Exercise #1651


2 min - Exercise


Muscle Focus: Abdominals and hips.

Objective: Abdominal, hip, and shoulder strength and flexibility of the hips.

Start Position: Lie on your back. Reach legs on a high diagonal, and roll through your spine, reaching both legs to the ceiling, and bending the knees in towards your chest. Place hands high on back.

Movement: Reach the both straight to the ceiling. Lower one straight leg to the mat as you bend the opposite knee towards your chest. Cycle the legs through five times each leg. Reverse the direction of the legs for five repetitions.

Precautions: Keep pelvis lifted and stable as legs bicycle.
What You'll Need: Mat

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Jan 01, 2011
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The Bicycle. This is a great exercise for developing strength and flexibility of the hips and also strength of the shoulders. It's also an exercise that comes right after the Scissors. So before you attempt the Bicycle, it's a good idea to be familiar with the Scissors. Kristi will bend her knees and lift her feet off the floor and stretch them out on the diagonal.

From there, she'll roll herself over. Bring your hands high up on your back and bend your knees, so that it's easy for you to drop your pelvis over the top of your hands. From that point, stretch your legs straight up towards the ceiling. Take one leg down and one leg towards the body. The lower leg will then bend and reach for the mat.

As that leg comes back up, the opposite leg will reach down. You'll find your Scissors position and then bend the bottom knee. So you just continue to cycle through, using the strength of the lower leg to help support the weight of the pelvis and the hands. Kristi is doing a beautiful execution of this exercise. It can also be reversed.

Again, the focus is always going to be on the lower leg to keep the positioning of the pelvis consistent. When you're ready to come out of the exercise, you bring both legs over your head. Your arms reach alongside you on the mat. And you use your stomach muscles to bring your body back down into the mat. Bend the knees and place the feed down on the floor.

The Bicycle.


1 person likes this.
meredith you are truly amazing!thank you:)
thank you!
1 person likes this.
Meredith Rogers, thanks for such a great demonstration!
1 person likes this.
challenge!!! very great!!
Natalia this exercise is SO challenging!!

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