stay here. Now beat your circle 10 times, 10, nine, eight, elbows up, seven, six, scoop it back, five, four, three, two, one, curl it in, sit up tall. Scoop to go back, beat one, two, three, waist back, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 10, curl it in.

Sit up tall, last one, scoop, roll it back, beat one, two, three, four, five, six, open the chest, eight, nine, 10, scoop, deepen it and sit up tall. Take the circle out, reach your arms forward, roll down to your shoulders, double leg pool. Let's take the left leg out stomach in and switch at one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Stay here, arms go up, two back three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, two legs in, put the circle in between the ankles. Hug the knees into your chest.

Squeeze your circle. Inhale, extend everything out. Stay here, beat eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one to a T beat eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, over the thighs to upper body up curl up, am at hundred position, scoop and pull it in. Whoo, I said magic circle was tough today. Reach out, one, two, three, four.

Stretch your legs, six, seven, eight to a T, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, over the thighs, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, scoop from underneath the hips, hug it in. We got one more stretch LP, one, two, three, stretch your arms, five, six, seven, eight to a T, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Over the thighs, two, three, four, upper body up, six, seven, eight, scoop and pull it in. Take the circle out, legs up to the ceiling. Left leg lowers down and switch one, two, touch the circle, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Reach it back, two, no way we can touch the circle here, right? But we're sure as heck try, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, two legs up. Circle goes in between the ankles. Hold underneath the back of the legs, pull your upper body up. From here you can always leave your hands here if you need to support the weight of the legs.

If you'd like to challenge yourself, let's take the hands behind the head. We're pushing the limit guys, squeezer your circle, hands behind the head, hold it there. And you're just gonna squeeze, hold it, eight, seven, six, five, four, squeeze that circle, scoop the navel, two, one and release. Two more times, squeeze and scoop. Two, three, four, upper body up, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and release, squeeze and scoop to upper body up, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Let's hold it up 45 degrees. Stay here, squeeze 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, three, two, one, lift it up, down again, 45 squeeze, one, two, three, upper body up, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, lift it up one more time. 45 and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, lift it up. From here, grab underneath your legs, pull yourself up again. Try to curl up even higher this time.

Stay this high, take both hands behind my head. Let's add the beat, beat one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, hold. Again, beat one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and a hold. And one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, hold it there. 45, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Back to 90, again, 45 and one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. 90, last time, 45, beat one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and 90, grab under your thighs. So like when does this series end? Never, let's just do abs series forever. Lift the upper body up.

Whoo, I'm working just as hard as you guys are, trust me. Hands behind the, let's go traveling beats, beat down for four counts. Hold for four counts, up for four counts. Let's go, go down, two, three, four and beat, two, three four and up, two, three, four and hold, two, three, four and down, two, three, four, beat two, three, four, up, two, three, four, hold, two, three, four. Last one, three, four and beat two, three, four and up, four and beat two, three, four and rest.

Whoo, that is awful. All right, let's have the knees bent. elbows both opened. This variation was taught to me by one of my first teachers, Carrie Regan and it's awful and wonderful at the same time. Let's bring the right elbow to the left knee, touch and let the head go back down.

Bring the left elbow to the right knee, touch and then let it go down. Now, as you're doing this, the lower body doesn't move and down, touch and down, touch and down. Get the upper body up and down, touch. Let's make it more difficult, lift the upper body up, extend the legs out, twist to the right Bend and scoop, turn to center. Extend the legs, twist to the left, scoop as you come to center.

Your stomach moves the circle out, your stomach pulls the circle in. Stomach moves the circle out, stomach pulls it in, excellent work. Let's sit all the way up. Whoo, very sweaty from that. And let's separate our legs wider than the mat or if you're on the Pilates mat, you can go to your moon boxes.

From here, let's reach the arms forward in front of you. Sit up as tall as you can squeeze your circle. Take a big inhale, exhale, curl in, stretch. Feel the crown of the head reach the floor, pulling your stomach back. Press your heels down, lift your lower backbones.

