Class #5778

Stomach Massage Flow

10 min - Class


Objective: This flow focuses on creating stability while the spine is in movement, connecting to the center of the body while introducing challenging scenarios.

Important Cues: Emphasize maintaining core engagement throughout the flow, guide clients to find stability in various spine positions, and encourage the use of a sticky pad for added grip and support during challenging movements.

Recommended Springs: Begin with 1 heavy spring, then progressively add more springs as the flow advances to increase resistance and challenge, allowing for a gradual build-up of strength and stability in the stomach massage exercises.
What You'll Need: Reformer (No Box)

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Hi. I'm Maria, and we're gonna be building a stomach massage flow. Primary focus here is gonna be maintaining stability of your trunk, sometimes inflection, sometimes in a neutral position, plus a little bit of footwork. The foot bar is down Leone level lower than you would usually do, in your footwork series. We're gonna start on 1 heavy spring, but we're gonna add springs as we go. And then you might notice the famous sticky pad.

Is on the machine. So come on to your back to begin, and this is just really to set up where your hips are gonna go. As you lay down, I want there to be space between the shoulder blocks and your shoulders. The feet go to first position Stretch your leg straight. Notice the machine is really light. The hands come to the ceiling.

Take a breath in, and on an exhale, we're gonna begin with a roll up, peeling all the way up and way far forward. Stay here. Really feel the belly button pressing into the lower back. Lower back pushes back behind you from here. That squeeze the carriage in as tight as you can. And now using your abdominals, press the carriage out.

Machine is very light. So this is just for you to build that awareness of how you can move yourself from the center of the body, which often confuses people. Stay right here. The legs are straight. Beginning at the base of the spine. Tuck the tailbone under.

Roll yourself back halfway. So you're in a half roll up. From here, lengthen one arm to the ceiling and pause. Now the hand in front of you sweeps across from you and you rotate and back center. You're going right around that axis you created with that top hand.

The pelvis is absolutely still Two more here. Last time. Lower the hand down. Come on in. Grab the foot bar. Pull your head towards the foot bar.

Drop the head. Just giving yourself a little back stretch. Take the leg straight. Take the arms off. You're back in that roll up position. Tuck and roll back without slouching, without compressing.

The other arm goes up. Feel length through the crown of the head. Heels are high. And now we rotate up right around that axis, really feeling the motion of the rib cage on both sides, crown of the head lengthening up, and you're using your breath here to facilitate this last time. Bring the hands back forward. Roll yourself up.

Bring the carriage in. And take a stretch. From here, add Leone spring to the machine. And you might wanna put your feet down to do that, but if you can keep your feet on the foot bar, that would be great. The feet are back in your first position.

Option to keep the arms out where they were or now bring them traditionally to the edge of the carriage. Start in very tight and now moving yourself out and in from the abdominals and now they inner thighs. Are gonna begin to help us move. Try to keep those heels up. Last time like this, stay out, and without changing anything at all, lower one foot off the bar.

And now we come in and out just on that single leg. And so we've already built the layering of abdominals to leg. So you're not just punching out from that knee. There is a connection to the center of the body, and you're getting that carriage in all the way. Put your 2 feet back on the bar, remove the other foot. And, again, you might opt to have the hands here on the edge of the carriage.

And you're using your hands to pull your head out over your foot. Notice the alignment of this knee goes right out to the shoulder. Don't shortchange it. Try to make it in all the way. Last one here.

2 feet back to the bar. From here, straighten your spine, lift the arm straight up, getting tall, tall, tall. The heels lower. You open the arms. You exhale to lift. Inhale.

Taking that stretch and lifting up. Inhale and exhale. Some of you might lift the chest. If you're overwhelmed by that, don't do it. Inhale. And exhale. Last time, inhale.

And exhale bring the carriage in Open the feet right to the edges, and the legs are gonna be very parallel now. Take the leg straight, drop the heels down. Rotate one direction, lifting the chest, lifting the crown of the head, come back center, other side, lifting the crown of the head and center, feeling that rotation both directions. Last time, And now let's be more traditional. Bring your fingers behind you.

Bring your feet back to first position. Hold yourself as upright as you can. Bring the carriage in. As far as you can, the hands come off. We street, and then we rotate and we come in right back out to and in. And you are trying to get that carriage in as much as you can.

The pelvis will be in a slight posterior tilt and in. Inhale. And exhale. 2 more. Inhale. And exhale. Last one. Lower your feet down to the ledge.

Let's give our hips a little break. The hands come behind you. Step into your feet. Lift your hips up. Take your gaze to the ceiling and lower down. I'm changing my hand position.

Leone more like that. Draw the shoulder blades together. Lift the hips up. That should feel delightful right now on the front of the hip. Moving on. We're gonna add 1 more heavy spring, and we're gonna be more traditional, even more traditional feet to first position.

The hands now to the edge of the machine. You're hugging the carriage in, and now we press the carriage out. The heels lower. We lift, and we come in. We're making sure that we get that carriage in all the way and let's add a little tempo.

So we go out, down, up, in, out, down, up in. Last Leone. From here, take the arms behind you. Maybe fingertips, chest lifted. If it works for you, hands on top of the shoulder blades, you're lifting the chest, same action, out, down, up in. And really enjoy the opening of the chest here, the opening of the shoulders. Make sure you're not leaning on your hands.

We're using the hands to create more openness in the chest and the shoulder. Two more. Last time, come on in 2 feet back to the ledge and let's end with that nice hip opening. And lower. And last time pushing into the feet, sliding the knees forward, and lower down.

And that's the end of our series.


Anna L
Love this flow! Thank you

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