Class #485

Traditional Mat Flow

60 min - Class


Amy teaches a clear, concise class giving hands-on assistance and encouragement to the students in class. Presenting more advanced exercises like Control Balance, Control Front, Kneeling Side Bend Kicks/Circles, and Thigh Stretch, she allows time for her students to make the connections and corrections. This class has a beautiful flow and mainly follows the classical order. Enjoy!
What You'll Need: Mat

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Aug 15, 2011
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So guys, good evening. Let's have you stand tonight and we're gonna. I'm gonna have you stand at the very front of your mat and what kind of a good old class. I know you're very close it. Don't worry, it won't be there for long a cross your arms, one over the other. We're going to go into a kind of a classical Mount down to the mat. Before we do, you can look over each other's heads if you'd like to just put some focus and awareness in your, the center of your body, right into the abdominals, down into your lower back. Pull those two together, front and back.

Want you to feel your legs. Squeeze pretty closely together, your shoulders down your back and just start putting your mind and your energy and your focus in on [inaudible] mat work. So I'm gonna try to give him more of a classical a workout, maybe a few different things here and there. All right, so if your knees feel okay, how many have you cross one foot over the other? It doesn't matter which one. And we try to get down to the mat without too much of a lean back with the body or too much of a reach back with your hips as rather Swift. And there it is. Take your hands down to your mat, just lift your hips and move your hips back.

And then just reach your arms forward guys and roll yourself all the way down. There we go. So I'm going to have you start with your knees bent and your feet flat with a little bit of space. If you feel like your head is not on your mat, you may need to come back in. In fact, yeah, read this. There you go. Alright, so a little bit of breathing here and when everybody, just a nice breath in through your nose and let's focus on the exhale. And I really, really, really want you to exhale as deeply, as firmly, as consciously as you can. Same on the inhalation so that a big expansive filling up of your ribs and your lungs and the exhale to squeeze all of your air out.

You make a big commitment to fill up. And the big commitment to exhale and squeeze the air out. I'm going to have you move your heels closer to you by a little bit. Okay? And again, inhale and exhale like you're trying to really get your back pressed through the mat, not just on it, but through it. Press, press, press, press, press. A couple more.

You have you think about your feet for a moment in the bottom of the foot, your tripod, it looks good here that you've got the even weight on the big underneath your big toe joint, across to your pinky toe and back to your heel is fuel. Those three points of stance. Yes. Yeah. He'll kind of connect down into those feet a little bit more. Okay? Keep that focus going with your breathing.

I want you to raise your arms up toward the ceiling. Palms can face your thighs. Just feel the awareness and put your focus on your shoulder blades back on your mat. Take another breath in. As you exhale this time, articulate up to a bridge. At the same time, you press your arms down, feel your feet, push into the mat, press your arms against the mat also. So I do want you to feel some contact with the back of your upper arm, your triceps, the Palm of the hand. Feel your ribs in your tailbone curled under. So really getting into your center stand firm into your feet.

This is to wake up the back of the legs. Wake up your back. Now tell, start to reach your arms up as the same time you roll your spine back down. Okay. It's something similar to the Cadillac, something called the breathing. So inhale right here. Exhale as you press your arms down, press your hips up. Stand into the feet. Really wanting to get the wake up in the back of the legs. Day there. Inhale, and let's roll down. As you exhale, reaching your arms up.

Feel that contraction in your exhale. Okay. Wide chest. Inhale, I'm doing a little different breathing than on the Cadillac. Exhale and arms down. Same time your hips are pressing up. You want things to arrive at the same time. Inhale, hold. You knew I was coming over. Exhale, add arms up as you roll all the way down. Okay, two more times. Inhale, so field, it's getting a little connectional, so between your inner thighs, I've got my fist.

Between somebody she squeezing pretty firm, I think she could squeeze more. Inhale, there she goes. Exhale and rolling down. Trying not to lose that better. Tracking for your hip to knee relationship. Let's go one more and exhale. Nice. How firm can you stand in the feet? You aren't going to feel the back of your legs.

I want you to press your hips a little higher. Press your arms from from from. Okay. That same for miss. You're feeling in the back of the arms. You're going to feel in the 100 which is coming up rather quickly. You, here we go. Rule out of this position to keep your arms integrated right there. Take a breath at on. An XCO can do one leg up to tabletop, then the other one and have you go right into the 100 so here we go. Inhale, exhale, arms down, chest up, legs out.

Now as your legs are extended, we're going to go a little classical. So that small palabra is V palati stance. Your feet are just in a little bit of a V shape and the feet are relaxed, the knees are relaxed. What's holding you there is your core, your tummy. Lower your arms a little bit. Here we go to pump and inhale. Three, four, five. Exhale. Three, four, five. Yeah. So as you, you guys count. Okay. Yeah. Keeping the feet soft.

Knees a little soft. Did a reach like crazy towards your partner across from you, rod Necros that chest. So the base of your shoulder blades. Just tickling the mat. Just a little chin down. Almost like you're of a basket of fruit on top of your head, which would be, there's the basket of fruit.

Ten two, three, four, five. Exhale, three, four, five and bring it in. It was probably 12 all right. Hug your knees. Good work you guys. And that makes sense with your head. Okay. Getting ready for the roll up. So arms extended legs extended long and once again, express those legs in together. So as your arms are reaching behind, you know, hollow space underneath your back. Inhale, arms up, head and chest follow. Continue to roll your body up. I'm going to have you go with it tonight.

