Reformer Box Flow<br>Delia Buckmaster<br>Class 4030

Reformer Box Flow
Delia Buckmaster
Class 4030

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This was amazing. I love your cues! Great class. Thank you. 
Great  workout with great instruction!!
Alicia B
Thank you Delia ❤️ Boy did my Right QL need that side stretch!!!!! X
Delia your cueing is so clear!  Loved the triceps at the end -- heading to that new decade too.  :). Thank you for such a fun but challenging class. Loved the different way to use the reformer!
Christine you're welcome! Thank you for taking the class! Jeanne Missey Osgood that was very sweet! Thank you for that! marva you're welcome!! Thank you!
JANELLE , Michael Mary  thank you so much! Jennifer  thank you. Glad it was helpful! lucy so great to hear! thank you! Sue Culley you made my day! Thank you! Eugenia that's so great! you're welcome and thank you! 
iOS thank you! kiersha I am happy to know you loved the athletic approach. Thank you so much! Dorothea and Whitney thank you!!
Nicole Gloria Alicia so great to hear ! Thank you all so so much!! Cindy isn't it the truth!  LOL. Thank you so much!
Excellent class, thank you!
Thank you for a great class!
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