Slowly roll all the way up, sit up tall. Lift the arms up, find lift in the body. Keep that lift as you lower the arms down shoulder height, exhale, curl in, press those legs down. Scoop the waist back. Inhale, roll up.

Reach the arms to the ceiling. Find the lift in the lower body. Lower the arms down. Exhale, curl in. Maybe your head reaches for that floor.

Inhale, roll up, lift up one more time. Bring it down, exhale, curl, curl, curl, inhale, roll all the way up. Lift up, up, up, lower the arms down. From here, let's go ahead and put the circle in between the ankles for your Open Leg Rocker. Hold onto the tops of the ankles, pull your stomach in and you're going to stretch your two legs out.

Don't lose your circle here. Lift your chest forward and up, keep the shape. Let's roll back to your shoulders. Squeeze your circle, open your lower back. Roll up balance on your tailbone.

Lift the chest up. Scoop to roll back. Squeeze your circle, your lower back. Press your back down balance. Scoop, roll back, this is the control.

Scoop come up and balance. Last one, scoop to go back and scoop to come up, stay here, beat your circle, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 Stay here, I said we're pushing it today and beat two, three, four, no hands, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, hold it there. Scoop your stomach in. Roll down to the mat, legs up to the ceiling. Let's go ahead and put the circle in between our knees now.

Once again, not on the bone, just slightly above it. If you have handles, you can go ahead and use them. If not take your hands by your sides. Squeeze your circle and let's go two legs over to the right. Press your circle as you come to center over to the left, keep that right shoulder down, squeeze as you come to center.

Let's add the turn of the head to the right, gaze to the left. Try to get the left ear to the mat. Press through your right inner thigh as you come to center legs to the left, turn to the right, squeeze. The circle here keeps your twist very even, not allowed to cheat, legs to the right gaze to the left. Squeeze your circle, scoop your stomach in, come center.

Legs to the left gaze to the right. Squeeze, scoop your stomach in and come to center. Go ahead, take the circle out. Sit all the way up, separate your legs again, once again, wider than your mat. And let's go for your saw.

Lift your arms up to the ceiling and stretch, Lift as you twist to the right. From here lower the arms over the right leg. Exhale, execute a spine stretch forward as you reach. Try to reach that circle pass your foot. The head touches the knees, but you keep scooping into that left side.

Inhale roll all the way up. Lift the arms up to the ceiling, lift your back and turn to center. Lift, twist to the left, lower the arms over the left leg. Exhale, curl in, keep scooping into that right hip and right side. Roll up, open the chest, lift the arms up.

Lift off your bottom as you turn to center. Lift off your bottom again, turn to the right. Lower the arms down, exhale, spine stretch forward over your right leg. The head touches the knees. Inhale, roll up, reach up, lift your back and center.

Lift, twist to the left, lower the arms down, exhale, curl in, keep weight on that right hip, don't let it go. Inhale, roll up, lift up. Lift off your bottom as you come to center and lower the arms down. Excellent work, legs together. We're gonna flip over onto your stomach for your Swan.

So it's half a circle with one handle down and you're gonna have both hands on top of the top handle. The forehead, reaches down for the mat. From here, you're going to zip your legs together, Lift your navel off the mat, but press your hip points down, so you really feel the front of that hip open. Press on that circle and you're gonna shrug the shoulders up to the ears. And then now do the total opposite and pull the shoulders down the back, but keep that stomach off the mat.

Shrug the shoulders up to the ears. You're welcomed, this feels delicious and draw the shoulders down the back. One more time. Shrug the shoulders up to the ears. Lengthen that whole spine from fingertips to the toes and pull the shoulders down the back.

Now keep the shoulders down the back, press your arms down as you start to lift the back of the neck, press as you start to lift the head. Continue on your shoulder blades together as you pull your chest forward and up. And I want you to press on the circle to lift your head back. Press to lift, press to lift, pull your stomach forward and up. Get that stretch through the front of the body.