Reach more again toward your partner and just reach, reach. We want some stretch to come into the hamstrings at the same time you're getting that pulled backward in your belly. Okay, that law of opposition. All right. Now that pullback is what takes you all the way backward to the mat. Keep rounding your low back, articulate bone by bone and we're going again, arms first. Inhale, keep it roll in. Exhale and contract. So as you're going forward, that head goes down again. So again, you keep reaching. I'm going to pull you back. So there's some opposition.

You feel that it's that pull of your abs. Go ahead now to use that to roll you back the other way. So at the very top, sometimes we let go of the work in the belly. We don't want to let that go. It almost want to increase it when we're up there. Again, inhale arms, keep it moving. Exhale and contract.

Reach yourself over your thighs. Good work you guys. Yet. I see a nice C shape. Breathe in. Exhale, roll back. Okay, one more at that slower tempo. We're going to pick it up just a little bit. Keep it smooth. Inhale, arms, head, chest, body, peeling off the mat. How much can you reach forward? I'm going to really try to pull you back in your low belly. Inhale.

There it goes. It's that pool that leads you back. Okay, not losing that quality. Let's speed it up. Four counts up. Here we go. One and two and three. Getting there. Four. Rolling back to three and four again and one again to keep going. Reach, reach, reach and back.

Don't forget the breath. Two more up. Big exhale. Squeeze the air away. And Reid and roll. God you guys. Last one. Inhale. Exhale. Squeeze the air. Air, squeeze and rolling back all the way to the mat. Amp. Pause. Gorgeous. Arms by your sides.

If you need to wiggle forward on your mat, just give it a quick wiggle. We're going to go into rollover. Okay. Or prep for rollover, which should be fine. So I want you to live with that. Your belly first right now, just pin yourself to the mat. Lengthen one leg up to the ceiling first without losing your integration in your, in your middle to your spine.

Lift the other leg straight up to the ceiling. Again, I'm okay with using, having you sense the back of the upper arm onto the mat. Okay, so we know it's the pelvis that lifts up first. Breathe in to prepare. Lift your pelvis. It's your pelvis that rounds your lower back around there. Really reach for what's behind you. You're not going onto your neck. Your sits bones are pointed up to the ceiling. Right near flex your feet. Open your legs to your shoulder with no wider than that. Breathe in here, rolling down your back. Use some leverage with your arms. It's okay, but again, it's that deep curling in of your belly to your spine.

You can re lower your legs down. Swing them in together. Okay, good. Inhale, exhale, hips, spine rollover. Open and flex the fee. Breathe in and rolling down as if you're continuing to reach your heels back. Reach your tailbone, yell, start reaching your tailbone out, out, out low over the legs with a little circle. Inhale, exhale, and hips up. Roll. Reach your hips toward me there.

Now flex your feet. Inhale open. We're not dropping. No yet. Hips. Keep your hips there. Keep rolling down. Now reach your heels toward me. Read. Yeah. Now I'm going to work with you a little bit. Keep going, guys. I'm going to do, I'm not pushing you, but I'm just kind of guiding you a little bit. Take your time. Anchor with your abs, tailbone down and legs together. One more time.

The one year on up there guys is your last one and that's your left. Sit bone a little more around the circle. We go with those legs. Once you come down, just pause for a moment. Demonstrated amazing control. Nice work. You guys lower your left leg please to the mat. Keeping your right one lifted.

They could just a quick check. The leg can be, again, the foot can be soft. The knee can be a little soft. Anchor your whole core ribs low back to the mat. We're taking our leg circles. Cross to your left. Inhale. Exhale around in. Stop at the center. Cross. Exhale. Stop at the center. There we go. Cross [inaudible].

You know these exercises so well don't forget the quality of breathing. Okay, that was our five other way. [inaudible] do you really do want to squeeze your air [inaudible] and good choice to make your circle smaller. If you're rocking a little bit, lower that leg straight down. That was your five. Now reach your left leg straight, long, long, long, long. And then up like you're painting the wall and up to the ceiling. Okay, and then once again, just soften the foot a little bit. Put the energy in your core, your ribs down, your belly flat. Here we go.

Cross to your right. Rounding up cross the circle is the thigh bone in your socket and your hip socket. It's not around in space, it's not on the ceiling. It's back in the back of your hip. Okay? I think that was your five other direction. [inaudible] looking for quiet, stable hips.

So you may need to make it a little, little smaller. Just a little smaller. Yeah, go in your tummy. Here's your fifth one. Keep that leg nice and straight again as you lower it down, make it longer, longer, longer, longer. Okay. Guys transitioned up to rolling like a ball. I realize what's about to happen because this, your heels are probably going to grab the mat a little bit, but what I want you to do actually go back down is a PO. Yeah, head and chest can come up, but pull your heels in towards your abdomen, arms around, just hug right into your ball shape and just stay right there. So right away, putting your core into the work there. Head down.

Let your knees be a little bit open so that you've got some room here. Maybe your cheekbones can get in there. The only way to get in there is by rounding your spine. Oh, we don't want to pull with the arms. Okay. You can have one hand on either ankle or cross the hands on your ankles, which is a little harder. Okay? Again, the reason we roll back is the contraction of the tummy. We inhale back to the shoulder blades.

Exhale up and balance like you're balancing on a slippery rock. Just right there and again, rolling back. [inaudible] me, give you a tempo. Three counts back. One, two, three and up to three and back and up and back and up. Two more. Beautiful. Last one to three and up to three.

