Restorative Mat<br>Ruth Alpert<br>Class 1719

Restorative Mat
Ruth Alpert
Class 1719

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Thank you this felt great!
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Perfect for post ride stiff back!!
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Beautiful Roller stretch class.
Awesome! Thank you Ruth. I have scoliosis post surgery and this has worked amazingly on releasing the tightness I carry across my chest, shoulders and upper back.
Rhian - I'm so glad it works for you! I, too, have a slight scoli, and even with a minor one I carry so much tension... hence I put together this series for myself!
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This is a fantastic class Ruth thank you! Feels so great!!
Thank you Ruth..great class. Do you ever get to NJ would love to take class w/ you :)
Sharon - thanks for your comment. I do travel to teach.... are you connected to or know of a studio who would bring me in? If so, let's talk!
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I can't say enough great things about this class. I started the class with a headache and finished with no pain, feeling great! I had no idea how tight my upper pecs were and how this was affecting my body. Thank you for a wonderful hour!
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Thank you so much Marisa - this makes my day! Yes, EXACTLY!
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