Elongating Reformer<br>Courtney Miller<br>Class 693

Elongating Reformer
Courtney Miller
Class 693

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Brilliant!!! Absolutely fantastic! Courtney I love your teaching style and you are absolutely adorable!!! Looking forward to taking all your classes!!
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Just did the class again. It's the gift that keeps on giving!
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I didn't think I could get studio quality workouts at home, but PA has proved me wrong. All of your classes are in my favorites list, and I rotate through them during the week. Your cueing is amazing, and I love the quality of the workouts you give. Thank you!
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Great ideas! :)
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Hello from Hong Kong :)
I just love Courtney'c classes. Super interesting and with clear instructions! I always learn something ... and look forward to each class! Thank you !
Courtney Miller
Thanks everyone! I have some new classes coming out soon on PA and I can't wait to for you to try them!
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Brilliant. One of the best videos I've seen!
Analia A
2 people like this.
Very interesting exercises. As I was taking the class I noticed how there were multiple times how one side was done differently than the first side. Something to practice a bit more. Other than that seems like a good class for a high level clients.
Great class! One of the best ever seen on this web. Loved the rhythm and the variations!!!!

thanks very much!

Thalía Calviño
Courtney Miller
Hi Everyone!! Thank you so much for all your awesome feedback and inspiration!! I have some exciting news!! I will be back on Pilates Anytime Jan 2015 :):) I am thrilled and of course I want to teach what you want to see! So tell me, what style classes would you like me to teach during my next visit? I am so grateful and blessed. Thank you so much for your support and comments! xx
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