Absolute stillness whole there. Excellent guys. Transition hand to your right shin, right hand a little longer to your ankle. Left leg long from the hip. Elbows out. Let's get ready for single leg stretch and that fabulous set of five. Roll yourself back. Get there with pausing on your shoulder blades.

Focus forward. You're still balancing that basket of fruit on your heads. Your Chin's gonna drop a little bit more for Reed than you girls cause you yet. He's still there. It goes. Use your abs a little more. Read to come up here. Tuck your chin down there. Oh, lock that in. Don't change a thing. Let's go ahead and change legs tonight. Exhale, and we change and change and change.

Think about maybe this whole series of five that you might be doing this on a balance beam or a tight rope even when it changes tempo. Here we go. And a one and a two and a three. Four reach the leg, reach the leg, and seven watched the chin a nine last one. 10 hold in both elbows, both knees in double leg stretch. Now go ahead and open up and reach. Arms should not go farther for me tonight. Then your ears. So bring your arms forward a little.

Now what I do want you to do is sync your abs down. Anchor that mat. Now open your arms around. Bring those shins in. Exhale. Okay, focus on the exhale. So squeeze, squeeze, squeeze. You're not done. Squeeze it, squeeze it, squeeze it. And there we go. And there's more in there. Two more guys. More than you usually do. It's quick. Feel what that change might feel like an exhale. Any one more for good measure in head stays steady. Yes, Rachel Ann around. Okay. Now if you feel ready, let's take our right leg up.

Left leg is going to reach out and down and tonight up. Yeah, you can go ahead and let it come down almost to the mat. If it's down there, it's not really dropped in and heavy. It's just hovering right focus the reach from that hip through this foot trying to meet your partner. Drop your tail. Okay, now use your upper belly and get up off those shoulder blades a little bit. We're going to breathe right now and then now under double pole. Here we go. One, two, change legs. [inaudible] it's your exhale time, press, press [inaudible] keep it going. Yeah, squeeze.

Hold your head here and I'm not pushing on your head. I'm just touching right and four. There we go. And three, two beautiful guys last and now bring that bottom leg up to join the top leg, layer your hands one and then the other behind your head and soft feet. Soft legs. Inhale, two 45 low belly. Exhale and lift. Let's give a little dynamic on the up. Slow down and slow down. Big exhale without moving the upper body. [inaudible] one more time. You guys are working. Exhale. Now cross towards your right to that right knee. Comes in, left leg, reaches away again and it'll lift you just a tiny bit and we don't want to be resting on that shoulder blade. It's too easy. Curl a little more.

Check that out on the other side. Just squeeze like crazy guys. You're ringing out your w that rag 10 changes tonight. Little quicker and one and a two and elbows wide. Elbows wide and six. Good read. Meet the back corner with that elbow back corner nine and 10 take a little breather. Rest. Excellent. You guys good? Good, good.

Okay. Sorry. No one will too much resting. Come on up. Let's just get ready for spine stretch forward and we're going to do a little, if I'm a spine stretch forward, I'm gonna add a little arm circle pattern with it. The arms are going to go from, once you round forward, you'll reach the arms up alongside the ears and just get a little, it kind of feels a little bit like some rowing maybe from the reformer. So as you're reaching forward, lift inside, like you've got to set a helium balloons. Maybe right inside your middle and just your lift. There you go. You're lifted.

Palms can face each other is fine. Sit very tall on your butt bones, so your button might be engaged. Breathe in. Here we go. XLS the head first, and you round your upper back and your around your middle back and you're back to that same kind of opposing force right now. Reach your arms up as you start to restack your spine lift. There was a helium balloons inside your body and then arms are going to go all the way around, down and forward. Inhale, exhale, C curve, beg C curve. Now as you start coming up your spine, your arms are coming up toward the ceiling alongside your head, all the way to vertical, spine, up on your sits bones, and then arms around as you lift Haller internally. Arms back up in front.

A couple more. Breathe in, little taller at bless you. EQ sale. She probably use your abs to do that and arms reach forward. Restack lift and arms open. Press your arms down as you circle them forward one more time and breathe in.

Squeeze it out. Exhale. Exhale. Now, arms are coming up with you. Your spine is growing tall. You're up on top of your sits bones. Stay right there. Stay there. No, so again, lift inside as your arms come down towards you, press them down. Use your lats. Use your lats. Use your lats. Use your lats right there. Okay. Open leg rocker. Don't go anywhere.

I would like you to keep your arms reaching forward and that transition we do. Sometimes on an exhale, contract yourself back. Float your legs up, grab your ankles, hold right there. It's a lot harder of a transition than sometimes. All right, soft feet. Again, look straight ahead. We'll see what happens. There are some objects behind you, but you'll, you'll perceive them. Ready, roll back towards your shoulder blades.

Exhale, come up in your balancing on that little rock again, a little Thumbtack, maybe roll back, lift the helium balloons in there and roll back. Kind of visualize some extra elements to connect movement and quality of movement. Again, let's take three more making sure just to get to your shoulder blades. No farther. That's a little momentum. You want to be able to control yourself to the shoulders, that bed or look straight out. Inhale, chess can uplift that chess theory. Go different. One more guys rolling back. Exhale. Let's roll up.

Stay right there and what you just did grew close the legs. Reach your arms towards your toes. Ideally the legs stay right where they are and another breath in. Now articulate back to the mat. Bone by bone. Ideally. Again, the legs have stayed there. Once you feel your head down, bend your knees and rest. Great. I think some are move up on the mat a little cause you're getting kind of far.