Scoop your stomach in and lengthen all the way down, fingers go forward, tailbone reaches down in opposition release. And again, press, shoulders down, pull them back, lift the back of the neck. Lift the chin, lift chest, feel the ribs pull forward and up, navel pulls up, but you feel the hips reach down, find opposition, press on your circle, lift up higher. Lift up, up, up, scoop your stomach in, stretch out. Reach your fingers across the room, reach your toes back.

Last one, press, pull the stomach through the waist, through the ribs, chest goes up, shoulder blades together. Lift the chest up even higher, press stomach in, lift up, lift up, lift up. Now, stay here. Bend the right knee, kick your bottom, kick, kick. Left leg kick, kick and the pelvis doesn't shift.

Kick, kick, pressor your circle down. Kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, kick, stomach in, ribs up, kick, kick and kick, kick, legs together. Scoop up, reach out and elongate all the way down. Excellent, put the circle down. Sit back on your heels and stretch out your lower back in opposition.

Come back onto your stomach. This time go ahead and put the circle in between your ankles for your double leg kick. From here, take the right ear to the mat. Hands behind the back, lift your thighs off the mat and kick, one, two, three, extend the legs and reach the arms back, open the chest. Now, let's lift your legs.

Beat the circle, one, two, three, four, chest up six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Scoop your stomach, forehead touches the mat, left ear goes down. Slide the hands back up, kick one, two, three, stretch back beat, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Scoop it, head touches, right ear down and kick two, three, stretch back, beat one, two, three, four, five arms up, chest up, head down. Last one, left ear kick one, two, three and stretch beat, one, two, three, four, five six, seven, eight, scoop it, scoop it and lengthen all the way down.

Take the circle out in front of you. Sit back on the heels and stretch out your lower back again in position. And roll all the way up, come onto your knees, grab your circle and we're gonna go into your thigh stretch. Hold the circle out in front of you. Knees are hip distance and parallel.

And you wanna make sure the hips are not back, but the shoulders are right over the hips over the knees. So almost as if you're leaning so far forward, you're gonna topple over, but the thing keeping you from that is the engagement in the back of the legs. Reach out, lift the stomach up. And let's take the arms up to the ceiling to find that length. Reach up and bring your pelvis forward.

Reach the knees down, reach your toes back. And you're gonna hinge back and make a Z. Hold it there and let's beat one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, Lift up, up, up. Again, hinge back beat one, two, four, inner thighs together, eight, nine, 10, lift up, up, up, one more time, go a little bit further and one, two, three, four, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, scoop up. That one was a killer.

And rest, excellent. From here, go ahead, take a seat. Put your circle flat on the mat for your neck pull and have this circle right between the heels. I'm gonna flex my feet. So my feet are squeezing the circle.

Hands behind the head, lift your back up, sit up as tall as you can, scoop to roll back. Push your heels away, roll all the way down to that mat. Inhale, come up. Squeeze your circle, curl into yourself. Lift up and over, stretch one two, three.

Scoop from the lowest part of your stomach to roll up. Squeezers your circle, roll back. Push the heels away. Pull the pelvis back, but keep squeezing the circle and reaching the legs through the heels. as you go down.

Inhale up, lift the powerhouse up and over, curl in, two, three, scoop up, squeeze, roll back, push those heels away, push those heels away all the way down. One more time, inhale up, up and over the ribs. One, two, three, lift, squeeze, scoop back, push the heels away, push the heels away, articulate all the way down. From here, let's roll up. Take the circle out.

We're gonna lie on our side body. The circle is gonna go in between the ankles for our first series. And from there, take the leg slightly in front of you, have the right arm long and let's take it behind the head today. Flex your feet and the same rules apply, right? So I still want your house for your mouse off the mat.

