Total Body Reformer<br>Tracey Mallett<br>Class 5241

Total Body Reformer
Tracey Mallett
Class 5241

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Thank you...great stuff and loved the flow!
Colette C
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I loved this!
Anne N
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This was great- a real workout, thankyou
Sarah M The curtsey is very different for sure, glad you enjoyed!
Faby B
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You are so crazy hahahaha. That's why I like you and your classes Thank youuuuu Tracey Mallett
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Thank you.  This workout was fun and powerful.  I loved your adept programming choices that balanced arm work , hip and leg work and used the box to make some advanced exercises more accessible to the intermediate community. The triceps pull after the planking exercises was brilliant. Also, the  version of 
Snake with the box on the floor is much more accommodating for a tall person, who struggles to fit their length into the space without causing excessive lateral flexion. It’s easier then to focus on the hinging at the hips and the positioning of the thoracic.
Ashley R
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LOVED this class! Fun, creative, challenging, well directed. I must have missed the frog thing that other mentioned on the left side. I don't even recall doing frogs in this workout. Would love more fun and creative challenges like this!
Rosalie C Thank you so great to hear your comments! Most appreciated 
So great to be back to Pilates anytime. Love & miss you Tracey! 
Jacquie W
Thanks, Tracey! Great workout. I will treasure this feeling.
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