Okay, we're going for corkscrew, corkscrew, so legs back up to the ceiling, 90 degrees, squeezing them together. You can have a little turnout with your legs is fine. So again, soft feet, kind of soft knees [inaudible] the strength is more in your rear and your belly. Okay, so like you go to rollover. Inhale, get ready, exhale and up and over the shoulders. Now continue to look straight up. This is that rolling down one side of the spine. And again, I'm going to not have you go too big with it tonight. Think spine.

Don't think about circling the legs. If you can help it, they do it, but don't. Okay, so down your right side of your spine. Enjoy it. Feel the weight distribution come down. Now when you come down to that right hip is a little [inaudible] change. You have a weight distribution to your left.

She goes up over the left side of the spine at the top. It's centered. Now we go down the other way. Let's breathe in halfway down. Exhale, use it to drop the way to the legs and all the way up and overreached with those hips going down the right side. It's tracking your spine. [inaudible] Oh, we're good. Down the left side. Squeeze that air out. Every exhale, your chance to squeeze.

Massage those organs, massage the muscles. One more guys, each side, keep those arms extended. There's some integration in your upper body. Last one. [inaudible] up and over. Now this usually doesn't show up until later, but I like this now. I think this is a great opportunity. It's not for everybody. Listen to your body. If your neck is saying no, no need to do this. It's a control balanced piece. So I would like you to take your arms first around and behind you or up above you onto kind of a bow about hind you and you don't have too good choice.

I would say maybe stay right where you are. Okay. Tuck your toes and put them on the floor. As long as that hasn't rolled you to your neck and it doesn't look as though it has. This is really nice. Okay, now grab hold of your left ankle and hold. Not death grip, but you're holding it. Now we're about to lift the right leg. I'd like you to press the hamstrings and through the glutes and lift your right leg up. And ideally we're pretty vertical with that leg. Um, I have my, my calf behind Elisa's low back and I'm giving her a little bit of assistance so she can reach your pelvis. How's that feel? Good. Affirmative. Yes. There. I'm going to do that with each of you. Now.

Can you bring the other leg up? Meet him at the top before you lower the right leg. You got it. This one's going to stay with me. Good. And grab a whole lightly on that ankle. Took those toes. So now to get that leg a little higher. It's hip extensors, which are glutes.

Yes. All right. Hamstrings. You're, you're toying with control and balance, right? And strength. [inaudible] I want you to telescope your hips up. There we go. All right. Now keep that top leg up lower. Lift the other. You know what I'm saying? There you go. Lower that first one and usually we've had to make a little adjustment.

She's going to read telescope the pelvis. You're going to aim that leg up. Okay. [inaudible] I'm you're, no, I wouldn't do this one for your neck. I would be happy right now if you just did that. Perfect. Okay. Play with it.

Have you changed your legs evenly or do you need to make sure you change evenly? No more than three per leg though. Okay. Lock in your upper belly. You guys really? It's like you're doing the 100 in this position. Strangely enough. That's better, Rachel. Okay, and read. You're fine. Did you roll out of it?

Okay. When you've even yourself out, you can see I've completely lost and engage with watching all of you. If you've done three per leg, I'd like you to then bend your legs over your chest, hug your knees in towards you, and just roll out of that lot of flection in the back. A lot of backwards, so just come down and place your feet down. Fantastic. Okay. We're going to go up to shoulder bridge, which then reignites the back of the body to contract. It sits right there. We've just stretched it so much.

You guys know that so feet flat in line with your sits bones. You've got to have that space. Press your arms against the mat like we had in the warm up. Breathe in and go ahead. Just lift your hips. You're going to have to roll up. Just lift sand into those feet. Okay.

Now extend your right leg forward in line so both knees are together. Cool. Okay. Now I'd like you to live that leg with a pointed foot. Come down with a flex teel and reach through it. Reach through it, reach through it. Three more. Inhale, leg up, flex and low or and lift up. Flex and low or two more. Lift up. Looking good. You guys reach last one and lift. Flex, really chill.

Place that foot down. Hips are staying lifted. Other side. Let me see at first your knees are on the same line. Tailbones under your ribs are in there. Stand firm on your standing leg. Here we go. Leg up, heel goes down. Point come up and reach heel and lift up.

[inaudible] two more. Last one, she placed that foot down please and hold. Interlace your hands behind you or underneath you and squeeze your upper arms together. Like you might have a water balloon up there that you're going to squish and your hands are like this behind. Uh, and put your hands on the mat. Okay? Yeah. And can you straighten your arms? We've been working on that. Okay. Keep breathing. Keep breathing. Keep breathing. So it wouldn't be, maybe you can think hands or here on the mat, but hips are up away from those hands. Yeah. Okay. All right. We breathing.

Cheeks are rosy. This is good. So yes, it's some hyperextension of your back a little bit. I would just put this back into the equation for you. All right now guys, one more breath in. Exhale, release your arms and just let your body roll all the way down. Once you get your pelvis down, let your knees just sway from right over to left. Back again to the right and back against the left. Great. All right.

I would like you to do a roll up to get up to this artist starting position again or the next exercise. So extend the arms long. Integrate your center. Inhale, arms, head, neck and chest. Exhale and Aurora. Round yourselves up. Restack your spine to vertical and let's just keep the arms reaching forward. We go Nunes spine twist. Good. Okay, so as you're in your spine, twist shoulders down. You know that one again, the helium balloons might come back into play here. That lifted you guys from your interior soft feet, but integrated legs. Okay, so again, your that one nice big tall pillar that's gonna turn around at central access in Hill where you are going toward your right for three little pulses of your core, your belly twist, twist and twist. Inhale, return to your left and twist.