So let's take our top hand to our hip, push your hip away. So you have that little lift of the waistline. Reach that top leg beyond the bottom leg, you have a little more length in the waist. And from here, you're gonna squeeze her circle and hold it 10, nine. And as much as you're squeezing that top leg is reaching eight, seven, back of the thighs come six, five, four, long neck, three, two, one and release.

Reach out first, then press down, back of the thighs come together, 10, nine, eight, chest is open, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one and release. One more time, reach out and squeeze, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and release. Let's beat the circle, beat one, two, control the beats, three, four, that bottom like it's pushing down, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 20, nine, eight, seven, six, reach out, every rep, you get a little longer with that top leg, three, two, one and 30, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Hold it there and release. Let's add on squeeze your circle, point your toes, lift the circle off the mat.

Bring it down, reach it two, bring it down, reach it three, bring it down. Stay here, both hands behind the head. Flex your feet. Lift the upper body up, up, up, bring it down. That top leg still has to reach away.

Lift the upper body up. Peel the shoulder off, shoulder blade, maybe your rib. Probably not, but we'll do our best and Lengthen down. Last one, upper body up. Don't move the lower body, just the upper body is doing the side bend, up, up, up and lower down.

Point your toes, everything comes up. Get longer as you go down, everything comes up. Open those elbows, everything goes down. Everything comes up, up, up. Hold it there, hold it, hold it, hold it and lengthen all the way down.

Take your left hand down. Take your top leg, roll your circle backwards, so your bottom leg come out, a little party trick here. Then take your bottom leg inside the circle and down there. So now the bottom leg is inside the circle and the top leg is on top. Now take your top leg inside the circle.

So now the circle is on the outside of your ankles, flex your feet. Let's work the outer hip now, reach out and press up, hold two, three, four, five, six, long neck, seven, eight and release the tension, but keep that leg connected to the circle. Reach out first, find that same length in the bottom waist, press up hold. two, three, stomach in four, five six, seven eight, nine, 10 and release the tension. Don't move your leg.

Reach a little further. Pull the stomach in, press up one, two, three, four, scoop it in, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Let's do the pulses, one, two, three, four, five, it really burns, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 20, nine, eight, seven, six five, four, three, two, one and 30, push with your bottom leg, two, the bottom leg is reaching all the way down to the floor and hold it there. Point your toes, lift the circle up and down, two and down, three and down. Now, flex the feet, hands behind the head.

Same thing, upper body up and down and two and down, scoop up three and down, point the toes, everything comes up and everything goes down. Everything comes up, get a little longer. We'll have nice side bodies tomorrow. Everything comes up, hold it, hold it. Push with that top leg.

That's the key to the exercise and down and rest. Good, take the circle out and let's go to the other side. Let's start with the circle inside of the ankles. Lie on your left side body and take the left hand behind the head. Legs can be slightly out in front of you, flex your feet.

Once again, take your hand to your top hip, push your hip away. So you find that same lift in your waist. Press through your bottom leg and squeeze hold. Two, three, long neck, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and release. Reach out, squeeze, hold.

Lift the navel up, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and release. Reach out, scoop, hold, two, three, longer leg, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and release. Last time, reach out, squeeze, hold, two, stomach in, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Let's go for your pulses, one, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 20, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, control your circle, two, one and 30, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, hold it there. Point your toes, stomach in, lift your circle up.

But the bottom leg lifting the circle up, bring it down. Lift it two, up, up, up and down. Lift it three, up, up, up and lower down. Take both hands behind the head. Lift, flex your feet.

Lift the upper body up. Get a little longer as you go down. Lift it two, keep reaching that right leg away, so you find length on that right side, bring it down. Lift up three, get the shoulder off, shoulder blade, rib. Probably not happening again and go all the way down.

Point your toes, everything comes up, up, up, up, everything goes down. Everything comes up. Work the waist, pull the stomach in and go down. Everything comes up, reach out. Get so long in your side body, you have to make more space by lifting everything up, hold it.