Inhale and to the right. And then he'll send her to your, so when that keep going, you guys know what I'm about to say. I think when I see feet slipping a little bit apart, sometimes that's the pelvis also rotating. Most times it is. We want to rotate above the pelvis. So pelvis is still, that's better. Pelvis is anchored. If you're above it, twists and see if you've corrected it without my hands and yeah.

Hello. I know your mind. Feels it. One more each side and nice left and that's some good work you guys. All right Brittany, arms up, take a nice stretch over your legs and just take, you know, maybe three to four deep reward. Reward yourself with a stretch. Ah, your mindset for some back pieces, you're going to come down and onto your tummy. So sweep your legs. Once you roll up, sweep your legs to your right or left. Ooh, that's beautiful.

Sweep around. Land on your tummy. Place your hands right underneath your shoulders, legs together. Again, lift your tummy up so that you fill up this lumbar with support. You've just embraced your curve, right? You've lengthened and supported it. Now here's your hands are down.

I'm gonna just gonna move you a little bit there. Now I can see more of your neck. Okay. Awareness and strength right here. And the signs of the back stomach is engaged. Good. If you can squeeze your heels together now, reach through the crown of the head. Inhale, begin to lift your, your head and your chest up.

If you start like that, let's play with this and then begin to co up to your Swan or where you want to take your Swan. Okay, so I know your shoulders like to elevate. I want that. See how good your again. Wow. Okay. Pull that T. tell me up. Now when you start coming down, you guys, your elbows can bend back, reach your chest forward to the person in front of you. You are reaching, extend, extend, extend, extend. All right, and we go again. It's this fantastic, nice changes and you're lengthening up without locking those elbows. You've got that really good strong extension through the top of your head.

And we come down, ah, full breath to get us up. [inaudible] well, breadth to get you down. Just going to stabilize your upper arms here. They're going to feel your triceps tomorrow. One more coming all the way up. No, that's not your number one goal.

I'm gonna let you either Swan dive fully or, all right, if you're doing your dive, maybe sweep the arms forward and up rather than out to the tee tonight. Okay, five. Here you go. There's always a daring person who goes first. Hamstrings, back muscles, hamstrings, back muscles. Last one. There we go. Catch your hands underneath you and then bring your body down. Nice choices you guys and come up and come in. Make a cat back. Make a cat back. In fact, go back. And do that again.

Couple everybody back down. Make the transition something more meaningful than just, Oh God, I'm going back to cat back. So as you, it's like a pushup ready and we'll bring your tummy with you. So as you push with those arms at, yeah, your stomach is with you there. It's an exercise or transitions can be the exercise. Breathe in a couple times. [inaudible] fill up that lumbar.

Okay, we're going to go back into a sitting position facing each other for your neck, pole, neck, pool piece. Okay, so again, uh, late. Let's go legs together. Flex the feet, really flex them. And I will again want you to lay one hand and then the other hand rather than interlaced tonight. Yeah, and it's again, right behind your skull. Feel the bones back there. Okay. And good.

And it's your head that reaches into your hands can stimulate some of the back muscles. You should feel that all of our eyebrows go up too. It's kinda neat. Shoulders go down. Heavy helium balloons inside, but squeezed. Now we're going to hinge back. Find your hindering point on an inhale. Everyone's different. When you feel like you're going to lose balance, tilt your hips under. Exhale, roll back. Remember, don't get too comfy back there. Inhale up. Exhale. Now round forward. There's that opposition.

Keep around and keep around and keep rounding and roll back up nice and tall and not pulling on her head. I'm just helping her lifted a little. Stretching the neck muscles right here at the base of the skull. Inhale, begin to hinge. Exhale and flex your abdominals in your spine. Inhale up. It's too easy for you. Exhale, keep rounding over. Well, round, round. Okay, and roll back up to sitting tall.

Inhale, doing a great job of keeping your elbows wide. You guys, when you get down there, I'm going to have you think this. Inhale, chest lift. Exhale, keep going. Keep going. Round, round, round, round. Squeeze it, squeeze it, squeeze it, hand roll up. One more time. Keep going right into your back. Hinges, back control right away. Inhale, chest lift. Exhale you to stay round, round, round, round, round. Better Reed. Stay there guys. Stay there. Stay there. Breeden and keep reading. Another opportunity to squeeze your belly. It wouldn't be out of the question. Think your, your forehead would be on your thighs or your knees, not by pulling your head. It's not your arms pulling your head.

It's the tummy contracting. Those abs contracting. You're back enjoying the stretch, getting farther into the curve. Okay. And now roll up slowly so that you don't get too dizzy. That's a lot of oxygenation. Lower your arms down. Swivel back around onto your tummies for single leg kick, double leg kick elbows right underneath your underarms.

Place your hands flat or palms up. Palms up. Little more challenging in my opinion because you've got a few different places of rotation going on. So use your upper arms at your shoulders, right that are in our external rotation. Tap us into the lads and those middle back extensors, right? And then from the elbow to the wrist where palms up.

It's another set of rotation. Now again, we want our belly up. This is a pelvic stability exercise as much as hamstring strengthening. Now if you can squeeze your heels together to start, just bring your legs closer together. So well, I think you're sinking a little. So think of Uber, assessing your elbows against the mat a little bit and lift your upper body higher. Well, so my Q didn't work. That's okay. Can these come down? You're back there.

Okay. I know it's a lot of work. Thanks for can just sing with it. Does that feel any different? Make a bigger deal about what I'm doing? Yeah, so I feel that tip of your shoulder blade right here, I want that tip of the blade to go back down. Maybe one more rib, right that corrected. Now more stomach up, right read. Hold that. Inhale through your nose. Exhale, right heel toward the buttock and kick. Kick. Lower the leg down. Other side kick kick. Lower the leg down. Kick, kick, lower down, kick, kick. So all of this remains stable. We are trying to get our heel toward our buttock.

But if you're feeling any of that knee strain, you don't go that far. I want you to keep your hips very steady. Maybe the basket of fruit is back on the head. Look straight ahead. Yeah. Beautiful. Elongate up through the crown. Use those back muscles. Your in a back bend. Formal, or here's one and two and three and four, and lengthen your legs and hold right there. Your legs are still integrated.

Okay. Now lower down. Put your right facial cheek against mat. And once again, um, you can softly integrate your fingertips together or you can stack one hand over the other. Bring those hands up to the small of the back or higher. We're also though looking for elbows to the floor. Very important. Elbows to the floor. It's for the different, it's an internal rotation of the upper arm. We need that. We've just an external, we need some internal. Okay.

Now are you really relaxed in your neck? [inaudible] I know some nights I ask myself, am I really when I'm laying there? Okay, breathe in through your nose. Heels. Two buttocks, three kicks. Here we go. And kick. One, two, three. Body comes up. Like last week we worked on this. Relax your legs as they're reaching back, but integrate and isolate. Mid back is gonna pull. It's like there's a parachute pulling her back here. Okay, turn to the other side. Repeat it. Exhale. Squeeze. One, two, three. Reach your legs. Back. They can relax as your arms.

Reach right from here. If I could pull you, I'm not gonna pull you, but you're reaching to me from here. Yes, other side. And we go, one, two, three. Inhale, reach. Spin it. A full breath right there. Here's the pillow of the parachute strings. Pool, pool, pool, lift, lift, lift, lift. Yet again, the other side. And one, two, three. Inhale, stretch. Once again, each direction you guys an exhale. One, two, three. Inhale and reach last time. Exhale, N one, two, three. Inhale and stretch your bellies up. Looking right down at your mat.

Strength and isolation from the middle back to go up, up, up, up, up, and everybody rest. Okay. Once again, hands are going to go by your chest. A meaningful transition to cat back. Here you go. Stomach little comes with you. Yeah, that's better. Once again, rounding your spine. You can actually shift your weight back toward your heels a little if that feels good too. So again, Joyce and breathing [inaudible]. I'm have you more next into the front support or long stretch position.

So place your hands on the mat right underneath your shoulders and get yourself set with your toes tucked back behind you. All right and feel solid in your stance. Solid in your legs. Your glutes are engaged, your inner thighs are pressed to the midline. You're feeling like you're efforting, a push away, the mat and the floor away from you. As you lift your upper body a little bit to the ceiling, you're not changing your spine shape.

It's just almost like there's a magnetic force above you that's helping pull you up. You're staying just like that. Okay. Now I'd like you to lift your right leg a couple inches off the floor. That buttock is still squeezing. You're pulling yourself forward on an inhale over your wrists a little more. Exhale, push back just slightly. We do two more.

You're traveling on a horizontal plane, front and back. Just travel forward, not down and back and set your foot down. We'll do the other side. Yeah, it's really just like, Hmm. Not down and up. Ready, left leg at pull forward. If I had a support, support, da belt wouldn't let you drop. Pull forward. Let her read.

Yup. Okay, please. Step foot. All right, and lift your hips up. Just give a nice hips, a hamstring stretch. Take some good deep breathing. A lot of breath tonight, guys is good. Can I do this? Yeah. Okay. Might feel better if I go from that side a little bit.

All right. I know your hands are sweating on these mats, I think. Now I want you to come back down to that support position. Squeeze your legs together again. Soften those elbows. If you have it available to do one or two pushups here, give it a go.

Don't push it. If it doesn't work for you, it's an elbow bend. That's it. Two is plenty. Come down with control. Back into arrest pose all the way back. You're going to just pass through that. Alright, and then it come up onto your knees facing each other. Nicely done. You guys keep breathing. I'm gonna have you do a chest expansion.

This is from the reformer and some of the other pieces of equipment. Arms by your sides, like thumb, right by the side of your, of your thigh. Your knees can have a little space between them and how you're bearing weight on your knees does matter. A lot of times people will get out there and we'll have a little weight on the outside edge of the knee. We want to really center it so your, your tracking is correct. If we were to do something from here, but it's almost like there's a tiny bit more weight to the inside edge of the knee. It should kick on your inner thigh and that relationship into the back of the thigh. Okay, so lift that center more helium balloons, Rachel, that makes a big deal for you. There's like this, this thing that happens, okay? Palms facing back, shoulder blades down your back and want you to inhale and move the arms behind you. Hold your breath. The air is in the lungs.

Now turn your head, look over your right shoulder turn. Look over your left shoulder, back to facing a center that exhale your arms high return. Inhale, press back. You're filling up those lungs. Hold your breath. Turn your head right. It's a neck. Turn your head left center and exhale your arms center again.

Inhale, press. Turn the head right. Turn the head left. Turn the head center and exhale. Three more. Start turning left. [inaudible] hold the breath. Turn left. Good turn right head center.