Open the elbow, hold it, hold it and lower down. Flex your feet, take the top hand down to the mat. Do the party trick. The top leg is gonna roll back to free the bottom leg. Take the bottom leg inside the circle.

Flex your foot. Now take your top leg inside the circle to meet it. Flex both feet. Take this hand to the hip again, push and find that length through the top of the leg. Push down through your bottom heel and press up, right hand down, press up hold, two, three, stomach in, four, five, seven, eight, nine, 10 and release the tension.

Don't move the circle. Reach out, press up hold, two, three, four, stomach in, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and release. Reach out hold, two, lift the powerhouse, four, five, longer top leg, longer through the neck. Stay there, let's see pulls one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 20. My bottom leg is working just as much, it's pushing down into that circle and 30, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one, stay there.

Point your toes. Lift the circle up, bring it down. Lift it two and down, lift it three and down. Flex the feet, hands behind the head. Upper body up, push through that top leg and down.

Upper body, up, up, up, up, up, reach it down. Upper body, up, up, reach it down. Point your toes, everything up. Everything goes down, whoo. Everything up, lift that leg up, top leg, top leg, top leg, everything down, everything up, up, up, up, hold it, hold it.

Open your elbow, spine, that side body strength and lengthen back down. Whoo, go ahead, take the circle out. Lie down on your back, shake your legs out, shake, shake. Whoo, all right, let's go for your teasers today. Arms up to the ceiling, knees into your chest.

Extend your legs out, zip your legs together. Roll up, reach for your toes and hold it. Squeeze your circle, beat one, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Don't move your legs. Roll down, arms back, up.

Roll up, one, two three, four, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Don't move your legs. Roll back, arms back, arms up. Roll up, one, two, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Stay here, lift the arms up to the ceiling.

Reach 'em up, lower the legs, up one, reach them forward and down, up two, forward and down, up three, everything rolls down to the mat and get longer. Excellent, roll all the way up. Go ahead and put the circle in between the ankles. Hold onto the outside of the ankles. Pull the circle towards your bottom.

Lift your feet up, let's roll back. Roll up, roll two and up. I have a fun surprise and three and up and four, scoop up, five, up and bounce on the next one. Let's roll back. Roll up to stand, roll with the circle in between the ankles and stand up.

Hold it there, ta, ta, da, okay. From here, we're gonna turn around, hop around if we can. I love that, my teacher Kathy showed me that and we have so much fun just doing that. Now the circles in between the ankles still, lift your arms up to the ceiling, lower the arms down shoulder height, do your roll down and plant your hands right in front of your feet. Stomach in and walk out and four counts to a pushup position.

Right hand goes forward, pull your stomach in. Left hand, right hand, left, you're in one straight line. Hold it here, squeeze your circle, hold it for 10, nine, eight, stomach in, seven, six, five, squeeze your circle four, three, two, one, scoop up, walk back in one. Try not to shift side to side, three, four, push the heels down, squeeze your circle, roll up and lower the arms down. Let's add the pushups.

Curl in, walk out in four counts, one, two, three, four, arrive, squeeze your circle. You can hold the plank or we'll do three push-ups, bend your elbows, press up one, bend, press up two, bend, press up three, scoop lift, walk in four, three, two, one roll all the way up. One more time, arms go down, curl it in, walk out, one, two, three, four, long neck, stomach scoops, bend your elbows. One, stomach in first press up, two, stomach in, press up, three, press up, curl in, walk in one, two, three, four, now stay here. Take the circle out of your ankles, heel-toe your legs together and roll all the way up.

The arms will lower down. Let's go for our standing series now. I'm gonna step off the mat. So I'm on the floor. It's a little bit easier when you're on a harder floor, so you can grip, you have a little more balance.

Let's go ahead, take the circle in between your knees. Now your feet will be slightly turned out and it might be about maybe half a foot apart. And from there take the hands to your hips, pull your stomach in. And now watch that your back is an arch, you're going to zip the legs up, press through the heels, zip, zip, zip and bend your knees down. Again, push through the heels, zip the back of the thighs together.