Exhale the arms to your hips. I'm just keeping those shoulders down. Two more presses. This is still abdominals. I want your hamstrings. Contract did look center arms return last time. Good. You guys turning left turning right.

This is some good form and center and arms return. Bring your arms forward this way. All right. This is thigh stretch from the mat or the reformer. Okay, so thigh stretch, nothing in this little area of your, what does H S important area of your body should shift? It's a weight change right now. You're on the top of your knees to stretch your thighs.

We need to change the weight and you want to lean your weight back. Think neck, pull that first piece of neck pull where you're going back. If you start to feel anything funny in your knee, you don't go too far to get up. It's thigh strength. Okay. Again, what happens if you go a little wider shoulder blades down there? Okay. It is really like the first part of Nick pole. Now when you're going backward, I'm going to say for the us, hyper mobile people lock in those, lock in your belly more.

Okay, two more repetitions in heel. This is quad strength. Exhale, inhale back. Keep calling. Exhale coming up and once again come down onto your hands and stretch your feet behind you. Yeah, I'm just saying someone did that as if he's done it before. No, he's, he got the quad string. Okay. Take your hand. That's closest to me. Put it next to the other hand. Okay, then then turn. You're going to pivot.

That's correct. Into your side plank position. Does the side plank. All right. Now the top arm. Let it be strong. Now if I come over and try to wiggle your top arm, don't let me, right? You've got your left from from from from now. That top arm, let's turn back to facing front. Front support. That hand goes to the mat. Step that hand across your back in your regular long stretch position.

Other direction. Han pivot, look forward, look out, look out, see something beautiful like the ocean that we sometimes see. Now let me move this arm solid, solid, solid. All right, that arm goes back down onto the mat. Whole body is integrated to do these. The weight changes in these pivots. Let's do it again. Each side, hand, body. There we go, better read and then top arm pivots down. Other hand moves across. One more.

This is some agility in a strange kind of way. How quickly and qualitatively can you shift your weight? Rib cage last. See it never goes away. And then again face down. Nicely done you guys. And then you can just simply bend your knees to the mat.

But I want you to stay on your knees but facing front this way, arms up some kneeling, side bend. All right, so here we are. Bodies long or an arms are open. Same cube at the weight distribution. This should be active. Okay, now you're taking your body to your right. We're all gonna go that way. Start to lean now as you go over, just stretch your leg out to the side on the mat first. Okay. Your top hand can go onto the back of the head and we're going to look for a nice straight line of this elbow to the ceiling.

Just like you have a nice straight line from your hip. It's your right hip to your right knee, right stretch. Give me your right hip a little more. That's your left one. You're fine. Yeah. Okay. Give your right hip some. Press this way. So Rita's your bottom hip [inaudible] and then lift that chest up. Okay, excellent. Now when you lift your leg, you guys lengthen it out and up.

Hip height is our goal. We're going to go front and back, flex that foot. We're coming forward and we're going to do a little one and a two and just one stretch back. Flex and come a one and a two and one stretch back. Flex and bring it one and a two and stretch it back. Not losing this line and one and a two. And reaching back.

We've got one more good and a one and a two reaching back in line with your hip and then just set it down for a second. We're not quite done. I've got this good straight line. Lift your sternum there. This tailbone under that there. Okay, that same leg. Can we reach it out again? Three circles. Now they're kind of us like an oval. Come my way. Come in front one little bit up slightly back down like you're carving through clay when the Clay's right here. Reach and carve through. Okay.

That was three other way back up. Forward, down. Get interested in this space that's out in front of your foot and reach into it. I think we're golden there. I've been that knee in and arrest. Nice. You guys. Great focus. Yep. Quads are going to work. Sometimes we've talked about this or quad and our hip flex are going to activate on some of these pieces of movement, so don't worry.

Of course we don't want them to be the only thing. It's the side of the hip there. That should have taken more of the load. Other side we go. Nice. Keeping of the lines though. Okay. Over, let's check it out. So I'm gonna look at you from a side view to, I should've done this on the other side.

It's beautiful as if you're in that nice narrow hallway doing some politeness. Okay. So I would say for read a little more tail under sternum up, you're really getting that. You're really getting that. It's making a lot of sense. Rachel ribs. Let me see your vertical lions.

This won't surprise you. Ah, lower hip. Okay. Long leg up we go. Okay. Flex the heel. We did five and we come from [inaudible] and a front point reach back and come front kick and a kick.

Like there's a penny oughta right here and you're going to kick it and a one and a two and reach to more and a one and a two and a reach. Watch that line. Elbow up. Yes. And, and that's it. Take the leg to the side. Rest it just for a second. Keep this integrated. Keep your breath going. Tailbone, ribs. Okay. And leg up. Three circles through clay. If that works for you. Front up, slightly back down front. Reach to me. Yes, some are good.

And for rent up around and then back back up. Slightly round rib cage doesn't move forward. Last one there she goes around and then the knee and everybody rest. Good. The pin, yadda. I've never used that. That was fun. That made sense. It's fun for me. All right, teaser time. A little, very little different.

Look on teaser. So let's go ahead and lie back. Okay. Most of you do reformer on a very regular basis. One doesn't. That's okay. [inaudible] so you know the regular teas are though something, you know, usually we start with the arms up. I'm going to have you all take your palms face up, [inaudible] and knees. Your knees can be up at table top. Actually, let's go up to tabletop. I'm going to get you there. Okay. And poems are face up.

Now if you know your reformer work, this would be your hands are getting ready. You're in the straps and you're getting ready to scoop your arms up. Okay? So all it's going to be read is the arms go like that, right? Kinda simple. Yeah. But you can really get a lot in. Maximize your lat work just even in the position that you're set in right now.

Alright. I, our goal is a smooth articulation up to the teaser position. Let's go ahead and go scoop, scoop, scoop. Oh my gosh. It was perfect. Look straight ahead. You said belly is that belly use? The belly arms can go up. I didn't think they were going to, but you did it and then roll back with the same precision and control.

These can come into table. Let's go again and scoop. It's like you're scooping through some water. Suddenly you're throwing it up above your head. This is gorgeous. Lift, lift, lift. Now rolling down. Nice read. You got it. So I'm loving the quality's nice and slow. Can we just give it a little like rhythm ready anda forward and up and back and all the way down to more and scoop and reach up and cruel in.

Pull into your tummy. Roll back last one and scoop and reach up and roll in an all the way back. Beautiful. Just to change the pace. This low ones are Gore. We know they're important and good. Sometimes there's a little laborious and it can be harder.

I think fluidity can really help us. They're nice. You guys flip over to your tummies again facing in swimming. I just did the water reference in the teaser there, so we're going to use it again. Yeah, reach the arms forward. Legs are extended behind you and you're telling me is your up off the mat. All right. Pull your legs closer together. Often in our swimming, they start drifting apart.

We want to keep strengthening toward our center line. Ready. Arms can come up, legs can come up, torso can come up. Everything is up. Chin's not up there. And here's your rhythm, the opposite arm and leg in the paddle. And now stretch from your hips so that your knees don't bend. We shouldn't see a bent knee in the house. 10, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one. Hold. Reach a little higher and everybody come down and arrest. All right. Place those hands. One more time. Right underneath your chest.

One more meaningful transition to go up and back into your rest pose. Couple of breaths. [inaudible] mentally ready for the seal. All right, so up we go. Good. Sitting on your sits bones.

Clap those hands. I mean we know what hands go underneath the heel and come right on top of the ankle. Just once again going into some steadiness of thought and your balance on the back of the sitz bones. Your in your round back, pulling into your low belly. Here you go, guys, roll back to the shoulder blades. Come up and do the little clap, clap, clap at the feed in a one and a two and a three roll back. Roll up and a one and a two and a three more rhythm. You can clap on the back. Back. One, two, three, up. One, two, three.

Back. One, two, three. Up to three and back and up. Keep the curve back to your chew and up and roll. Ah, so it's a Kirk. Keep going. There's a curve back that never, we never really see a change in the curve at all. It's just round like a ball going back and forth. You know the idea of one more time back, come up and balance.

It's an honest one. Sets your feet down. Yes. I want you to put your hands back behind your knees. Pull on the back of your legs and open up the front of your chest. Kind of open up your heart region a little bit. Open up in your torso and your collarbones and just be there.

And to some extension in your upper back down there. It's the spine, not so much our head that extends. Yeah. Okay. I'm gonna do one last piece of movement and that is the push up from standing. You don't have to do pushups. You can walk out and hold your long stretch. Okay?

So come on up to standing position guys, walk to the back edge of your mat legs together. Let's take a nice breath in where you are. And here we go. Round, you know over walk out in four steps and we've got one and a two, three or they're on for three pushups if you're going for it. And one push bend push. When you're going down, your stomach doesn't hang out per ass. Now lift your hips up, walk your hands back to your feet. And for two, three, and four. Roll yourself up.

Just getting there. Take another breath in. Going right back over you guys. Beautiful class, beautiful class tonight. Lots of great fluidity. Walking on it for two pushups or just hold your plank. You can be satisfied with your hold. Bend the elbows back. That's it. Push the earth away. Lift your hips, walking back. Four steps. One, two, three and four. Head drops. Roll up from the stomach. Zip up through those legs. We got one more.

Inhale and exhale. Ah, yup. Walking out. So yeah, everybody really strong attention to detail. Concentration, focus. One, push up. We had lots of precision and flow walking back. Incredible breathing. And I do want you all just to stay right there forward.

Let that head go. Test it. Make sure you're not holding onto your neck, your weight isn't back on the heels. If anything's that slightly forward over the bowls of the feet and enjoy a nice eight. Count to roll up. Here we go. One to take all the counts. Three. Yeah. Or there we go. Five, six, seven. And you guys are done.



Nice classic session...esp loved tempo on RLB,, transition to OLR, leg sweep to Swan Prep, side plank sequence, and arm variation on Teaser! Thank you thank you thank you!
Hi Jennifer! Thank you so much. I tend to love a 'one-two-three' count on rolling back and open leg rocker....I enjoy a tempo and rhythm. Glad you enjoyed class!:)
Also loved the transition into open-leg rocker as well as arm positions in teaser. Great class... thanks for the workout!
Terri....thank you for taking class and giving me feedback. I value people's responses and apprecatiate you taking the time to give your comments.
I love the personal attention you gave your class today. I find that the advice that you give them can also apply to me in many ways; and I make the necessary corrections as well. As always, great workout from an awesome instructor!
Hi Valerie....thank you! As you can see by most of my Mat classes on PA, I typically do class with my students. This class gave me the opportunity to get my hands on them a little more and they really enjoyed it! They always say "it's a much more challenging class when you walk the room Amy, you don't miss a thing". I try not to!!! Glad the advice and corrections were helpful to you as well.

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