Evenly the navel lifts through the top of the head, zip it, zip it, zip it, fully stretch those legs and bend the knees in. Again, zip up, push through the heels, lift through your midline, up, up, up, stay here and now a little part pulses. Bend an inch, zip up one, zip up two, whoo, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. 10 more, 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one and good, stay here, if you're feeling adventurous. Let's bring the heels all the way together.

Whoo, my feet are pretty turned out. Knees over the second toe, tailbone under, so my back is not arch. Push through the heels, zip up, up, up, and bend the knees. And you wanna make sure you're squeezing evenly, otherwise the circle will go flying out. I've seen it happen before and it's not pretty.

And bent, one more time, zip up and hold it for our pulses and zip up one, two, all the way together, four, tailbone, sit bones, draw together, seven, eight, nine, 10, 20, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four. It burns, three, two, one and rest, whoo, take the legs. Circle out of the legs, shake it out a little bit. Now turn the feet, so they're only a fist distance apart, heels together, toes apart. Now imagine you had that same magic circle in between your knees, bend your knees press through the outer edge of your heel.

And you're gonna zip up and feel as if you're lifting, you're using your feet to pull the mat, uplifting through those inner thighs. Bind that same work, lift the arms up shoulder height a and squeezer circle and let's pulse one, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and hold it. Press through the heels, lift the arms up. Beat one, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 lower all the way down over the thighs. And one, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10.

Let's do traveling beats and one, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and down, two, three, four, push through the heels, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 and up, each out. I'm gonna show you the side view. So watch that as you're doing these beats, your back as not arched, your tailbone has lengthened down and you're pulling up through the inner thighs. My remains open. One more time, beat one, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, down, two three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine 10 and hold it there.

From here, let's take the circle behind. Reach your fingers back. Do a shoulder roll, stretch your fingers towards the floor. Pull your stomach in and press hold. It might not move, but you'll still feel the work and try to draw those triceps together.

Tailbone under zip up, squeeze that circle. Hold, hold, hold and release. Squeeze your circle, pull your navel up and in hold, hold, hold, release. One more time, reach down, triceps draw together, chest goes forward and up. Hold, hold, hold, now stay here lift the arms up one, up two, up three, just the triceps, lift four.

Try not to move the body, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, hold it, hold it, hold it and rest. And very, very good work. And that concludes our magic circle torture. I mean, mat of the day. Thank you so much for joining me.


Federica A
3 people like this.
"Magic circle torture" very appropriate!
Great class as usual, my inner thighs are begging for mercy
I found the handles of the circle very uncomfortable when at my knees, even though I had them higher than my knee bones as suggested... 
3 people like this.
Kudos to Katie for doing a Magic Circle Class with a metal band circle. I am fortunate enough to have one, and i can tell you from experience that it's a lot harder than a plastic one. I have done 100's of Pilates Classes and Katie is one 3 teachers I have seen using one ~ That's Cool:)  Great Class! Hard but doable and lots of fun. Thanks Again Katie.... You are Appreciated:) 
Gala S
2 people like this.
Amazing class! Bravo Katie! Very dynamic, savvy , craftly created . I am happy I discovered Katie today on site.
1 person likes this.
Federica A Thank you for taking class! Please message me about the circle - perhaps it may be the kind of circle or the position you have it placed it. 
1 person likes this.
Gary M Thank you Gary!!! Those bands of steel are no joke :)
1 person likes this.
Gala S Thank you Gala! :)
3 people like this.
Inner thighs on fire! Actually, more like my entire body on fire.  Thank you for the good session. 
Rachael T
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fabulous teaching and when i felt like i had to give up your encouraging voice kept me going!!!!
Federica A
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Katie Yip the brand is DOMYOS, I live in Italy, I think it's an italian brand, maybe it's not a good one?
1 person likes this.
Thanks so much for making me suffer, as KRN would say. That was fab, tomorrow will tell!!!
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